Existe-t-il une fonction intégrée permettant de convertir le nom d'une couleur en sa représentation hexadécimale ? Par exemple, je veux passer 'white' et recevoir '#FFFFFF'. Je veux vraiment éviter de coder toutes les centaines de si moi-même :)
Trop de publicités?Voici une solution universelle qui fait exactement ce que vous voulez dans tous les navigateurs et qui est 100% programmatique, adieu le tableau statique géant de noms et de valeurs hexagonales !
// Here is the solution tied together as a native String native extension using
// MooTools, though you can implement the same thing in whatever framework you prefer:
var valueMatch = {
'rgb(0,0,0)': { 'black': ' ', 'rgb(0,0,0)': ' ' },
'rgba(0,0,0,0)': { 'transparent': ' ', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)': ' ' },
'#ffffff': { 'transparent': ' ' },
'transparent': { 'transparent': ' ' }
colorFromProbe = function(color){
color = color.toString();
if(!color.match(/^#.+$|^[^0-9]+$/)) return color;
var probe = ($('moo_color_probe') || new Element('textarea', {
'id': 'moo_color_probe',
'styles': {
'display': 'none',
'color': 'transparent'
}).inject(document.body, 'after'));
try{ probe.setStyle('color', color) } catch(e){ return color } //IE throws an error instead of defaulting the style to some color or transparent when the value is unrecognized
var computed = (Browser.ie) ? ieColorToHex(probe) : (Browser.opera) ? probe.style.color : probe.getComputedStyle('color'),
match = valueMatch[computed.replace(/ /g, '')];
probe.setStyle('color', 'transparent');
if((!Browser.ie || Browser.ie9) && color == 'transparent' && (match && match['transparent'])) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
return (computed == 'transparent' || match && !match[color.replace(/ /g, '')]) ? color : computed;
ieColorToHex = function(probe){ // Special IE mojo, thanks to Dean Edwards for the inspiration, his code used a pop-up window to test the color, I found you can simply use a textarea instead ;)
var value = probe.set('value', '').createTextRange().queryCommandValue("ForeColor");
value = (((value & 0x0000ff) << 16) | (value & 0x00ff00) | ((value & 0xff0000) >>> 16)).toString(16);
return "#000000".slice(0, 7 - value.length) + value;
colorToRgb: function(){
var color = colorFromProbe(this);
return (color.charAt(0) == '#') ? color.hexToRgb() : color;
colorToHex: function(){
var color = colorFromProbe(this);
return (color.test('rgb')) ? color.rgbToHex() : color;
Une explication plus complète et un exemple concret sont disponibles ici : http://www.backalleycoder.com/2010/10/05/converting-css-named-colors-to-rgb-and-hex/
Vous devrez vous appuyer sur getComputedStyle(...)
Exemple d'utilisation getComputedStyle
function convertToHexColor(englishColor) {
// create a temporary div.
var div = $('<div></div>').appendTo("body").css('background-color', englishColor);
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(div[0]);
// get computed color.
var computedColor = computedStyle.backgroundColor;
// cleanup temporary div.
// done.
return computedColor;
// The above returns "rgb(R, G, B)" on IE9/Chrome20/Firefox13.
Et pour convertir "rgb(R, G, B)" en #RRGGBB, vous pouvez utiliser :
function convertRGBDecimalToHex(rgb)
var regex = /rgb *\( *([0-9]{1,3}) *, *([0-9]{1,3}) *, *([0-9]{1,3}) *\)/;
var values = regex.exec(rgb);
if(values.length != 4)
return rgb; // fall back to what was given.
var r = Math.round(parseFloat(values[1]));
var g = Math.round(parseFloat(values[2]));
var b = Math.round(parseFloat(values[3]));
return "#"
+ (r + 0x10000).toString(16).substring(3).toUpperCase()
+ (g + 0x10000).toString(16).substring(3).toUpperCase()
+ (b + 0x10000).toString(16).substring(3).toUpperCase();
En s'appuyant sur Réponse de Greg y compris la version grise/gris
ajout d'un drapeau permettant de passer les chaînes non résolues
disponible en tant que gist colorhelpersforcanvas.js
String.prototype.colorNameToHex = function (returnUnresolved) { // color list from https://stackoverflow.com/q/1573053/731179 with added gray/gray
var hexRGB, definedColorNames = {"aliceblue": "#f0f8ff", "antiquewhite": "#faebd7", "aqua": "#00ffff", "aquamarine": "#7fffd4", "azure": "#f0ffff", "beige": "#f5f5dc", "bisque": "#ffe4c4", "black": "#000000", "blanchedalmond": "#ffebcd", "blue": "#0000ff", "blueviolet": "#8a2be2", "brown": "#a52a2a", "burlywood": "#deb887", "cadetblue": "#5f9ea0", "chartreuse": "#7fff00", "chocolate": "#d2691e", "coral": "#ff7f50", "cornflowerblue": "#6495ed", "cornsilk": "#fff8dc", "crimson": "#dc143c", "cyan": "#00ffff", "darkblue": "#00008b", "darkcyan": "#008b8b", "darkgoldenrod": "#b8860b", "darkgray": "#a9a9a9", "darkgreen": "#006400", "darkkhaki": "#bdb76b", "darkmagenta": "#8b008b", "darkolivegreen": "#556b2f", "darkorange": "#ff8c00", "darkorchid": "#9932cc", "darkred": "#8b0000", "darksalmon": "#e9967a", "darkseagreen": "#8fbc8f", "darkslateblue": "#483d8b", "darkslategray": "#2f4f4f", "darkturquoise": "#00ced1", "darkviolet": "#9400d3", "deeppink": "#ff1493", "deepskyblue": "#00bfff", "dimgray": "#696969", "dodgerblue": "#1e90ff", "firebrick": "#b22222", "floralwhite": "#fffaf0", "forestgreen": "#228b22", "fuchsia": "#ff00ff", "gainsboro": "#dcdcdc", "ghostwhite": "#f8f8ff", "gold": "#ffd700", "goldenrod": "#daa520", "gray": "#808080", "green": "#008000", "greenyellow": "#adff2f", "honeydew": "#f0fff0", "hotpink": "#ff69b4", "indianred ": "#cd5c5c", "indigo ": "#4b0082", "ivory": "#fffff0", "khaki": "#f0e68c", "lavender": "#e6e6fa", "lavenderblush": "#fff0f5", "lawngreen": "#7cfc00", "lemonchiffon": "#fffacd", "lightblue": "#add8e6", "lightcoral": "#f08080", "lightcyan": "#e0ffff", "lightgoldenrodyellow": "#fafad2", "lightgrey": "#d3d3d3", "lightgreen": "#90ee90", "lightpink": "#ffb6c1", "lightsalmon": "#ffa07a", "lightseagreen": "#20b2aa", "lightskyblue": "#87cefa", "lightslategray": "#778899", "lightsteelblue": "#b0c4de", "lightyellow": "#ffffe0", "lime": "#00ff00", "limegreen": "#32cd32", "linen": "#faf0e6", "magenta": "#ff00ff", "maroon": "#800000", "mediumaquamarine": "#66cdaa", "mediumblue": "#0000cd", "mediumorchid": "#ba55d3", "mediumpurple": "#9370d8", "mediumseagreen": "#3cb371", "mediumslateblue": "#7b68ee", "mediumspringgreen": "#00fa9a", "mediumturquoise": "#48d1cc", "mediumvioletred": "#c71585", "midnightblue": "#191970", "mintcream": "#f5fffa", "mistyrose": "#ffe4e1", "moccasin": "#ffe4b5", "navajowhite": "#ffdead", "navy": "#000080", "oldlace": "#fdf5e6", "olive": "#808000", "olivedrab": "#6b8e23", "orange": "#ffa500", "orangered": "#ff4500", "orchid": "#da70d6", "palegoldenrod": "#eee8aa", "palegreen": "#98fb98", "paleturquoise": "#afeeee", "palevioletred": "#d87093", "papayawhip": "#ffefd5", "peachpuff": "#ffdab9", "peru": "#cd853f", "pink": "#ffc0cb", "plum": "#dda0dd", "powderblue": "#b0e0e6", "purple": "#800080", "red": "#ff0000", "rosybrown": "#bc8f8f", "royalblue": "#4169e1", "saddlebrown": "#8b4513", "salmon": "#fa8072", "sandybrown": "#f4a460", "seagreen": "#2e8b57", "seashell": "#fff5ee", "sienna": "#a0522d", "silver": "#c0c0c0", "skyblue": "#87ceeb", "slateblue": "#6a5acd", "slategray": "#708090", "snow": "#fffafa", "springgreen": "#00ff7f", "steelblue": "#4682b4", "tan": "#d2b48c", "teal": "#008080", "thistle": "#d8bfd8", "tomato": "#ff6347", "turquoise": "#40e0d0", "violet": "#ee82ee", "wheat": "#f5deb3", "white": "#ffffff", "whitesmoke": "#f5f5f5", "yellow": "#ffff00", "yellowgreen": "#9acd32", "darkgrey": "#a9a9a9", "darkslategrey": "#2f4f4f", "dimgrey": "#696969", "grey": "#808080", "lightgray": "#d3d3d3", "lightslategrey": "#778899", "slategrey": "#708090"};
if (definedColorNames[this.toLowerCase()] !== undefined) {
hexRGB = definedColorNames[this.toLowerCase()];
// to keep unresolved strings set flag returnUnresolved to true
} else {if (returnUnresolved) {hexRGB = this; } else {hexRGB = undefined; } }
return hexRGB;
quelques cas de test :
console.log("black".colorNameToHex()); //returns #000000
console.log("rgba(100,100,0,0.7)".colorNameToHex()); //returns undefined
console.log("rgba(100,100,0,0.7)".colorNameToHex(1)); //returns rgba(100,100,0,0.7)
en bonus, voici mon cas d'utilisation pour une conversion de chaîne de couleur en chaîne de couleur avec alpha :
fonctionne avec n'importe quel Couleur définie par css y compris : rgba, rgb, r%g%b%, #rgb, #rrggbb, hsl, hsla
principalement utile pour dessiner avec alpha/opacité/transparence sur un élément HTML5 canvas avec des chaînes de couleurs transmises
String.prototype.setAlpha = function (alpha) {
// change alpha of color string in any css color space
// intended for use in canvas/svg
// currently implemented:
// css defined colors > rgba
// rgba, rgb, r%g%b%, #rgb, #rrggbb > rgba
// hsl, hsla > hsla
// unresolved > as is
// If no alpha is passed its is set to 1 or keeps the value in rgba/hsla
// kill whitespace split at "(", ")", ","
var i, hex, c = this.replace(/\s/g, '').split(/[\(\),]/);
function extractHex(string) {
if (string.charAt(0) === "#") { // detect hex strings
hex = string.replace(/#/g, '');
string = "hex";
} else {hex = undefined; }
return string;
if (["rgba", "rgb", "hsla", "hsl", "hex"].indexOf(c[0]) === -1) {
c[0] = extractHex(c[0].colorNameToHex(1)); // detect defined color names
switch (c[0]) {
case "rgba":
if (alpha === undefined) {alpha = c[4]; }
c = "rgba(" + c[1] + ", " + c[2] + ", " + c[3] + ", " + alpha + ")";
case "rgb":
if (alpha === undefined) {alpha = 1; }
// if colors are in percentage values
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i = i + 1) {
if (c[i].charAt(c[i].length - 1) === "%") {
c[i] = Math.round(c[i].replace(/%/g, '') * 2.55);
c = "rgba(" + c[1] + ", " + c[2] + ", " + c[3] + ", " + alpha + ")";
case "hsl":
if (alpha === undefined) {alpha = 1; }
c = "hsla(" + c[1] + ", " + c[2] + ", " + c[3] + ", " + alpha + ")";
case "hsla":
if (alpha === undefined) {alpha = c[4]; }
c = "hsla(" + c[1] + ", " + c[2] + ", " + c[3] + ", " + alpha + ")";
case "hex":
if (alpha === undefined) {alpha = 1; }
if (hex.length === 3) {
c[1] = parseInt(hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(0), 16);
c[2] = parseInt(hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(1), 16);
c[3] = parseInt(hex.charAt(2) + hex.charAt(2), 16);
} else if (hex.length === 6) {
c[1] = parseInt(hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(1), 16);
c[2] = parseInt(hex.charAt(2) + hex.charAt(3), 16);
c[3] = parseInt(hex.charAt(4) + hex.charAt(5), 16);
} else {break; }
c = "rgba(" + c[1] + ", " + c[2] + ", " + c[3] + ", " + alpha + ")";
default: c = this; break;
return c;
test :
Télécharger et inclure le w3color.js de w3school .
alors dans votre script vous pouvez utiliser n'importe laquelle des fonctions suivantes :
let c = w3color("violet");
Exécutez l'extrait pour voir avec quelle facilité "n'importe quel" Couleur CSS valide (HSL, noms, hexagone, couleurs système*, etc.) peuvent être converties en valeurs R/G/B à l'aide de n'importe quel élément que vous avez sous la main.
* Entrer une valeur de background
et vous obtiendrez la couleur d'arrière-plan de votre bureau Windows (dans Firefox, en tout cas).
function go() {
clr.style.backgroundColor = document.getElementById('txt').value;
document.getElementById('rgb').innerHTML = window.getComputedStyle(clr).backgroundColor;
* { margin:0; box-sizing:border-box; font-family:verdana; overflow:hidden; }
#txt,#rgb,#clr { height:30vh; width:97vw; padding:5vmin; margin:2vmin; font-size:13vh; border:1vmin solid; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;}
<input type='text' id='txt' onkeyup='go()' value='chartreuse' placeholder='Enter any css color . . .' autofocus>
<div id='clr'></div>
<div id='rgb'></div>