J'ai trois zones de texte (heures, minutes, secondes), un bouton de démarrage, de pause et d'arrêt et j'utilise des étiquettes pour afficher le minuteur actuel. J'ai également une minuterie avec un intervalle de 1000
. Ma question est la suivante : pourquoi l'heure ne s'affiche-t-elle pas à l'aide des étiquettes ? Tout le reste fonctionne, mais il n'enregistre pas le fait que j'ai mis des valeurs dans les zones de texte.
Minuterie de démarrage :
private void startbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (paused != true) //Timer is not paused (active)
int.TryParse(textBoxhrs.Text, out hours);
int.TryParse(textBoxmin.Text, out minutes);
int.TryParse(textBoxsec.Text, out seconds);
if (hours >= 1 || (minutes >= 1) || (seconds >= 1))
//If there is at least one integer entered in any of the 3 boxes, executes; else - //throws an exception
startbutton.Enabled = true;
pausebutton.Enabled = true; //changed the value to 'true'
stopbutton.Enabled = true; //changed the value to 'true'
textBoxhrs.Enabled = false;
textBoxmin.Enabled = false;
textBoxsec.Enabled = false;
MessageBox.Show("Enter at least one integer!");
private void stopbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Stop the timer.
paused = false;
timer1.Enabled = false;
startbutton.Enabled = true; //changed to true
stopbutton.Enabled = false; //changed to false
pausebutton.Enabled = false; //changed to false
textBoxhrs.Enabled = true;
textBoxsec.Enabled = true;
textBoxmin.Enabled = true;
textBoxhrs.Enabled = true;
lblHr1.Text = "00";
lblMin1.Text = "00";
lblSec1.Text = "00";
MessageBox.Show("Timer is Stopped, to re-start press <Start>"); //updated to give user a chance to run the timer again after stoppage.
Bouton Pause :
private void pausebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Pause the timer.
timer1.Enabled = false;
paused = true; //
startbutton.Enabled = true; // changed to true
pausebutton.Enabled = false; //changed to false
Minuterie :
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Verify if the time didn't pass.
if ((minutes == 0) && (hours == 0) && (seconds == 0))
// If the time is over, clear all settings and fields.
// Also, show the message, notifying that the time is over.
timer1.Enabled = false;
pausebutton.Enabled = false;
stopbutton.Enabled = false;
startbutton.Enabled = true;
textBoxhrs.Enabled = true;
textBoxMsg.Enabled = true;
textBoxsec.Enabled = true;
textBoxmin.Enabled = true;
textBoxhrs.Enabled = true;
lblHr1.Text = "00";
lblMin1.Text = "00";
lblSec1.Text = "00";
// Else continue counting.
if (seconds < 1)
seconds = 59;
if (minutes == 0)
minutes = 59;
if (hours != 0)
hours -= 1;
minutes -= 1;
seconds -= 1;
// Display the current values of hours, minutes and seconds in
// the corresponding fields.
lblHr1.Text = hours.ToString();
lblMin1.Text = minutes.ToString();
lblSec1.Text = seconds.ToString();