J'ai donc un lien qui renvoie un objet jSON, et j'ai besoin de le décoder et de le placer dans des variables en PHP.
Voici l'objet qu'il renvoie
"count": 1,
"threads": {
"38752": {
"thread_id": 38752,
"node_id": 4,
"title": "The ShadyCraft Beta Launch!",
"reply_count": 45,
"view_count": 946,
"user_id": 2,
"username": "Shady",
"post_date": 1366956695,
"sticky": 0,
"discussion_state": "visible",
"discussion_open": 1,
"discussion_type": "",
"first_post_id": 226167,
"first_post_likes": 7,
"last_post_date": 1369094302,
"last_post_id": 228226,
"last_post_user_id": 2,
"last_post_username": "Shady",
"prefix_id": 19,
"tinhte_xentag_tags": "a:4:{i:0;s:9:\"minecraft\";i:2;s:4:\"news\";i:3;s:14:\"private server\";i:1;s:10:\"shadycraft\";}",
"content": {
"count": 1,
"content": {
"226167": {
"post_id": 226167,
"thread_id": 38752,
"user_id": 2,
"username": "Shady",
"post_date": 1366956695,
"message": "[ATTACH=full]4143[\/ATTACH]\n \nWe've completely restructured ShadyCraft, and today will be the launch of the ShadyCraft beta.\n \nCurrent Features\n[LIST]\n[*]Towns\n[*]Nations\n[*]All out wars\n[*]A live update map\n[*]No White-list\n[*]Earn Money\n[*]Griefing allowed where possible\n[\/LIST]\nThese are just some features which have a lot more things behind them. For instance, there is town and nation upkeep, tax, kingdoms, mayors, and kings.\n \nWe really wanted to have the server self-governed and this is why griefing and PvP are allowed where ever they are possible. All towns and nations cannot be griefed by other members. You can create a town and buy plots for it and expand the town as you wish.\n \n[SIZE=4]All of this is shown in the live updating map located [URL='http:\/\/']here[\/URL].[\/SIZE]\n \n[SIZE=4][SIZE=6]Join the Beta Now[\/SIZE][\/SIZE]\n[SIZE=6]Server-IP:[\/SIZE]\n \n \n[USER=118053]Frenchy[\/USER] and [USER=4863]Wolfbane[\/USER]",
"ip_id": 747429,
"message_state": "visible",
"attach_count": 1,
"position": 0,
"likes": 7,
"like_users": "a:5:{i:0;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:105699;s:8:\"username\";s:6:\"kvothe\";}i:1;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:146724;s:8:\"username\";s:12:\"Graveyard219\";}i:2;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:70182;s:8:\"username\";s:9:\"wmbrown18\";}i:3;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:5473;s:8:\"username\";s:9:\"Oblivious\";}i:4;a:2:{s:7:\"user_id\";i:118053;s:8:\"username\";s:7:\"Frenchy\";}}",
"warning_id": 0,
"warning_message": "",
"anonymous_posting_real_user_id": 0,
"anonymous_posting_real_username": ""
Je ne suis vraiment intéressé que par le
"title":"The ShadyCraft Beta Launch!",
"view_count": 946,
et enfin le message
We've completely restructured ShadyCraft, and today will be the launch of the ShadyCraft beta.
Current Features
[*]All out wars
[*]A live update map
[*]No White-list
[*]Earn Money
[*]Griefing allowed where possible
These are just some features which have a lot more things behind them. For instance, there is town and nation upkeep, tax, kingdoms, mayors, and kings.
We really wanted to have the server self-governed and this is why griefing and PvP are allowed where ever they are possible. All towns and nations cannot be griefed by other members. You can create a town and buy plots for it and expand the town as you wish.
[SIZE=4]All of this is shown in the live updating map located [URL='']here[/URL].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=6]Join the Beta Now[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[USER=118053]Frenchy[/USER] and [USER=4863]Wolfbane[/USER]
Comment puis-je extraire l'objet jSON et le placer dans des variables correctes en PHP, que je pourrai utiliser ultérieurement ?
Des variables comme : $username
, $user_id
, $message
, $title
, $discussionState
et ainsi de suite.
J'ai juste besoin de savoir comment je peux récupérer l'objet jSON, puis extraire les données dans des variables en PHP.
Je suis maintenant capable d'obtenir le tableau PHP, mais j'ai des difficultés à appeler les bonnes valeurs. Voici le tableau.
Array ( [count] => 1 [threads] => Array ( [13] => Array ( [thread_id]) => 13 [node_id] => 4 [title] => Intégration du forum presque terminée ! [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 0 [user_id] => 59 [username] => Faeron [post_date] => 1369257302 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => [first_post_id] => 23 [first_post_likes] => 0 [last_post_date] => 1369257302 [last_post_id] => 23 [last_post_user_id] => 59 [last_post_username] => Faeron [prefix_id] => 2 Faeron [prefix_id] => 1 [content] => Array ( [count] => 1 [content] => Array ( [23] => Array ([post_id] => 23 [thread_id] => 13 [user_id] => 59 [nom d'utilisateur] => Faeron [post_date] => 1369257302 [message] => Cela fait un certain temps que nous Cela fait un certain temps que nous avons commencé à intégrer les Forums phanime avec les le site principal. Nous avons maintenant terminé l'intégration des forums phanime et du site principal. Forums et le site principal. Vous ne remarquerez plus qu'il y a deux plateformes fonctionnant avec phanime, mais une seule. Notre prochaine étape est de de thématiser les forums pour qu'ils ressemblent au site principal ! [ip_id] => 268 [message_state] => visible [attach_count] => 0 [position] => 0 [like] => 0 [like_users] => a:0:{} [warning_id] => 0 [warning_message] => ) ) ) ) ) )
Maintenant, disons que ce tableau s'appelle $array
alors pour obtenir la valeur du premier élément "[count]", ne puis-je pas simplement dire ce qui suit : print $array["[count]"]
<-- ceci renvoie une erreur.
Qu'en est-il de l'élément qui a une valeur en tant que tableau lui-même, qui est l'élément [threads]
élément. Comment puis-je obtenir, peut-être le [thread_id]
la valeur de l'élément ?