J'ai trouvé ce code de test d'orientation ci-dessous en cherchant du matériel de référence JQTouch. Cela fonctionne correctement dans le simulateur iOS sur Safari mobile mais n'est pas traité correctement dans Phonegap. Mon projet rencontre le même problème que celui qui tue cette page de test. Existe-t-il un moyen de détecter le changement d'orientation en utilisant JavaScript dans Phonegap ?
window.onorientationchange = function() {
/*window.orientation returns a value that indicates whether iPhone is in portrait mode, landscape mode with the screen turned to the
left, or landscape mode with the screen turned to the right. */
var orientation = window.orientation;
switch (orientation) {
case 0:
/* If in portrait mode, sets the body's class attribute to portrait. Consequently, all style definitions matching the body[class="portrait"] declaration
in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
document.body.setAttribute("class", "portrait");
/* Add a descriptive message on "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events" */
document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in portrait orientation (Home button on the bottom).";
case 90:
/* If in landscape mode with the screen turned to the left, sets the body's class attribute to landscapeLeft. In this case, all style definitions matching the
body[class="landscapeLeft"] declaration in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
document.body.setAttribute("class", "landscape");
document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in landscape orientation and turned to the left (Home button to the right).";
case -90:
/* If in landscape mode with the screen turned to the right, sets the body's class attribute to landscapeRight. Here, all style definitions matching the
body[class="landscapeRight"] declaration in the iPhoneOrientation.css file will be selected and used to style "Handling iPhone or iPod touch Orientation Events". */
document.body.setAttribute("class", "landscape");
document.getElementById("currentOrientation").innerHTML = "Now in landscape orientation and turned to the right (Home button to the left).";
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