2 votes

Exemples d'expressions Linq courantes

Lorsque j'écris du code, je commence à identifier les endroits où je pourrais utiliser Linq. Mon problème est que je suis encore très novice dans la syntaxe. J'apprends mieux avec des exemples, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver facilement l'exemple dont j'ai besoin.

Je voulais lancer ce fil de discussion pour créer un répertoire des expressions Linq courantes que d'autres pourraient trouver par hasard via Google.

La question : pouvez-vous fournir des exemples d'expressions Linq que vous utilisez pour des tâches courantes ?

Par exemple, j'ai déjà écrit ce qui suit :

  • recherche dans une liste
  • additionner un tableau
  • additionner une certaine propriété dans une collection d'éléments

Pour lancer le fil de discussion, je vais poster une réponse qui contient ces éléments.


Robert Harvey Points 103562


Robert H. Points 781

Enumération dans une liste pour trouver un certain élément

tboShippingLotNumber existingLotNumber =
    (tboShippingLotNumber)(from lot in shipmentDetailLine.LotNumbers
                               (lot.LotNumber == lotNumber) &&
                               (lot.ShipLineKey == shipmentDetailLine.Key)
                           select lot).ElementAtOrDefault(0);

if (existingLotNumber == null)
    // not found exception

Somme d'un tableau :

decimal[] array = { 1.5m, 2.5m, 3.5m };
decimal sum = array.Sum();

Additionner une certaine propriété dans une liste d'objets

decimal sum = (from shipment in _ShipmentData.Shipments select 


Winston Smith Points 12029


Narottam Points 159

A couvert la plupart des exemples Linq

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace LinqExamples
    // https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Print all the subjects
            Console.WriteLine("------------------(SelectMany) Print all the subjects--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", students.SelectMany(s => s.subjects).Distinct()));

            // Sort by first subject and then by first name
            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------(OrderBy ThenBy) Sort by first subject and then by first name--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", students.OrderBy(x => x.subjects[0]).ThenBy(m => m.FirstName)));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------Group by first subject and then no of student oppted for the subject--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", students.GroupBy(x => x.subjects[0]).Select(s => new { Subject = s.Key, count = s.Count() })));
            foreach (var g in students.GroupBy(x => x.subjects[0]).Select(s => new { Subject = s.Key, count = s.Count(), studentFirstName = s.Select(x => x.FirstName) }))
                Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}, Total Student: {1}, Student FirstNames: {2}", g.Subject, g.count, string.Join(", ", g.studentFirstName));

            string wordsString = "This is the same book which all the student used to read";
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", wordsString.Split(' ').GroupBy(x => x).Select(s => new { Word = s.Key, count = s.Count() })));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------(OrderByDescending) Top 2 Salary--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", students.OrderByDescending(s => s.Salary).Take(2)));

            int[] arr = { 2, 2, 3, 5, 5 };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", arr)}]");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", arr.Distinct()));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------(Union) Unique numbers from both arrays--------------------");
            int[] numbersA = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 };
            int[] numbersB = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersA)}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersB)}]");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbersA.Union(numbersB).OrderBy(x => x)));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------(Intersect) Common numbers shared by both arrays--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersA)}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersB)}]");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbersA.Intersect(numbersB).OrderBy(x => x)));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------(Except) Numbers in first array but not second array--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersA)}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersB)}]");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbersA.Except(numbersB).OrderBy(x => x)));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------Concat numbers from both arrays--------------------");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersA)}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbersB)}]");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbersA.Concat(numbersB).OrderBy(x => x)));

            var scoreRecords = new[] { new {Name = "Alice", Score = 50},
                                new {Name = "Bob"  , Score = 40},
                                new {Name = "Cathy", Score = 45}
            var scoreRecordsDict = scoreRecords.ToDictionary(sr => sr.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Bob's score: {0}", scoreRecordsDict["Bob"]);

            object[] numbers = { null, 1.0, "two", 3, "four", 5, "six", 7.0, true };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", numbers)}]");
            var doubles = numbers.OfType<double>();
            Console.WriteLine("Numbers stored as doubles: " + string.Join(", ", numbers.OfType<double>()));
            Console.WriteLine("Numbers stored as bool: " + string.Join(", ", numbers.OfType<bool>()));
            Console.WriteLine("Numbers stored as string: " + string.Join(", ", numbers.OfType<string>()));
            Console.WriteLine("Numbers stored as int: " + string.Join(", ", numbers.OfType<int>()));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------First with Condition--------------------");
            string[] strings = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", strings)}]");
            Console.WriteLine("A string starting with 'o': {0}", strings.FirstOrDefault(s => s[0] == 'o'));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------GroupBy with Condition--------------------");
            int[] num = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", num)}]");
            var numberGroups = num.GroupBy(x => x % 5).Select(g => new { Remainder = g.Key, Numbers = g });
            foreach (var g in numberGroups)
                Console.WriteLine("Numbers with a remainder of {0} when divided by 5: {1}", g.Remainder, string.Join(", ", g.Numbers));

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", Enumerable.Range(1, 5)));

            Console.WriteLine($"\n{string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('-', 18))}Repeat{string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('-', 18))}");
            Console.WriteLine("Repeat(Print) '*' for 5 times: " + string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat('*', 5)));

            string[] words = { "believe", "relief", "receipt", "field" };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", words)}]");
            Console.WriteLine("Is there any word which contains 'ei': {0}", words.Any(w => w.Contains("ei")));
            Console.WriteLine("Is there any word which start with 'f': {0}", words.Any(w => w[0] == 'f'));
            Console.WriteLine("Is there any word which start with 'n': {0}", words.Any(w => w[0] == 'n'));

            int[] nos = { 1, 11, 3, 19, 41, 65, 19 };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", nos)}]");
            Console.WriteLine("The list contains only odd numbers: {0}", nos.All(n => n % 2 == 1));
            Console.WriteLine("The list contains only even numbers: {0}", nos.All(n => n % 2 == 0));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------Where with index --------------------");
            string[] digits = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", digits)}]");

            var shortDigits = digits.Where((digit, index) => digit.Length < index);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" is shorter in length than its index position\n", shortDigits));

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------Select with index --------------------");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", digits)}]");
            foreach (var n in digits.Select((x, indexi) => new { word = x, InPlace = indexi }))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", n.word, n.InPlace);

            Console.WriteLine("\n------------------SequenceEqual (all array element matches in the same order)--------------------");
            var wordsA = new string[] { "cherry", "apple", "blueberry" };
            var wordsB = new string[] { "cherry", "apple", "blueberry" };
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", wordsA)}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", wordsB)}]");
            Console.WriteLine("The sequences match: {0}", wordsA.SequenceEqual(wordsB));

        private static void loadData()
            students.Add(new Student("English", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("Physics", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("Chemistry", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("English", "Hindi"));
            students.Add(new Student("GK", "Science"));
            students.Add(new Student("English", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("Physics", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("Chemistry", "Math"));
            students.Add(new Student("English", "Hindi"));
            students.Add(new Student("GK", "Science"));

        public static List<Student> students = new List<Student>();

    public class Student
        public string FirstName { get; set; } = Faker.Name.First();
        public string LastName { get; set; } = Faker.Name.Last();
        public string Mobile { get; set; } = Faker.Phone.Number();
        public int Salary { get; set; } = Faker.RandomNumber.Next(1000, 10000);
        public Guid Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
        public List<string> subjects = new List<string>();
        public Student(params string[] subjects)
            foreach (var sub in subjects)

        public override string ToString()
            return $"{this.FirstName} {this.LastName} {this.Salary}\t{this.subjects[0]}, {this.subjects[1]} {this.Mobile}";


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