Je viens de finir d'écrire mon propre analyseur syntaxique. J'ai essayé d'utiliser divers parseurs trouvés ici, aucun ne semble fonctionner à la fois avec ksh93 (AIX) et bash (Linux).
C'est un vieux style de programmation - analyser ligne par ligne. Assez rapide car il utilise peu de commandes externes. Un peu plus lent à cause de toutes les évaluations nécessaires pour le nom dynamique du tableau.
L'ini supporte 3 syntaxes spéciales :
- includefile=fichierini --> Charge un fichier ini additionnel. Utile pour diviser l'ini en plusieurs fichiers, ou réutiliser une partie de la configuration.
- includedir=répertoire --> Identique à includefile, mais inclut un répertoire complet
- includesection=section --> Copie une section existante dans la section courante.
J'ai utilisé toutes ces syntaxes pour avoir un fichier ini assez complexe et réutilisable. Utile pour installer des produits lors de l'installation d'un nouvel OS - nous le faisons souvent.
Les valeurs sont accessibles avec ${ini[$section.$item]}. Le tableau DOIT être défini avant d'appeler cette fonction.
Amusez-vous bien. J'espère que cela sera utile à quelqu'un d'autre !
function Show_Debug {
[[ $DEBUG = YES ]] && echo "DEBUG $@"
function Fatal {
echo "$@. Script aborted"
exit 2
# This function load an ini file in the array "ini"
# The "ini" array must be defined in the calling program (typeset -A ini)
# It could be any array name, the default array name is "ini".
# There is heavy usage of "eval" since ksh and bash do not support
# reference variable. The name of the ini is passed as variable, and must
# be "eval" at run-time to work. Very specific syntax was used and must be
# understood before making any modifications.
# It complexify greatly the program, but add flexibility.
function Load_Ini {
Show_Debug "$0($@)"
typeset ini_file="$1"
# Name of the array to fill. By default, it's "ini"
typeset ini_array_name="${2:-ini}"
typeset section variable value line my_section file subsection value_array include_directory all_index index sections pre_parse
typeset LF="
if [[ ! -s $ini_file ]]; then
Fatal "The ini file is empty or absent in $0 [$ini_file]"
include_directory=$(dirname $ini_file)
Show_Debug "include_directory=$include_directory"
# Since this code support both bash and ksh93, you cannot use
# the syntax "echo xyz|while read line". bash doesn't work like
# that.
# It forces the use of "<<<", introduced in bash and ksh93.
Show_Debug "Reading file $ini_file and putting the results in array $ini_array_name"
pre_parse="$(sed 's/^ *//g;s/#.*//g;s/ *$//g' <$ini_file | egrep -v '^$')"
while read line; do
if [[ ${line:0:1} = "[" ]]; then # Is the line starting with "["?
# Replace [section_name] to section_name by removing the first and last character
eval "sections=\${$ini_array_name[sections_list]}"
sections="$sections${sections:+ }$section"
eval "$ini_array_name[sections_list]=\"$sections\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[sections_list]=\"$sections\""
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.exist]=YES"
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.exist]='YES'"
variable=${line%%=*} # content before the =
value=${line#*=} # content after the =
if [[ $variable = includefile ]]; then
# Include a single file
Load_Ini "$include_directory/$value" "$ini_array_name"
elif [[ $variable = includedir ]]; then
# Include a directory
# If the value doesn't start with a /, add the calculated include_directory
if [[ $value != /* ]]; then
# go thru each file
for file in $(ls $value/*.ini 2>/dev/null); do
if [[ $file != *.ini ]]; then continue; fi
# Load a single file
Load_Ini "$file" "$ini_array_name"
elif [[ $variable = includesection ]]; then
# Copy an existing section into the current section
eval "all_index=\"\${!$ini_array_name[@]}\""
# It's not necessarily fast. Need to go thru all the array
for index in $all_index; do
# Only if it is the requested section
if [[ $index = $value.* ]]; then
# Evaluate the subsection [section.subsection] --> subsection
# Get the current value (source section)
eval "value_array=\"\${$ini_array_name[$index]}\""
# Assign the value to the current section
# The $value_array must be resolved on the second pass of the eval, so make sure the
# first pass doesn't resolve it (\$value_array instead of $value_array).
# It must be evaluated on the second pass in case there is special character like $1,
# or ' or " in it (code).
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.$subsection]=\"\$value_array\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.$subsection]=\"$value_array\""
# Add the value to the array
eval "current_value=\"\${$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]}\""
# If there's already something for this field, add it with the current
# content separated by a LF (line_feed)
# Assign the content
# The $new_value must be resolved on the second pass of the eval, so make sure the
# first pass doesn't resolve it (\$new_value instead of $new_value).
# It must be evaluated on the second pass in case there is special character like $1,
# or ' or " in it (code).
eval "$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]=\"\$new_value\""
Show_Debug "$ini_array_name[$section.$variable]=\"$new_value\""
done <<< "$pre_parse"
Show_Debug "exit $0($@)\n"
6 votes
Est-ce que l'une de ces réponses respecte les sections ?
0 votes
Notez que tout script qui commence par
est un script POSIX sh, et non un script bash. C'est une distinction importante, carsh
ne dispose pas de fonctionnalités comme les tableaux et les cartes (que bash appelle "tableaux associatifs") qui sont très utiles pour construire ce genre de choses.