Ce fil de discussion s'est avéré très utile.
Pour ceux qui sont allergiques aux accolades, voici la version VB.NET des réponses de Lucas et Crake :
Public Module ActionImage
Function ActionImage(html As HtmlHelper, Action As String, RouteValues As Object, ImagePath As String, AltText As String) As MvcHtmlString
Dim url = New UrlHelper(html.ViewContext.RequestContext)
Dim imgHtml As String
'Build the <img> tag
Dim imgBuilder = New TagBuilder("img")
With imgBuilder
.MergeAttribute("src", url.Content(ImagePath))
.MergeAttribute("alt", AltText)
imgHtml = .ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)
End With
Dim aHtml As String
'Build the <a> tag
Dim aBuilder = New TagBuilder("a")
With aBuilder
.MergeAttribute("href", url.Action(Action, RouteValues))
.InnerHtml = imgHtml 'Include the <img> tag inside
aHtml = aBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)
End With
Return MvcHtmlString.Create(aHtml)
End Function
Function ActionImage(html As HtmlHelper, Action As String, Controller As String, RouteValues As Object, ImagePath As String, AltText As String) As MvcHtmlString
Dim url = New UrlHelper(html.ViewContext.RequestContext)
Dim imgHtml As String
'Build the <img> tag
Dim imgBuilder = New TagBuilder("img")
With imgBuilder
.MergeAttribute("src", url.Content(ImagePath))
.MergeAttribute("alt", AltText)
imgHtml = .ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)
End With
Dim aHtml As String
'Build the <a> tag
Dim aBuilder = New TagBuilder("a")
With aBuilder
.MergeAttribute("href", url.Action(Action, Controller, RouteValues))
.InnerHtml = imgHtml 'Include the <img> tag inside
aHtml = aBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)
End With
Return MvcHtmlString.Create(aHtml)
End Function
End Module