3 votes

Essayer d'installer gtk sur mac : dépendances manquantes

J'ai essayé d'installer le gtk haskell sur mon mac. J'ai utilisé este pour l'installer. Cependant, j'ai échoué à la dernière étape avec la commande : sudo cabal install --with-gcc=gcc-4.8 gtk

la réponse finale est :

Resolving dependencies...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
next goal: gtk (user goal)
rejecting: gtk-0.14.5, gtk-0.14.4, gtk-0.14.3, gtk-0.14.2, gtk-0.13.9,
gtk-, gtk-0.13.8, gtk-0.13.7, gtk-0.13.6, gtk-0.13.4, gtk-0.13.3,
gtk-0.13.2, gtk-0.13.1, gtk-, gtk-, gtk-,
gtk-, gtk-, gtk-, gtk-, gtk-,
gtk-, gtk-, gtk-, gtk-, gtk-0.12.4,
gtk-, gtk-0.12.3, gtk-0.12.2, gtk-0.12.1, gtk-0.12.0, gtk-0.11.2,
gtk-0.11.1, gtk-0.11.0 (conflict: requires pkg-config package gtk+-2.0-any,
not found in the pkg-config database)
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.

Cabal devrait être à jour.

Merci d'avance.

EDIT : Après avoir fait la recette ErikR, il a commencé à s'installer avec la commande cabal install gtk . Voici le message d'erreur que j'ai reçu :

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring glib-
Building glib-
Installed glib-
Downloading gio-
Downloading pango-
Configuring gio-
Configuring pango-
Building gio-
Building pango-
Installed pango-
Installed gio-
Downloading gtk-0.14.5...
Configuring gtk-0.14.5...
Building gtk-0.14.5...
Failed to install gtk-0.14.5
Build log ( /Users/Max/.cabal/logs/gtk-0.14.5.log ):
cabal: Entering directory '/var/folders/kr/2w9n7xxd6816d0rmgb05cfm00000gn/T/cabal-tmp-31721/gtk-0.14.5'
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /var/folders/kr/2w9n7xxd6816d0rmgb05cfm00000gn/T/cabal-tmp-31721/gtk-0.14.5/dist/setup/setup.hs, /var/folders/kr/2w9n7xxd6816d0rmgb05cfm00000gn/T/cabal-tmp-31721/gtk-0.14.5/dist/setup/Main.o )
Linking /var/folders/kr/2w9n7xxd6816d0rmgb05cfm00000gn/T/cabal-tmp-31721/gtk-0.14.5/dist/setup/setup ...
Configuring gtk-0.14.5...
Building gtk-0.14.5...
Preprocessing library gtk-0.14.5...
[  1 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Sequence ( Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/Sequence.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/Sequence.o )
[  2 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Enums ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.o )
[  3 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Enums ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Enums.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Enums.o )
[  4 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Threading ( Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Threading.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Threading.o )
[  5 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Signals ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Signals.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Signals.o )
[  6 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Types.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Types.o )
[  7 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.DNDTypes ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/DNDTypes.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/DNDTypes.o )
[  8 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.ContainerChildProperties ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/ContainerChildProperties.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/ContainerChildProperties.o )
[  9 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Embedding.Types ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Types.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Types.o )
[ 10 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Embedding.Embedding ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Embedding.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Embedding.o )
[ 11 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Types ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/Types.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/ModelView/Types.o )
[ 12 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.PixbufData ( Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/PixbufData.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/PixbufData.o )
[ 13 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.PixbufAnimation ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/PixbufAnimation.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/PixbufAnimation.o )
[ 14 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Builder.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Builder.o )
[ 15 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Separator ( Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Separator.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Separator.o )
[ 16 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Scrollbar ( Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Scrollbar.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Scrollbar.o )
[ 17 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Scale ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Scale.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Scale.o )
[ 18 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Object ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Object.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Object.o )
[ 19 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Paned ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Paned.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Paned.o )
[ 20 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Structs ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Structs.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/Structs.o )
[ 21 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Range ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Range.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Range.o )
[ 22 of 209] Compiling Graphics.UI.Gtk.Embedding.Plug ( dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Plug.hs, dist/build/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Embedding/Plug.o )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Ptr ()’
                with actual type ‘Maybe DrawWindow’
    In the first argument of ‘gtk_plug_new’, namely
      ‘(fromNativeWindowId (fromMaybe nativeWindowIdNone socketId))’
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
         (fromNativeWindowId (fromMaybe nativeWindowIdNone socketId))’

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Ptr ()’
                with actual type ‘Maybe DrawWindow’
    In the second argument of ‘\ (Display arg1) arg2
                                 -> withForeignPtr arg1
                                    $ \ argPtr1 -> gtk_plug_new_for_display argPtr1 arg2’, namely
      ‘(fromNativeWindowId (fromMaybe nativeWindowIdNone socketId))’
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
      ‘(\ (Display arg1) arg2
          -> withForeignPtr arg1
             $ \ argPtr1 -> gtk_plug_new_for_display argPtr1 arg2)
         (fromNativeWindowId (fromMaybe nativeWindowIdNone socketId))’

    Couldn't match type ‘Ptr ()’ with ‘Maybe DrawWindow’
    Expected type: IO (Maybe DrawWindow)
      Actual type: IO (Ptr ())
    In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
      ‘(\ (Plug arg1)
          -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \ argPtr1 -> gtk_plug_get_id argPtr1)
         (toPlug self)’
    In the expression:
      liftM toNativeWindowId
      $ (\ (Plug arg1)
           -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \ argPtr1 -> gtk_plug_get_id argPtr1)
          (toPlug self)
cabal: Leaving directory '/var/folders/kr/2w9n7xxd6816d0rmgb05cfm00000gn/T/cabal-tmp-31721/gtk-0.14.5'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
gtk-0.14.5 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1


user5402 Points 8479

Le problème est que pkg-config ne trouve pas le fichier gtk+-2.0.pc :

nécessite le paquetage pkg-config gtk+-2.0-any, non trouvé dans la base de données pkg-config

Étapes à suivre pour résoudre les problèmes :

  1. Vérifiez quels répertoires pkg-config est configuré pour rechercher .pc des fichiers avec :

    $  pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config
  2. Sur mon système, gtk+-2.0.pc réside à /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig . J'ai étendu le chemin de recherche en définissant le paramètre PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable d'environnement :

    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:
  3. Test que pkg-config peut trouver gtk+-2.0 :

    pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --exists && echo Found the library

    Aucune sortie signifie que le fichier .pc n'a pas été trouvé. Une autre commande que vous pouvez utiliser pour vérifier :

    pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs --print-errors

    Vous verrez soit un message d'erreur, soit une longue liste de drapeaux pour le compilateur C qui lui indique comment faire le lien avec les bibliothèques gtk.

  4. Une autre astuce pour trouver le fichier .pc est d'utiliser la fonction locate (en supposant que la base de données de localisation a été mise à jour) :

    locate '*.pc' | grep gtk


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