101 votes

Boucle qui accède également aux valeurs précédentes et suivantes

Comment puis-je itérer sur une liste d'objets, en accédant aux éléments précédents, actuels et suivants ? Comme ce code C/C++, en Python ?

foo = somevalue;
previous = next = 0;

for (i=1; i<objects.length(); i++) {
    if (objects[i]==foo) {
        previous = objects[i-1];
        next = objects[i+1];


John Montgomery Points 3770

Vous pourriez simplement utiliser index sur la liste pour trouver où somevalue est et ensuite obtenir le précédent et le suivant selon les besoins :

def find_prev_next(elem, elements):
    previous, next = None, None
    index = elements.index(elem)
    if index > 0:
        previous = elements[index -1]
    if index < (len(elements)-1):
        next = elements[index +1]
    return previous, next

foo = 'three'
list = ['one','two','three', 'four', 'five']

previous, next = find_prev_next(foo, list)

print previous # should print 'two'
print next # should print 'four'


Sfisol Points 1

AFAIK, cela devrait être assez rapide, mais je ne l'ai pas testé :

def iterate_prv_nxt(my_list):
    prv, cur, nxt = None, iter(my_list), iter(my_list)
    next(nxt, None)

    while True:
            if prv:
                yield next(prv), next(cur), next(nxt, None)
                yield None, next(cur), next(nxt, None)
                prv = iter(my_list)
        except StopIteration:

Exemple d'utilisation :

>>> my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> for prv, cur, nxt in iterate_prv_nxt(my_list):
...    print prv, cur, nxt
None a b
a b c
b c None


ImportError Points 91

De manière pythique et élégante :

objects = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
value = 3
if value in objects:
   index = objects.index(value)
   previous_value = objects[index-1]
   next_value = objects[index+1] if index + 1 < len(objects) else None


Soda Fries Points 11

Je pense que cela fonctionne et n'est pas compliqué

array= [1,5,6,6,3,2]
for i in range(0,len(array)):
    Current = array[i]
    Next = array[i+1]
    Prev = array[i-1]


Solution très proche du style C/C++ :

    foo = 5
    objectsList = [3, 6, 5, 9, 10]
    prev = nex = 0

    currentIndex = 0
    indexHigher = len(objectsList)-1 #control the higher limit of list

    found = False
    prevFound = False
    nexFound = False

    #main logic:
    for currentValue in objectsList: #getting each value of list
        if currentValue == foo:
            found = True
            if currentIndex > 0: #check if target value is in the first position   
                prevFound = True
                prev = objectsList[currentIndex-1]
            if currentIndex < indexHigher: #check if target value is in the last position
                nexFound = True
                nex = objectsList[currentIndex+1]
            break #I am considering that target value only exist 1 time in the list

    if found:
        print("Value %s found" % foo)
        if prevFound:
            print("Previous Value: ", prev)
            print("Previous Value: Target value is in the first position of list.")
        if nexFound:
            print("Next Value: ", nex)
            print("Next Value: Target value is in the last position of list.")
        print("Target value does not exist in the list.")


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