Je suis conscient qu'il y a déjà BEAUCOUP de réponses à cette question, mais j'ai pensé ajouter ma propre contribution individuelle en JavaScript, qui consiste en deux fonctions - une pour générer tous les k-sous-ensembles distincts possibles d'un ensemble original à n éléments, et une pour utiliser cette première fonction pour générer l'ensemble de puissance de l'ensemble original à n éléments.
Voici le code des deux fonctions :
//Generate combination subsets from a base set of elements (passed as an array). This function should generate an
//array containing nCr elements, where nCr = n!/[r! (n-r)!].
//[1] baseSet : The base set to create the subsets from (e.g., ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
//[2] cnt : The number of elements each subset is to contain (e.g., 3)
function MakeCombinationSubsets(baseSet, cnt)
var bLen = baseSet.length;
var indices = [];
var subSet = [];
var done = false;
var result = []; //Contains all the combination subsets generated
var done = false;
var i = 0;
var idx = 0;
var tmpIdx = 0;
var incr = 0;
var test = 0;
var newIndex = 0;
var inBounds = false;
var tmpIndices = [];
var checkBounds = false;
//First, generate an array whose elements are indices into the base set ...
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
//Now create a clone of this array, to be used in the loop itself ...
tmpIndices = [];
tmpIndices = tmpIndices.concat(indices);
//Now initialise the loop ...
idx = cnt - 1; //point to the last element of the indices array
incr = 0;
done = false;
while (!done)
//Create the current subset ...
subSet = []; //Make sure we begin with a completely empty subset before continuing ...
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
subSet.push(baseSet[tmpIndices[i]]); //Create the current subset, using items selected from the
//base set, using the indices array (which will change as we
//continue scanning) ...
//Add the subset thus created to the result set ...
//Now update the indices used to select the elements of the subset. At the start, idx will point to the
//rightmost index in the indices array, but the moment that index moves out of bounds with respect to the
//base set, attention will be shifted to the next left index.
test = tmpIndices[idx] + 1;
if (test >= bLen)
//Here, we're about to move out of bounds with respect to the base set. We therefore need to scan back,
//and update indices to the left of the current one. Find the leftmost index in the indices array that
//isn't going to move out of bounds with respect to the base set ...
tmpIdx = idx - 1;
incr = 1;
inBounds = false; //Assume at start that the index we're checking in the loop below is out of bounds
checkBounds = true;
while (checkBounds)
if (tmpIdx < 0)
checkBounds = false; //Exit immediately at this point
newIndex = tmpIndices[tmpIdx] + 1;
test = newIndex + incr;
if (test >= bLen)
//Here, incrementing the current selected index will take that index out of bounds, so
//we move on to the next index to the left ...
//Here, the index will remain in bounds if we increment it, so we
//exit the loop and signal that we're in bounds ...
inBounds = true;
checkBounds = false;
//End if/else
//End if
//End while
//At this point, if we'er still in bounds, then we continue generating subsets, but if not, we abort immediately.
if (!inBounds)
done = true;
//Here, we're still in bounds. We need to update the indices accordingly. NOTE: at this point, although a
//left positioned index in the indices array may still be in bounds, incrementing it to generate indices to
//the right may take those indices out of bounds. We therefore need to check this as we perform the index
//updating of the indices array.
tmpIndices[tmpIdx] = newIndex;
inBounds = true;
checking = true;
i = tmpIdx + 1;
while (checking)
test = tmpIndices[i - 1] + 1; //Find out if incrementing the left adjacent index takes it out of bounds
if (test >= bLen)
inBounds = false; //If we move out of bounds, exit NOW ...
checking = false;
tmpIndices[i] = test; //Otherwise, update the indices array ...
i++; //Now move on to the next index to the right in the indices array ...
checking = (i < cnt); //And continue until we've exhausted all the indices array elements ...
//End if/else
//End while
//At this point, if the above updating of the indices array has moved any of its elements out of bounds,
//we abort subset construction from this point ...
if (!inBounds)
done = true;
//End if/else
//Here, the rightmost index under consideration isn't moving out of bounds with respect to the base set when
//we increment it, so we simply increment and continue the loop ...
tmpIndices[idx] = test;
//End if
//End while
//End function
function MakePowerSet(baseSet)
var bLen = baseSet.length;
var result = [];
var i = 0;
var partialSet = [];
result.push([]); //add the empty set to the power set
for (i=1; i<bLen; i++)
partialSet = MakeCombinationSubsets(baseSet, i);
result = result.concat(partialSet);
//End i loop
//Now, finally, add the base set itself to the power set to make it complete ...
partialSet = [];
result = result.concat(partialSet);
//End function
Je l'ai testé avec l'ensemble ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"] comme ensemble de base, et j'ai exécuté le code pour produire l'ensemble de puissance suivant :
Il suffit de copier et coller ces deux fonctions "telles quelles", et vous aurez les bases nécessaires pour extraire les k-sous-ensembles distincts d'un ensemble de n éléments, y générer l'ensemble de puissance de cet ensemble à n éléments si vous le souhaitez.
Je ne prétends pas que cette méthode soit élégante, mais simplement qu'elle fonctionne après de nombreux tests (et la transformation de l'air en bleu pendant la phase de débogage :) ).
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Abacus (sur github) une bibliothèque de combinatoire pour Node.JS, Python, PHP, Actionscript (ps je suis l'auteur)
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@wcm Je n'ai pas trouvé de solution ici pour traiter les lettres en double. Je suis allé de l'avant et j'ai répondu à la question nécessitant les doublons (et nécessitant du C++) :
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Il y a un bon article convaincant avec ce qui semble être une implémentation efficace en C# ici :