Pour une gamme de Comparable
J'utilise les éléments suivants :
public class Range<T extends Comparable<T>> {
* Include start, end in {@link Range}
public enum Inclusive {START,END,BOTH,NONE }
* {@link Range} start and end values
private T start, end;
private Inclusive inclusive;
* Create a range with {@link Inclusive#START}
* @param start
*<br/> Not null safe
* @param end
*<br/> Not null safe
public Range(T start, T end) { this(start, end, null); }
* @param start
*<br/> Not null safe
* @param end
*<br/> Not null safe
*@param inclusive
*<br/>If null {@link Inclusive#START} used
public Range(T start, T end, Inclusive inclusive) {
if((start == null) || (end == null)) {
throw new NullPointerException("Invalid null start / end value");
if( isBigger(start, end) ) {
this.start = end; this.end = start;
}else {
this.start = start; this.end = end;
* Convenience method
public boolean isBigger(T t1, T t2) { return t1.compareTo(t2) > 0; }
* Convenience method
public boolean isSmaller(T t1, T t2) { return t1.compareTo(t2) < 0; }
* Check if this {@link Range} contains t
*@param t
*<br/>Not null safe
*false for any value of t, if this.start equals this.end
public boolean contains(T t) { return contains(t, inclusive); }
* Check if this {@link Range} contains t
*@param t
*<br/>Not null safe
*@param inclusive
*<br/>If null {@link Range#inclusive} used
*false for any value of t, if this.start equals this.end
public boolean contains(T t, Inclusive inclusive) {
if(t == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Invalid null value");
inclusive = (inclusive == null) ? this.inclusive : inclusive;
switch (inclusive) {
case NONE:
return ( isBigger(t, start) && isSmaller(t, end) );
case BOTH:
return ( ! isBigger(start, t) && ! isBigger(t, end) ) ;
case START: default:
return ( ! isBigger(start, t) && isBigger(end, t) ) ;
case END:
return ( isBigger(t, start) && ! isBigger(t, end) ) ;
* Check if this {@link Range} contains other range
* @return
* false for any value of range, if this.start equals this.end
public boolean contains(Range<T> range) {
return contains(range.start) && contains(range.end);
* Check if this {@link Range} intersects with other range
* @return
* false for any value of range, if this.start equals this.end
public boolean intersects(Range<T> range) {
return contains(range.start) || contains(range.end);
* Get {@link #start}
public T getStart() { return start; }
* Set {@link #start}
* <br/>Not null safe
* <br/>If start > end they are switched
public Range<T> setStart(T start) {
if(start.compareTo(end)>0) {
this.start = end;
this.end = start;
}else {
this.start = start;
return this;
* Get {@link #end}
public T getEnd() { return end; }
* Set {@link #end}
* <br/>Not null safe
* <br/>If start > end they are switched
public Range<T> setEnd(T end) {
if(start.compareTo(end)>0) {
this.end = start;
this.start = end;
}else {
this.end = end;
return this;
* Get {@link #inclusive}
public Inclusive getInclusive() { return inclusive; }
* Set {@link #inclusive}
* @param inclusive
*<br/>If null {@link Inclusive#START} used
public Range<T> setInclusive(Inclusive inclusive) {
this.inclusive = (inclusive == null) ? Inclusive.START : inclusive;
return this;
(Il s'agit d'une version quelque peu abrégée. Le code complet est disponible aquí )