Dans l'un de mes commentaires à une réponse, je me plaignais que je voulais depuis longtemps trouver un moyen d'imprimer tous les chiffres significatifs d'une valeur à virgule flottante sous forme décimale, de la même manière que la question le demande. Je me suis finalement assis et je l'ai écrit. Ce n'est pas tout à fait parfait, et c'est un code de démonstration qui imprime des informations supplémentaires, mais il fonctionne principalement pour mes tests. N'hésitez pas à me faire savoir si vous (c'est-à-dire n'importe qui) souhaitez obtenir une copie de l'ensemble du programme wrapper qui le pilote pour les tests.
static unsigned int
ilog10(uintmax_t v);
* Note: As presented this demo code prints a whole line including information
* about how the form was arrived with, as well as in certain cases a couple of
* interesting details about the number, such as the number of decimal places,
* and possibley the magnitude of the value and the number of significant
* digits.
print_decimal(double d)
size_t sigdig;
int dplaces;
double flintmax;
* If we really want to see a plain decimal presentation with all of
* the possible significant digits of precision for a floating point
* number, then we must calculate the correct number of decimal places
* to show with "%.*f" as follows.
* This is in lieu of always using either full on scientific notation
* with "%e" (where the presentation is always in decimal format so we
* can directly print the maximum number of significant digits
* supported by the representation, taking into acount the one digit
* represented by by the leading digit)
* printf("%1.*e", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG - 1, d)
* or using the built-in human-friendly formatting with "%g" (where a
* '*' parameter is used as the number of significant digits to print
* and so we can just print exactly the maximum number supported by the
* representation)
* printf("%.*g", DBL_DECIMAL_DIG, d)
* N.B.: If we want the printed result to again survive a round-trip
* conversion to binary and back, and to be rounded to a human-friendly
* number, then we can only print DBL_DIG significant digits (instead
* of the larger DBL_DECIMAL_DIG digits).
* Note: "flintmax" here refers to the largest consecutive integer
* that can be safely stored in a floating point variable without
* losing precision.
# ifdef DBL_DIG
sigdig = DBL_DIG;
# else
sigdig = ilog10(uipow(FLT_RADIX, DBL_MANT_DIG - 1));
# endif
# else
sigdig = (size_t) lrint(ceil(DBL_MANT_DIG * log10((double) FLT_RADIX))) + 1;
# endif
flintmax = pow((double) FLT_RADIX, (double) DBL_MANT_DIG); /* xxx use uipow() */
if (d == 0.0) {
printf("z = %.*s\n", (int) sigdig + 1, "0.000000000000000000000"); /* 21 */
} else if (fabs(d) >= 0.1 &&
fabs(d) <= flintmax) {
dplaces = (int) (sigdig - (size_t) lrint(ceil(log10(ceil(fabs(d))))));
if (dplaces < 0) {
/* XXX this is likely never less than -1 */
* XXX the last digit is not significant!!! XXX
* This should also be printed with sprintf() and edited...
printf("R = %.0f [%d too many significant digits!!!, zero decimal places]\n", d, abs(dplaces));
} else if (dplaces == 0) {
* The decimal fraction here is not significant and
* should always be zero (XXX I've never seen this)
printf("R = %.0f [zero decimal places]\n", d);
} else {
if (fabs(d) == 1.0) {
* This is a special case where the calculation
* is off by one because log10(1.0) is 0, but
* we still have the leading '1' whole digit to
* count as a significant digit.
#if 0
printf("ceil(1.0) = %f, log10(ceil(1.0)) = %f, ceil(log10(ceil(1.0))) = %f\n",
ceil(fabs(d)), log10(ceil(fabs(d))), ceil(log10(ceil(fabs(d)))));
/* this is really the "useful" range of %f */
printf("r = %.*f [%d decimal places]\n", dplaces, d, dplaces);
} else {
if (fabs(d) < 1.0) {
int lz;
lz = abs((int) lrint(floor(log10(fabs(d)))));
/* i.e. add # of leading zeros to the precision */
dplaces = (int) sigdig - 1 + lz;
printf("f = %.*f [%d decimal places]\n", dplaces, d, dplaces);
} else { /* d > flintmax */
size_t n;
size_t i;
char *df;
* hmmmm... the easy way to suppress the "invalid",
* i.e. non-significant digits is to do a string
* replacement of all dgits after the first
* DBL_DECIMAL_DIG to convert them to zeros, and to
* round the least significant digit.
df = malloc((size_t) 1);
n = (size_t) snprintf(df, (size_t) 1, "%.1f", d);
n++; /* for the NUL */
df = realloc(df, n);
(void) snprintf(df, n, "%.1f", d);
if ((n - 2) > sigdig) {
* XXX rounding the integer part here is "hard"
* -- we would have to convert the digits up to
* this point back into a binary format and
* round that value appropriately in order to
* do it correctly.
if (df[sigdig] >= '5' && df[sigdig] <= '9') {
if (df[sigdig - 1] == '9') {
* xxx fixing this is left as
* an exercise to the reader!
printf("F = *** failed to round integer part at the least significant digit!!! ***\n");
} else {
df[sigdig - 1]++;
for (i = sigdig; df[i] != '.'; i++) {
df[i] = '0';
} else {
i = n - 1; /* less the NUL */
if (isnan(d) || isinf(d)) {
sigdig = 0; /* "nan" or "inf" */
printf("F = %.*s. [0 decimal places, %lu digits, %lu digits significant]\n",
(int) i, df, (unsigned long int) i, (unsigned long int) sigdig);
static unsigned int
msb(uintmax_t v)
unsigned int mb = 0;
while (v >>= 1) { /* unroll for more speed... (see ilog2()) */
return mb;
static unsigned int
ilog10(uintmax_t v)
unsigned int r;
static unsigned long long int const PowersOf10[] =
{ 1LLU, 10LLU, 100LLU, 1000LLU, 10000LLU, 100000LLU, 1000000LLU,
10000000LLU, 100000000LLU, 1000000000LLU, 10000000000LLU,
100000000000LLU, 1000000000000LLU, 10000000000000LLU,
100000000000000LLU, 1000000000000000LLU, 10000000000000000LLU,
100000000000000000LLU, 1000000000000000000LLU,
10000000000000000000LLU };
if (!v) {
return ~0U;
* By the relationship "log10(v) = log2(v) / log2(10)", we need to
* multiply "log2(v)" by "1 / log2(10)", which is approximately
* 1233/4096, or (1233, followed by a right shift of 12).
* Finally, since the result is only an approximation that may be off
* by one, the exact value is found by subtracting "v < PowersOf10[r]"
* from the result.
r = ((msb(v) * 1233) >> 12) + 1;
return r - (v < PowersOf10[r]);