La page web source HTML par le lien fourni ne contient pas les données nécessaires, il utilise AJAX. Le site web dispose d'une sorte d'API. La réponse est renvoyée au format JSON. Vous devez donc d'abord effectuer un travail de rétro-ingénierie pour découvrir comment fonctionne le site Web. Dans un navigateur, par exemple Chrome, appuyez sur F12 pour ouvrir DevTools, naviguez jusqu'à la page Web, allez sur l'onglet Réseau, définissez le filtre sur XHR, il ressemblera à l'illustration ci-dessous :
![network tab]()
Examinez les réponses enregistrées. L'une d'entre elles ayant la plus grande taille contient en fait toutes les données nécessaires :
![json response]()
Pour réaliser ce type de XHR, vous devez également conserver la structure complète de la charge utile et ajouter les en-têtes pertinents :
![headers and form data]()
Dans la section Données du formulaire, il y a beaucoup de titres de champs de citation qui se trouvent dans le tableau, vous pouvez donc choisir ceux dont vous avez besoin. Vous pouvez trouver plus de titres disponibles, cliquez sur le lien Initiateur (première capture d'écran ci-dessus), vous verrez le code JS qui a initié ce XHR. Cliquez sur Pretty print {} en bas pour rendre le code lisible. Tapez n'importe quel titre que vous avez déjà extrait de Form Data dans la boîte de recherche, par exemple Recommend.Other
et en trouver d'autres à côté dans le code :
![quote field titles]()
Voici un exemple VBA montrant comment un tel raclage pourrait être effectué. Importation JSON.bas dans le projet VBA pour le traitement JSON.
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim aQuoteFieldTitles()
Dim aQuoteFieldData()
Dim sPayload As String
Dim sJSONString As String
Dim sState As String
Dim i As Long
' Put the necessary field titles into array
aQuoteFieldTitles = Array( _
"name", "description", "country", "type", "after_tax_margin", "average_volume", "average_volume_30d_calc", "average_volume_60d_calc", "average_volume_90d_calc", "basic_eps_net_income", "beta_1_year", "beta_3_year", "beta_5_year", "current_ratio", "debt_to_assets", "debt_to_equity", "dividends_paid", "dividends_per_share_fq", _
"dividends_yield", "dps_common_stock_prim_issue_fy", "earnings_per_share_basic_ttm", "earnings_per_share_diluted_ttm", "earnings_per_share_forecast_next_fq", "earnings_per_share_fq", "earnings_release_date", "earnings_release_next_date", "ebitda", "enterprise_value_ebitda_ttm", "enterprise_value_fq", "exchange", "expected_annual_dividends", _
"gross_margin", "gross_profit", "gross_profit_fq", "industry", "last_annual_eps", "last_annual_revenue", "long_term_capital", "market_cap_basic", "market_cap_calc", "net_debt", "net_income", "number_of_employees", "number_of_shareholders", "operating_margin", _
"pre_tax_margin", "preferred_dividends", "price_52_week_high", "price_52_week_low", "price_book_ratio", "price_earnings_ttm", "price_revenue_ttm", "price_sales_ratio", "quick_ratio", "return_of_invested_capital_percent_ttm", "return_on_assets", "return_on_equity", "return_on_invested_capital", "revenue_per_employee", "sector", _
"eps_surprise_fq", "eps_surprise_percent_fq", "total_assets", "total_capital", "total_current_assets", "total_debt", "total_revenue", "total_shares_outstanding_fundamental", "volume", "relative_volume", "pre_change", "post_change", "close", "open", "high", "low", "gap", "price_earnings_to_growth_ttm", "price_sales", "price_book_fq", _
"price_free_cash_flow_ttm", "float_shares_outstanding", "total_shares_outstanding", "change_from_open", "change_from_open_abs", "Perf.W", "Perf.1M", "Perf.3M", "Perf.6M", "Perf.Y", "Perf.YTD", "Volatility.W", "Volatility.M", "Volatility.D", "RSI", "RSI7", "ADX", "ADX+DI", "ADX-DI", "ATR", "Mom", "High.All", "Low.All", "High.6M", "Low.6M", _
"High.3M", "Low.3M", "High.1M", "Low.1M", "EMA5", "EMA10", "EMA20", "EMA30", "EMA50", "EMA100", "EMA200", "SMA5", "SMA10", "SMA20", "SMA30", "SMA50", "SMA100", "SMA200", "Stoch.K", "Stoch.D", "MACD.macd", "MACD.signal", "Aroon.Up", "Aroon.Down", "BB.upper", "BB.lower", "goodwill", "debt_to_equity_fq", "CCI20", "DonchCh20.Upper", _
"DonchCh20.Lower", "HullMA9", "AO", "Pivot.M.Classic.S3", "Pivot.M.Classic.S2", "Pivot.M.Classic.S1", "Pivot.M.Classic.Middle", "Pivot.M.Classic.R1", "Pivot.M.Classic.R2", "Pivot.M.Classic.R3", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S3", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S2", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.S1", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.Middle", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R1", _
"Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R2", "Pivot.M.Fibonacci.R3", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.S3", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.S2", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.S1", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.Middle", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.R1", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.R2", "Pivot.M.Camarilla.R3", "Pivot.M.Woodie.S3", "Pivot.M.Woodie.S2", "Pivot.M.Woodie.S1", "Pivot.M.Woodie.Middle", "Pivot.M.Woodie.R1", _
"Pivot.M.Woodie.R2", "Pivot.M.Woodie.R3", "Pivot.M.Demark.S1", "Pivot.M.Demark.Middle", "Pivot.M.Demark.R1", "KltChnl.upper", "KltChnl.lower", "P.SAR", "Value.Traded", "MoneyFlow", "ChaikinMoneyFlow", "Recommend.All", "Recommend.MA", "Recommend.Other", "Stoch.RSI.K", "Stoch.RSI.D", "W.R", "ROC", "BBPower", "UO", "Ichimoku.CLine", _
"Ichimoku.BLine", "Ichimoku.Lead1", "Ichimoku.Lead2", "VWMA", "ADR", "RSI[1]", "Stoch.K[1]", "Stoch.D[1]", "CCI20[1]", "ADX-DI[1]", "AO[1]", "Mom[1]", "Rec.Stoch.RSI", "Rec.WR", "Rec.BBPower", "Rec.UO", "Rec.Ichimoku", "Rec.VWMA", "Rec.HullMA9" _
' Field titles exactly as in the table MOVING AVERAGES
' aQuoteFieldTitles = Array("EMA5", "SMA5", "EMA10", "SMA10", "EMA20", "SMA20", "EMA30", "SMA30", "EMA50", "SMA50", "EMA100", "SMA100", "EMA200", "SMA200", "Ichimoku.BLine", "VWMA", "HullMA9")
' Compose payload
sPayload = "{""symbols"":{""tickers"":[""NSE:ABB""],""query"":{""types"":[]}},""columns"":" & JSON.Serialize(aQuoteFieldTitles) & "}"
' Retrieve JSON response
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "POST", "", True
.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
.setRequestHeader "user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.110 Safari/537.36"
.setRequestHeader "content-length", Len(sPayload)
.send (sPayload)
Do Until .readyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
sJSONString = .responseText
End With
' Parse JSON response
JSON.Parse sJSONString, vJSON, sState
' Check response validity
Select Case True
Case sState <> "Object"
MsgBox "Invalid JSON response"
Case IsNull(vJSON("data"))
MsgBox vJSON("error")
Case Else
' Output data to worksheet #1
aQuoteFieldData = vJSON("data")(0)("d")
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
.Cells.WrapText = False
For i = 0 To UBound(aQuoteFieldTitles)
.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = aQuoteFieldTitles(i)
.Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = aQuoteFieldData(i)
End With
MsgBox "Completed"
End Select
End Sub
Le résultat pour moi est le suivant :
BTW, l'approche similaire appliquée dans d'autres réponses .