Il y a un temps d'arrêt python script dans :
Modifiez le "opt_secret" et le "opt_url" et vous devriez être prêt :
# ./downtime -h
Usage: downtime [-r] [OPTIONS] HOST [SERVICE1] [SERVICE2...]
This program sets and removes downtimes on hosts and services
via command line. If you run this script from within an OMD
site then most options will be guessed automatically. Currently
the script only supports cookie based login - no HTTP basic
Before you use this script, please read:
You need to create an automation user - best with the name 'automation'
- and make sure that this user either has the admin role or is contact
for all relevant objects.
-v, --verbose Show what's going on (specify twice for more verbose output)
-s, --set Set downtime (this is the default and thus optional)
-r, --remove Remove all downtimes from that host/service
-c, --comment Comment for the downtime (otherwise "Automatic downtime")
-d, --duration Duration of the downtime in minutes (default: 120)
-h, --help Show this help and exit
-u, --user Name of automation user (default: "automation")
-S, --secret Automation secret (default: read from user settings)
-U, --url Base-URL of Multisite (default: guess local OMD site)
-a, --all Include all services when setting/removing host downtime