Lorsque je compile le code suivant avec gcc 6 -O3 -std=c++14
je suis bien et vide main
Dump of assembler code for function main():
0x00000000004003e0 <+0>: xor %eax,%eax
0x00000000004003e2 <+2>: retq
Mais le fait de décommenter la dernière ligne dans le fichier principal "casse" l'optimisation :
Dump of assembler code for function main():
0x00000000004005f0 <+0>: sub $0x78,%rsp
0x00000000004005f4 <+4>: lea 0x40(%rsp),%rdi
0x00000000004005f9 <+9>: movq $0x400838,0x10(%rsp)
0x0000000000400602 <+18>: movb $0x0,0x18(%rsp)
0x0000000000400607 <+23>: mov %fs:0x28,%rax
0x0000000000400610 <+32>: mov %rax,0x68(%rsp)
0x0000000000400615 <+37>: xor %eax,%eax
0x0000000000400617 <+39>: movl $0x0,(%rsp)
0x000000000040061e <+46>: movq $0x400838,0x30(%rsp)
0x0000000000400627 <+55>: movb $0x0,0x38(%rsp)
0x000000000040062c <+60>: movl $0x0,0x20(%rsp)
0x0000000000400634 <+68>: movq $0x400838,0x50(%rsp)
0x000000000040063d <+77>: movb $0x0,0x58(%rsp)
0x0000000000400642 <+82>: movl $0x0,0x40(%rsp)
0x000000000040064a <+90>: callq 0x400790 <ErasedObject::~ErasedObject()>
0x000000000040064f <+95>: lea 0x20(%rsp),%rdi
0x0000000000400654 <+100>: callq 0x400790 <ErasedObject::~ErasedObject()>
0x0000000000400659 <+105>: mov %rsp,%rdi
0x000000000040065c <+108>: callq 0x400790 <ErasedObject::~ErasedObject()>
0x0000000000400661 <+113>: mov 0x68(%rsp),%rdx
0x0000000000400666 <+118>: xor %fs:0x28,%rdx
0x000000000040066f <+127>: jne 0x400678 <main()+136>
0x0000000000400671 <+129>: xor %eax,%eax
0x0000000000400673 <+131>: add $0x78,%rsp
0x0000000000400677 <+135>: retq
0x0000000000400678 <+136>: callq 0x4005c0 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
#include <type_traits>
#include <new>
struct ErasedTypeVTable
using destructor_t = void (*)(void *obj);
destructor_t dtor;
template <typename T>
void dtor(void *obj)
return static_cast<T *>(obj)->~T();
template <typename T>
static const ErasedTypeVTable erasedTypeVTable = {
struct ErasedObject
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(void *)>::type storage;
const ErasedTypeVTable& vtbl;
bool flag = false;
template <typename T, typename S = typename std::decay<T>::type>
ErasedObject(T&& obj)
: vtbl(erasedTypeVTable<S>)
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(storage) && alignof(T) <= alignof(decltype(storage)), "");
new (object()) S(std::forward<T>(obj));
ErasedObject(ErasedObject&& other) = default;
if (flag)
::operator delete(object());
void *object()
return reinterpret_cast<char *>(&storage);
struct myType
int a;
int main()
ErasedObject c1(myType{});
ErasedObject c2(myType{});
//ErasedObject c3(myType{});
clang peut optimiser les deux versions.
Une idée de ce qui se passe ? Est-ce que je me heurte à une limite d'optimisation ? Si oui, est-elle configurable ?