2 votes

Désérialisation de JSON dans un autre format - Serde_JSON

J'essaie de lire le JSON d'un fichier en Rust qui a les dimensions suivantes :

    "DIPLOBLASTIC":"Characterizing the ovum when it has two primary germinallayers.",
    "DEFIGURE":"To delineate. [Obs.]These two stones as they are here defigured. Weever.",
    "LOMBARD":"Of or pertaining to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy.",
    "BAHAISM":"The religious tenets or practices of the Bahais."

Je veux stocker chaque mot et sa description dans un vecteur (c'est pour un jeu de pendu). Je peux lire le fichier s'il est formaté comme ceci :

        "word": "DIPLOBLASTIC",
        "description": "Characterizing the ovum when it has two primary germinallayers."
        "word": "DEFIGURE",
        "description": "To delineate. [Obs.]These two stones as they are here defigured. Weever."

Je fais cela en utilisant le code suivant :

extern crate serde_derive;

use serde_json::Result;
use std::fs;

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Word {
    word: String,
    description: String,

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let data = fs::read_to_string("src/words.json").expect("Something went wrong...");
    let words: Vec<Word> = serde_json::from_str(&data)?;
    println!("{}", words[0].word);

Cependant, j'essaie de trouver comment conserver le formatage original du fichier JSON sans le convertir en mot et description dans le deuxième exemple JSON.

Est-il possible d'utiliser le format JSON existant ou dois-je le reformater ?


BallpointBen Points 3265

Vous pouvez rassembler la carte dans un HashMap o BTreeMap puis utiliser ses paires clé-valeur pour créer un vecteur de mots.

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let data = r#"{
        "DIPLOBLASTIC":"Characterizing the ovum when it has two primary germinallayers.",
        "DEFIGURE":"To delineate. [Obs.]These two stones as they are here defigured. Weever.",
        "LOMBARD":"Of or pertaining to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy.",
        "BAHAISM":"The religious tenets or practices of the Bahais."
    let words: std::collections::BTreeMap<String, String> = serde_json::from_str(data)?;
    let words = words
        .map(|(word, description)| Word { word, description })
    println!("{:#?}", words);


PitaJ Points 4168

Si vous voulez économiser les allocations et les itérations, vous pouvez le faire avec une implémentation personnalisée de deserialize :

extern crate serde_derive;

use std::fmt;
use serde::de::{Deserialize, Visitor, MapAccess};

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Word {
    word: String,
    description: String,

struct WordList {
    list: Vec<Word>,

struct WordListVisitor;

impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for WordListVisitor {
    type Value = WordList;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("a string->string map")

    fn visit_map<A: MapAccess<'de>>(self, mut access: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
        let mut list = Vec::with_capacity(access.size_hint().unwrap_or(0));

        while let Some((word, description)) = access.next_entry()? {
            list.push(Word { word, description });

        Ok(WordList { list })

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for WordList {
    fn deserialize<D: serde::Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {

fn main() -> serde_json::Result<()> {
    let data = r#"{
        "DIPLOBLASTIC":"Characterizing the ovum when it has two primary germinallayers.",
        "DEFIGURE":"To delineate. [Obs.]These two stones as they are here defigured. Weever.",
        "LOMBARD":"Of or pertaining to Lombardy, or the inhabitants of Lombardy.",
        "BAHAISM":"The religious tenets or practices of the Bahais."
    let words: WordList = serde_json::from_str(data)?;
    println!("{:#?}", words);

terrain de jeu


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