2 votes

libcurl : je ne parviens pas à télécharger les ressources web aussi rapidement qu'un navigateur

Consultez cette simple page web, si vous le souhaitez : http://alvein.freevar.com C'est juste une simple galerie de 1999 petites images.

Chrome et Edge effectuent tous deux le chargement complet moins de 10 secondes (avec un cache vide) . Un outil de test externe comme celui-ci, https://tools.pingdom.com obtient des valeurs similaires.

Cependant, je n'ai pas été en mesure de coder un téléchargeur proche de ces vitesses.

Je ne vais pas (encore) poster mon code source pour simplifier cette question.

Pour l'instant, je dirai que j'ai deux versions, basées sur ces échantillons de libcurl :

https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/10-at-a-time.html (single-thread, téléchargements simultanés) https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/multithread.html (multithread)

J'ai étendu les deux échantillons, en chargeant le contenu de urls[] soit à la main, soit en analysant directement les liens de ressources de la galerie d'exemples. Meh, ce n'est pas important.

J'ai également ajouté un "pool" pour les deux méthodes afin que le nombre de ressources et de threads (ou "slots" pour le 1er échantillon) puisse être variable.

Mais le reste est à peu près identique.

Pour la même page web et les mêmes ressources, mes temps sont toujours les suivants plus d'une minute et je me demande pourquoi.

Que fait le navigateur pour que tout soit si rapide ? Ou peut-être que libcurl n'est pas vraiment adapté à ce genre de tâches ?

Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions !

PD. Ces échantillons ont été construits et testés avec VS2017, x64, version.


Je ne sais pas si ma connexion rampait avant (je doute), mais dans les dernières exécutions, J'ai aussi des temps inférieurs à 10 secondes. .

Comme demandé, voici mon code (attention : long).

// Parallel downloads sample - based on https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/10-at-a-time.html

#include <time.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

// Available download slots. The smaller the download resources, the higher this value can be.
// Can't be too big or the failing fopen_s() will make some slots impossible to fill.

typedef struct {
    int  iIndex;
    char *szURL;
    char *szPath;
} ProgressHelper;

typedef struct {
    unsigned __int64 ui64Size;
    char             *cData;
} DownloadHelper;

typedef struct {
    int            iTotalDownloads;
    bool           *bDownloaded, *bDownloading;
    char           **szURLs, **szPaths;
    FILE           **fDownloads;
    CURL           **curlDownloads;
    ProgressHelper *phProgress;
    DownloadHelper *dhDownload;
} MultiDownloadHelper;

CURLM *curlMultiHandle;



const char *szSourceURL = "http://alvein.freevar.com";
const char *szDownloadFolder = "C:\\Users\\Alvein\\Avatars";

static size_t write_callback(char *data, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userdata) {
// write_callback(): receives incoming download data and "saves" it in a DownloadHelper structure.
    unsigned __int64  ui64DataSize = size * nitems;
    DownloadHelper    *dhCurrentDownload = (DownloadHelper *)userdata;
    char              *cDownloadedData = (char *)realloc(dhCurrentDownload->cData,
                                                         dhCurrentDownload->ui64Size + ui64DataSize);
    if(NULL!= cDownloadedData) {
        // Saves the downloaded chunk (data) at the end of the downloaded data (cDownloadedData)
        if (0 == memcpy_s(cDownloadedData + dhCurrentDownload->ui64Size,
                          dhCurrentDownload->ui64Size + ui64DataSize,
                          ui64DataSize)) {
            dhCurrentDownload->cData = cDownloadedData;
            dhCurrentDownload->ui64Size += ui64DataSize;
            return ui64DataSize;
    return 0;

static int progress_callback(void *userdata, curl_off_t dltotal, curl_off_t dlnow, curl_off_t ultotal, curl_off_t ulnow) {
// progress_callback(): just a simple callback for future use.
    ProgressHelper *phCurrentDownload = (ProgressHelper *)userdata;
        fprintf(stderr,"%s: %lld of %lld\n", phCurrentDownload->szURL, dlnow, dltotal);

bool singleDownload(const char *szURL, char **cContentData, unsigned __int64 *ui64ContentLength) {
// singleDownload():  downloads the resource in szURL.
// cContentData:      returned array of bytes (not a string). Must be released by caller.
// ui64ContentLength: the content length written in cContentData.
    bool           bResult = false;
    CURL           *curlHandle;
    DownloadHelper dhSingle = { 0,NULL };
    *cContentData = NULL;
    *ui64ContentLength = 0;
    curlHandle = curl_easy_init();
    if (NULL != curlHandle) {
        curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, szURL);
        curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback);
        curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &dhSingle);
        if (CURLE_OK == curl_easy_perform(curlHandle))
            if (dhSingle.ui64Size) {
                *cContentData = dhSingle.cData;
                *ui64ContentLength = dhSingle.ui64Size;
                bResult = true;
    return bResult;

bool multiDownload_StartOne(MultiDownloadHelper *mdhHelper, int iIndex) {
// multiDownload_StartOne(): adds a given download job to the multi interface
    bool bResult = false;
    int  iK;
    FILE *fHandle;
    CURL *curlHandle;
    if (0 == fopen_s(&fHandle, mdhHelper->szPaths[iIndex], "wb")) {
        // Finds a free download slot
        for (iK = 0; iK < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iK++)
            if (!bBusyHandles[iK])
            curlHandle = curlSharedHandles[iK];
            bBusyHandles[iK] = true; // Seizes the download slot
            mdhHelper->fDownloads[iIndex] = fHandle;
            mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iIndex] = curlHandle; // Assigns the shared handle to this job
            mdhHelper->phProgress[iIndex] = { iIndex,mdhHelper->szURLs[iIndex],mdhHelper->szPaths[iIndex] };
            mdhHelper->dhDownload[iIndex] = { 0,NULL }; // Resets the download progress
            curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, mdhHelper->szURLs[iIndex]);
            curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback);
            curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &mdhHelper->dhDownload[iIndex]);
            #ifdef _DEBUG // Progress is disabled in Release - too much stuff on the console
                curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L);
                curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, progress_callback);
                curl_easy_setopt(curlHandle, CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA, &mdhHelper->phProgress[iIndex]);
                fprintf(stderr, "multiDownload_StartOne(%d)...\n", iIndex);
            curl_multi_add_handle(curlMultiHandle, curlHandle);
            bResult = true;
    return bResult;

void multiDownload(MultiDownloadHelper *mdhHelper) {
// multiDownload(): performs all the download jobs contained in mdhHelper.
    int     iK, iJ, iActiveDownloads, iTotalDownloaded, iActiveHandles, iPendingMessages;
    CURLMsg *curlMessage;
    // Finds every not-completed/not-busy download job...
    iActiveDownloads = iTotalDownloaded = 0;
    for (; iActiveDownloads < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iActiveDownloads++) {
        for (iK = 0; iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads; iK++)
            if (!mdhHelper->bDownloaded[iK])
                if (!mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK])
        if (iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads)
            mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK] = multiDownload_StartOne(mdhHelper, iK); // ...and starts them...
    } // ...as long as there are no more than MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS active jobs
    do {
        curl_multi_perform(curlMultiHandle, &iActiveHandles);
        do {
            curlMessage = curl_multi_info_read(curlMultiHandle, &iPendingMessages);
            if (NULL != curlMessage) {
                // Finds the index of the download job the received message belongs to
                for (iK = 0; iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads; iK++)
                    if (curlMessage->easy_handle == mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK])
                if (iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads) {
                    if (CURLMSG_DONE == curlMessage->msg) {
                        if (CURLE_OK == curlMessage->data.result) {
                            long lResCode;
                            curl_easy_getinfo(mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK], CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &lResCode);
                            // The response code is ignored in this sample (let's assume it's always HTTP 200 OK)
                            mdhHelper->bDownloaded[iK] = true;
                            mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK] = false;
                                   mdhHelper->fDownloads[iK]); // Saves the downloaded file in a single shot
                            #ifdef _DEBUG
                                fprintf(stderr, "\nDownload is complete (%ld): %s\n", lResCode, mdhHelper->szPaths[iK]);
                        else {
                            fprintf(stderr, "\n**Download failed (%d): %s\n", curlMessage->data.result, mdhHelper->szPaths[iK]);
                            mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK] = false;
                        mdhHelper->fDownloads[iK] = NULL;
                        curl_multi_remove_handle(curlMultiHandle, mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK]);
                        // Instead of calling curl_easy_cleanup(mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK])...
                        for (iJ = 0; iJ < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iJ++)
                            if (curlSharedHandles[iJ] == mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK])
                        bBusyHandles[iJ] = false;            // ...frees the associated download slot...
                        mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK] = NULL; // ...where mdhHelper->curlDownloads[iK] is in
                        if (iTotalDownloaded < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads) {
                            // Finds all the pending download jobs, and starts them...
                            for (; iActiveDownloads < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iActiveDownloads++) {
                                for (iK = 0; iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads; iK++)
                                    if (!mdhHelper->bDownloaded[iK])
                                        if (!mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK])
                                if (iK < mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads)
                                    mdhHelper->bDownloading[iK] = multiDownload_StartOne(mdhHelper, iK);
                            } // ...as long as there are no more than MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS active jobs
                    else // Improbable to happen
                        fprintf(stderr, "\n!!Unknown message (%d): %s\n", curlMessage->msg, mdhHelper->szPaths[iK]);;
                else // Impossible to happen
                    fprintf(stderr, "\n!!Could not find the messaging handle in the downloads list\n");
        } while (NULL != curlMessage);
        if (iActiveHandles) // Gives one second to the active and non responsive downloads...
            curl_multi_wait(curlMultiHandle, NULL, 0, 1000, NULL); // ...before continuing the messages poll
            if (iTotalDownloaded == mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads)
                break; // Exits if every download job has finished
    } while (true);

void allocMultiDownloadHelper(MultiDownloadHelper *mdhHelper, int iHowMany) {
// allocMultiDownloadHelper(): allocates the required memory for every download job.
    mdhHelper->iTotalDownloads = iHowMany;
    mdhHelper->bDownloaded = (bool *)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(bool));
    mdhHelper->bDownloading = (bool *)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(bool));
    mdhHelper->szURLs = (char **)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(char *));
    mdhHelper->szPaths = (char **)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(char *));
    mdhHelper->fDownloads = (FILE **)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(FILE *));
    mdhHelper->curlDownloads = (CURL **)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(CURL *));
    mdhHelper->phProgress = (ProgressHelper *)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(ProgressHelper));
    mdhHelper->dhDownload = (DownloadHelper *)malloc(iHowMany * sizeof(DownloadHelper));

void freeMultiDownloadHelper(MultiDownloadHelper mdhHelper) {
// freeMultiDownloadHelper(): releases the memory allocated for every download job.
    for (int iK = 0; iK < mdhHelper.iTotalDownloads; iK++) {

void parseHTMLImgTags(char *szHTML, char ***szImgSources, int *iTotal) {
// parseHTMLImgTags(): shameless <img> tags parsing in the HTML content supplied in szHTML.
//                     Not to be taken seriously.
// szImgSources:       returned array of URLs as NULL-terminated strings.
// iTotal:             the number of image URLs found.
    unsigned __int64 ui64ImgSrcLen;
    char             *szHTMLNdx, *szImgSrc, **szRllSources,
                     *szImgTagStart, *szImgTagEnd, *szSrcAttStart, *szSrcAttEnd;
    *iTotal = 0;
    *szImgSources = NULL;
    szHTMLNdx = szHTML;
    do {
        szImgTagStart = strstr(szHTMLNdx, "<img ");
        if (NULL != szImgTagStart) {
            szImgTagEnd = strstr(szImgTagStart + 5, ">");
            if (NULL != szImgTagEnd) {
                szSrcAttStart = strstr(szImgTagStart, "src=\"");
                if (NULL != szSrcAttStart) {
                    szSrcAttEnd = strstr(szSrcAttStart + 5, "\"");
                    if (NULL != szSrcAttEnd) {
                        ui64ImgSrcLen = szSrcAttEnd - szSrcAttStart - 5;
                        szImgSrc = (char *)malloc(ui64ImgSrcLen + 1);
                        if (0 == strncpy_s(szImgSrc, ui64ImgSrcLen + 1, szSrcAttStart + 5, ui64ImgSrcLen)) {
                            szImgSrc[ui64ImgSrcLen] = '\0';
                            szRllSources = (char **)realloc(*szImgSources, (*iTotal + 1) * sizeof(char *));
                            if (NULL != szRllSources) {
                                *szImgSources = szRllSources;
                                (*szImgSources)[(*iTotal)++] = _strdup(szImgSrc);
            szHTMLNdx = szImgTagEnd + 1;
    } while (NULL != szImgTagStart);

int main(void) {
    int                 iResult = EXIT_FAILURE, iK, iTotalDownloads;
    unsigned __int64    ui64HTMLSize;
    char                *cHTML, *szImgExt, **szURLs, szLocalFile[MAX_PATH];
    double              dblElapsed;
    time_t              tmTimer;
    FILE                *fHTML;
    MultiDownloadHelper mdhDownloads;
    // Downloads the source web page
    if (singleDownload(szSourceURL, &cHTML, &ui64HTMLSize)) {
        dblElapsed = difftime(time(NULL), tmTimer);
        iTotalDownloads = 0;
        szURLs = NULL;
        sprintf_s(szLocalFile, MAX_PATH, "%s\\source.html", szDownloadFolder);
        (void)fopen_s(&fHTML, szLocalFile, "w");
        if (ui64HTMLSize) {
            // Saves the content in the download folder
            fwrite(cHTML, sizeof(char), ui64HTMLSize, fHTML);
            cHTML = (char *)realloc(cHTML, ui64HTMLSize + 1);
            if (NULL != cHTML) {
                cHTML[ui64HTMLSize] = '\0'; // Assumes the content is HTML - handles it as ASCIIz
                parseHTMLImgTags(cHTML, &szURLs, &iTotalDownloads);
        if (iTotalDownloads) {
            // Initializes every handle in the download slots - sets them as "available"
            for (iK = 0; iK < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iK++) {
                curlSharedHandles[iK] = curl_easy_init();
                bBusyHandles[iK] = false;
            allocMultiDownloadHelper(&mdhDownloads, iTotalDownloads);
            // Initializes the download jobs (1 per image resource)
            for (iK = 0; iK < iTotalDownloads; iK++) {
                #ifdef _DEBUG
                    fprintf(stderr, "Image resource: %s\n", szURLs[iK]);
                mdhDownloads.bDownloaded[iK] = mdhDownloads.bDownloading[iK] = false;
                mdhDownloads.szURLs[iK] = szURLs[iK];
                // Makes the local filename for each job - just a numeric sequence, for simplicity
                mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK] = (char *)malloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(char));
                sprintf_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, "%s\\%05u", szDownloadFolder, iK);
                // Adds a file extension, based on the image resource URL - rudimentary method
                szImgExt = strrchr(szURLs[iK], '.');
                if (NULL != szImgExt)
                    if (szImgExt == strstr(szImgExt, ".jpg"))
                        strcat_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, ".jpg");
                    else if (szImgExt == strstr(szImgExt, ".png"))
                        strcat_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, ".png");
                    else if (szImgExt == strstr(szImgExt, ".gif"))
                        strcat_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, ".gif");
                        strcat_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, ".tmp");
                    strcat_s(mdhDownloads.szPaths[iK], MAX_PATH, ".tmp");
            curlMultiHandle = curl_multi_init();
            curl_multi_setopt(curlMultiHandle, CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS, MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS);
            fprintf(stderr, "Downloading %d images...\n", iTotalDownloads);
            dblElapsed += difftime(time(NULL), tmTimer);
            for (iK = 0; iK < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS; iK++)
            fprintf(stderr, "Load time: %0.2f\n", dblElapsed);
            iResult = EXIT_SUCCESS;
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not find a single image resource the source web page\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not download the source web page\n");
    return iResult;

Je sais que c'est assez rapide maintenant, mais toute suggestion supplémentaire est la bienvenue.

Merci beaucoup les gars pour les idées de réutilisation des poignées.


hanshenrik Points 192

Ou peut-être que libcurl n'est pas vraiment adapté à ce genre de tâches ?

enter image description here

j'essaierai de le télécharger aussi vite que possible en utilisant curl_multi, un seul thread avec plusieurs connexions, en utilisant PHP (* le faire en C serait encore plus rapide, mais c'est juste plus facile pour moi de le faire en PHP, et je pense que PHP sera assez rapide pour prouver que ce n'est pas la faute de curl de toute façon, on verra)

ce code :

declare(strict_types = 1);

$mh = curl_multi_init();
$workers = [];

$work = function () use (&$workers, &$mh) {
    // > If an added handle fails very quickly, it may never be counted as a running_handle
    while (1) {
        curl_multi_exec($mh, $still_running);
        if ($still_running < count($workers)) {
        $cms = curl_multi_select($mh, 10);
    while (false !== ($info = curl_multi_info_read($mh))) {
        // echo "NOT FALSE!";
        // var_dump($info);
        if ($info['msg'] !== CURLMSG_DONE) {
        if ($info['result'] !== CURLM_OK) {
            // cba doing proper error detection
            throw new \RuntimeException("curl error");
        $key = (int) $info["handle"];
        curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $info['handle']);
        // var_dump($workers[$key]);
    // echo "NO MORE INFO!";
$ch = curl_init('http://alvein.freevar.com/');
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
$html = curl_exec($ch);
$domd = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html);
// just to make sure the garbage collector doesn't do something stupid..
// probably not needed
foreach ($domd->getElementsByTagName("img") as $img) {
    while (count($workers) >= MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIOS) {
    $url = $img->getAttribute("src");
    $fp = fopen(basename($url), 'wb');
    if (! $fp) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("fopen failed!");
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_FILE => $fp,
        CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "benchmark_not_empty",
        // CURLOPT_VERBOSE=>1,
    curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ch);
    $workers[(int) $ch] = [
        "handle" => $ch,
        "fp" => $fp
while (count($workers) > 0) {

echo "all images downloaded!";

fonctionne en environ 5,3 secondes sur ma connexion wifi 50mbit 2.4Ghz en Norvège

et quand je l'exécute sur une connexion 1gbps depuis le Canada, il s'exécute en environ 1,1 seconde. peut-être qu'il ira encore plus vite si je joue avec le paramètre const MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIOS = 100; le cadre ? de toute façon, je n'ai plus le temps

(notes d'optimisation : réutiliser les handles des travailleurs plutôt que de les créer+supprimer en une seule fois serait encore plus rapide)


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