Je travaille sur des problèmes de python sur pour m'enseigner le python et j'ai rencontré un obstacle, puisque la chaîne que je dois utiliser est trop grande pour que python la gère. Je reçois cette erreur :
my-macbook:python owner1$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 32, in <module>
myString = myString.join(line)
OverflowError: join() result is too long for a Python string
Quelles sont les alternatives dont je dispose pour ce problème ? Mon code ressemble à ceci...
#open file testdata.txt
#for each character, check if already exists in array of checked characters
#if so, skip.
#if not, character.count
#if count > 1, repeat recursively with first character stripped off of page.
# if count = 1, add to valid character array.
#when string = 0, print valid character array.
valid = []
checked = []
myString = ""
def recursiveCount(bigString):
if len(bigString) == 0:
print "YAY!"
return valid
myChar = bigString[0]
if myChar in checked:
return recursiveCount(bigString[1:])
if bigString.count(myChar) > 1:
return recursiveCount(bigString[1:])
return recursiveCount(bigString[1:])
fileIN = open("testdata.txt", "r")
line = fileIN.readline()
while line:
line = line.strip()
myString = myString.join(line)
line = fileIN.readline()
myString = recursiveCount(myString)
print "\n"
print myString