Les API WinInet sont plus faciles que vous ne le pensez
Voici un programme complet de console win32. Il peut être construit avec VS 2010 Express et en téléchargeant le SDK de Windows pour obtenir WinInit.
// imaged.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Copy file from internet onto local file
// Uses Wininet API
// program takes 1 mandatory command line argument - URL string
// it downloads ito the current directory, or whatever is passed
// as the second parameter to DownloadURLImage.
// optional parameter, the name of the file (excluding path), by default it uses the
// filename from the URL string.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <WinInet.h> // from SDK
#include "string.h"
//#include "Tchar.h"
using namespace std ;
int convertURLtofname (TCHAR * szURL, TCHAR * szname )
// extract the filename from the URL
char aszfilename [100];
HRESULT result;
char achar[3], aszURL [100];
size_t nchars, i, j;
int fresult;
fresult = 0;
nchars= _tcslen(szURL);
i= nchars -1;
while ((i > 0) && (szURL[i] != '/') && (szURL[i] != '\\')) {i--;}
j= 0; i++;
while (i < nchars) { szname [j++]= szURL[i++]; }
// wcstombs ( aszfilename, szname, 100 );
// cout << aszfilename << endl;
return fresult ;
int determinepathfilename (TCHAR * szURL, TCHAR * szpath, TCHAR * szname, TCHAR * szpathfilename)
// use path and filename when supplied. If filename (e.g. funkypic.jpg) is not supplied, then the
// filename will be extracted from the last part of the URL
int result ;
result= 0;
TCHAR szname_copy [100] ;
if ((szname == NULL) || (szname[0] == '\0'))
convertURLtofname (szURL, szname_copy);
_tcscpy (szname_copy, szname);
if ((szpath == NULL) || (szpath[0] == '\0'))
_tcscpy (szpathfilename, szname_copy);
_tcscpy (szpathfilename, szpath);
_tcscat (szpathfilename, szname_copy);
return result ;
bool GetFile (HINTERNET hOpen, // Handle from InternetOpen()
TCHAR *szURL, // Full URL
TCHAR * szpath,
TCHAR * szname)
DWORD dwSize;
TCHAR szHead[15];
BYTE * szTemp[1024];
FILE * pFile;
TCHAR szpathfilename [100] ;
szHead[0] = '\0';
if ( !(hConnect = InternetOpenUrl( hOpen, szURL, szHead, 15, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE, 0)))
std::cout << "Error: InternetOpenUrl" << std::endl;
return 0;
determinepathfilename (szURL, szpath, szname, szpathfilename);
if ( !(pFile = _tfopen (szpathfilename, _T("wb") ) ) )
std::cerr << "Error _tfopen" << std::endl;
return false;
// Keep copying in 1024 bytes chunks, while file has any data left.
// Note: bigger buffer will greatly improve performance.
if (!InternetReadFile (hConnect, szTemp, 1024, &dwSize) )
fclose (pFile);
std::cerr << "Error InternetReadFile" << std::endl;
return FALSE;
if (!dwSize)
break; // Condition of dwSize=0 indicate EOF. Stop.
fwrite(szTemp, sizeof (BYTE), dwSize , pFile);
} // do
while (TRUE);
fflush (pFile);
fclose (pFile);
return TRUE;
int DownloadURLImage (TCHAR * szURL, TCHAR * szpath, TCHAR * szname)
{ int result ;
HINTERNET hInternet;
result= 0;
hInternet= InternetOpen (_T("imaged"),
NULL, //__in LPCTSTR lpszProxyName,
NULL, //__in LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass,
NULL //_in DWORD dwFlags
GetFile (hInternet, szURL, szpath, szname) ;
return result ;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
if (argc == 2)
DownloadURLImage (argv[1], NULL, NULL);
//DownloadURLImage (argv[1], _T"C:/", NULL);
else if (argc == 3)
DownloadURLImage (argv[1], NULL, argv[2]);
//DownloadURLImage (argv[1], _T"C:/", argv[2]);
cout << "Usage: imaged <image URL>" << endl ;
system("pause") ;
return 0;