Git log --max-count=15 --pretty="format:%C(dim green) %<(9,trunc)%ar %C(bold magenta)%h %C(bold green)%<(12,trunc)%an %C(bold yellow)%<(113,trunc)%s" --no-merges
Remarquez ...yellow)%<(113,trunc) le 113 est la longueur à laquelle il faut couper les commentaires, ce qui permet une personnalisation complète sans que le --oneline ne remplace vos paramètres.
Comme cela a été dit, cela pourrait être aliasé ou, comme je l'ai fait, enveloppé dans une fonction powershell.
Ce qui suit dépasse le cadre de l'OP mais apporte une certaine valeur au fil de discussion.
Je sais que je me suis emporté, mais c'est ce que nous faisons.
function logs() {
Shows my logs
Returns an abreviated list of logs meeting the filtering provided including max returned, committor by case sensitive pattern, branch, local or remote, and a 'my' shourcut to get the callers commits only
[ Basic usage gets maximum 15 logs from the origin/<current branch> ]
origin/master logs
git log origin/master --max-count=15 --pretty="format:%C(dim green) %<(9,trunc)%ar %C(bold magenta)%h %C(bold green)%<(12,trunc)%an %C(bold yellow)%<(113,trunc)%s"
2 days .. b6e4d0b Joe Johnston Added Posh
2 days .. 0f1a166 Joe Johnston Updated the profile system
4 days .. dfd3115 Joe Johnston added .net install and pinned applications. Updated git functions
6 weeks.. 47bd9e9 Joe Johnston updated functions
3 month.. 5148f09 Joe Johnston initial add
PS>logs -l
[ Usage gets maximum 15 local logs from the <current branch> ]
git log --max-count=15 --pretty="format:%C(dim green) %<(9,trunc)%ar %C(bold magenta)%h %C(bold green)%<(12,trunc)%an %C(bold yellow)%<(113,trunc)%s"
3 hours.. efb36e9 Joe Johnston updated profile to set-execution
3 hours.. 4355a00 Joe Johnston Merge branch 'master' of
3 hours.. 84cd380 Joe Johnston updated gitfunctions - added undomerge
2 days .. b6e4d0b Joe Johnston Added Posh
2 days .. 0f1a166 Joe Johnston Updated the profile system
4 days .. dfd3115 Joe Johnston added .net install and pinned applications. Updated git functions
6 weeks.. 47bd9e9 Joe Johnston updated functions
3 month.. 5148f09 Joe Johnston initial add
logs 25
[ Usage gets maximum 25 logs from the origin/<current branch> ]
logs -m -c 20
[ Usage gets maximum 20 local logs from the <current branch> commited by me]
logs -b dev/iOS -c 25 -l -c "Jackson"
[ Usage gets maximum 20 local logs from the <current branch> commited by the <pattern> Jackson]
[int]$Count = 15,
[string]$Branch = "Current",
[string]$Committer = "",
[switch]$My = $false,
[switch]$Graph = $false,
[switch]$ShowMerges = $false,
[switch]$Remote = $false
$merge = '--no-merges';
if ($ShowMerges) {
$merge = '';
$Pretty = "--pretty=`"format:%C(dim green) %<(9,trunc)%ar %C(bold magenta)%h %C(bold green)%<(12,trunc)%an %C(bold yellow)%<(113,trunc)%s`"";
#git config --global format.pretty $Pretty
if ($Branch -eq "Current") {
$Branch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD;
write-host "************************************************";
} else {
write-host "================================================";
if ($Remote -eq $true) { $Where = "origin/$Branch"; }
if ($Graph -eq $true) { $GraphTag = "--graph"; }
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Committer) -eq $false) {
$Who = $Committer;
$Committer = "--committer=" + $Committer;
write-host $Who
if ($My -eq $true) {
$me = git config;
$Committer = "--committer=`"$me`"";
$Who = "**MY**";
write-host "$Who $Where logs" -foregroundcolor "Red";
$commandOut = "git log $Where $GraphTag --max-count=$Count $Pretty $Committer $GraphTag $merge";
write-Verbose $commandOut;
git log $Where --max-count=$Count $Pretty $Committer $GraphTag $merge