Lors d'un travail sur un objectif autofocus, j'ai découvert cet ensemble d'algorithmes très utiles pour la mise au point de l'image. détection de la mise au point de l'image . Il est implémenté dans MATLAB, mais la plupart des fonctions sont assez faciles à porter vers OpenCV avec filtre2D .
Il s'agit essentiellement d'une mise en œuvre d'enquête de nombreux algorithmes de mesure de la focalisation. Si vous voulez lire les articles originaux, les références aux auteurs des algorithmes sont fournies dans le code. L'article de 2012 de Pertuz, et al. Analyse des opérateurs de mesure du focus pour la forme à partir du focus (SFF) donne un excellent aperçu de toutes ces mesures ainsi que de leurs performances (tant en termes de vitesse que de précision appliquées au SFF).
EDIT : Ajout du code MATLAB au cas où le lien ne fonctionne pas.
function FM = fmeasure(Image, Measure, ROI)
%This function measures the relative degree of focus of
%an image. It may be invoked as:
% FM = fmeasure(Image, Method, ROI)
% Image, is a grayscale image and FM is the computed
% focus value.
% Method, is the focus measure algorithm as a string.
% see 'operators.txt' for a list of focus
% measure methods.
% ROI, Image ROI as a rectangle [xo yo width heigth].
% if an empty argument is passed, the whole
% image is processed.
% Said Pertuz
% Abr/2010
if ~isempty(ROI)
Image = imcrop(Image, ROI);
WSize = 15; % Size of local window (only some operators)
switch upper(Measure)
case 'ACMO' % Absolute Central Moment (Shirvaikar2004)
if ~isinteger(Image), Image = im2uint8(Image);
FM = AcMomentum(Image);
case 'BREN' % Brenner's (Santos97)
[M N] = size(Image);
DH = Image;
DV = Image;
DH(1:M-2,:) = diff(Image,2,1);
DV(:,1:N-2) = diff(Image,2,2);
FM = max(DH, DV);
FM = FM.^2;
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'CONT' % Image contrast (Nanda2001)
ImContrast = inline('sum(abs(x(:)-x(5)))');
FM = nlfilter(Image, [3 3], ImContrast);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'CURV' % Image Curvature (Helmli2001)
if ~isinteger(Image), Image = im2uint8(Image);
M1 = [-1 0 1;-1 0 1;-1 0 1];
M2 = [1 0 1;1 0 1;1 0 1];
P0 = imfilter(Image, M1, 'replicate', 'conv')/6;
P1 = imfilter(Image, M1', 'replicate', 'conv')/6;
P2 = 3*imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/10 ...
-imfilter(Image, M2', 'replicate', 'conv')/5;
P3 = -imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/5 ...
+3*imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv')/10;
FM = abs(P0) + abs(P1) + abs(P2) + abs(P3);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'DCTE' % DCT energy ratio (Shen2006)
FM = nlfilter(Image, [8 8], @DctRatio);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'DCTR' % DCT reduced energy ratio (Lee2009)
FM = nlfilter(Image, [8 8], @ReRatio);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'GDER' % Gaussian derivative (Geusebroek2000)
N = floor(WSize/2);
sig = N/2.5;
[x,y] = meshgrid(-N:N, -N:N);
G = exp(-(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sig^2))/(2*pi*sig);
Gx = -x.*G/(sig^2);Gx = Gx/sum(Gx(:));
Gy = -y.*G/(sig^2);Gy = Gy/sum(Gy(:));
Rx = imfilter(double(Image), Gx, 'conv', 'replicate');
Ry = imfilter(double(Image), Gy, 'conv', 'replicate');
FM = Rx.^2+Ry.^2;
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'GLVA' % Graylevel variance (Krotkov86)
FM = std2(Image);
case 'GLLV' %Graylevel local variance (Pech2000)
LVar = stdfilt(Image, ones(WSize,WSize)).^2;
FM = std2(LVar)^2;
case 'GLVN' % Normalized GLV (Santos97)
FM = std2(Image)^2/mean2(Image);
case 'GRAE' % Energy of gradient (Subbarao92a)
Ix = Image;
Iy = Image;
Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
FM = Ix.^2 + Iy.^2;
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'GRAT' % Thresholded gradient (Snatos97)
Th = 0; %Threshold
Ix = Image;
Iy = Image;
Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
FM = max(abs(Ix), abs(Iy));
FM = sum(FM(:))/sum(sum(FM~=0));
case 'GRAS' % Squared gradient (Eskicioglu95)
Ix = diff(Image, 1, 2);
FM = Ix.^2;
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'HELM' %Helmli's mean method (Helmli2001)
MEANF = fspecial('average',[WSize WSize]);
U = imfilter(Image, MEANF, 'replicate');
R1 = U./Image;
index = (U>Image);
FM = 1./R1;
FM(index) = R1(index);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'HISE' % Histogram entropy (Krotkov86)
FM = entropy(Image);
case 'HISR' % Histogram range (Firestone91)
FM = max(Image(:))-min(Image(:));
case 'LAPE' % Energy of laplacian (Subbarao92a)
LAP = fspecial('laplacian');
FM = imfilter(Image, LAP, 'replicate', 'conv');
FM = mean2(FM.^2);
case 'LAPM' % Modified Laplacian (Nayar89)
M = [-1 2 -1];
Lx = imfilter(Image, M, 'replicate', 'conv');
Ly = imfilter(Image, M', 'replicate', 'conv');
FM = abs(Lx) + abs(Ly);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'LAPV' % Variance of laplacian (Pech2000)
LAP = fspecial('laplacian');
ILAP = imfilter(Image, LAP, 'replicate', 'conv');
FM = std2(ILAP)^2;
case 'LAPD' % Diagonal laplacian (Thelen2009)
M1 = [-1 2 -1];
M2 = [0 0 -1;0 2 0;-1 0 0]/sqrt(2);
M3 = [-1 0 0;0 2 0;0 0 -1]/sqrt(2);
F1 = imfilter(Image, M1, 'replicate', 'conv');
F2 = imfilter(Image, M2, 'replicate', 'conv');
F3 = imfilter(Image, M3, 'replicate', 'conv');
F4 = imfilter(Image, M1', 'replicate', 'conv');
FM = abs(F1) + abs(F2) + abs(F3) + abs(F4);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'SFIL' %Steerable filters (Minhas2009)
% Angles = [0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315];
N = floor(WSize/2);
sig = N/2.5;
[x,y] = meshgrid(-N:N, -N:N);
G = exp(-(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sig^2))/(2*pi*sig);
Gx = -x.*G/(sig^2);Gx = Gx/sum(Gx(:));
Gy = -y.*G/(sig^2);Gy = Gy/sum(Gy(:));
R(:,:,1) = imfilter(double(Image), Gx, 'conv', 'replicate');
R(:,:,2) = imfilter(double(Image), Gy, 'conv', 'replicate');
R(:,:,3) = cosd(45)*R(:,:,1)+sind(45)*R(:,:,2);
R(:,:,4) = cosd(135)*R(:,:,1)+sind(135)*R(:,:,2);
R(:,:,5) = cosd(180)*R(:,:,1)+sind(180)*R(:,:,2);
R(:,:,6) = cosd(225)*R(:,:,1)+sind(225)*R(:,:,2);
R(:,:,7) = cosd(270)*R(:,:,1)+sind(270)*R(:,:,2);
R(:,:,7) = cosd(315)*R(:,:,1)+sind(315)*R(:,:,2);
FM = max(R,[],3);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'SFRQ' % Spatial frequency (Eskicioglu95)
Ix = Image;
Iy = Image;
Ix(:,1:end-1) = diff(Image, 1, 2);
Iy(1:end-1,:) = diff(Image, 1, 1);
FM = mean2(sqrt(double(Iy.^2+Ix.^2)));
case 'TENG'% Tenengrad (Krotkov86)
Sx = fspecial('sobel');
Gx = imfilter(double(Image), Sx, 'replicate', 'conv');
Gy = imfilter(double(Image), Sx', 'replicate', 'conv');
FM = Gx.^2 + Gy.^2;
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'TENV' % Tenengrad variance (Pech2000)
Sx = fspecial('sobel');
Gx = imfilter(double(Image), Sx, 'replicate', 'conv');
Gy = imfilter(double(Image), Sx', 'replicate', 'conv');
G = Gx.^2 + Gy.^2;
FM = std2(G)^2;
case 'VOLA' % Vollath's correlation (Santos97)
Image = double(Image);
I1 = Image; I1(1:end-1,:) = Image(2:end,:);
I2 = Image; I2(1:end-2,:) = Image(3:end,:);
Image = Image.*(I1-I2);
FM = mean2(Image);
case 'WAVS' %Sum of Wavelet coeffs (Yang2003)
[C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 1, 'db6');
H = wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1);
V = wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1);
D = wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1);
FM = abs(H) + abs(V) + abs(D);
FM = mean2(FM);
case 'WAVV' %Variance of Wav...(Yang2003)
[C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 1, 'db6');
H = abs(wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1));
V = abs(wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1));
D = abs(wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1));
FM = std2(H)^2+std2(V)+std2(D);
case 'WAVR'
[C,S] = wavedec2(Image, 3, 'db6');
H = abs(wrcoef2('h', C, S, 'db6', 1));
V = abs(wrcoef2('v', C, S, 'db6', 1));
D = abs(wrcoef2('d', C, S, 'db6', 1));
A1 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 1));
A2 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 2));
A3 = abs(wrcoef2('a', C, S, 'db6', 3));
A = A1 + A2 + A3;
WH = H.^2 + V.^2 + D.^2;
WH = mean2(WH);
WL = mean2(A);
error('Unknown measure %s',upper(Measure))
function fm = AcMomentum(Image)
[M N] = size(Image);
Hist = imhist(Image)/(M*N);
Hist = abs((0:255)-255*mean2(Image))'.*Hist;
fm = sum(Hist);
function fm = DctRatio(M)
MT = dct2(M).^2;
fm = (sum(MT(:))-MT(1,1))/MT(1,1);
function fm = ReRatio(M)
M = dct2(M);
fm = (M(1,2)^2+M(1,3)^2+M(2,1)^2+M(2,2)^2+M(3,1)^2)/(M(1,1)^2);
Quelques exemples de versions d'OpenCV :
// OpenCV port of 'LAPM' algorithm (Nayar89)
double modifiedLaplacian(const cv::Mat& src)
cv::Mat M = (Mat_<double>(3, 1) << -1, 2, -1);
cv::Mat G = cv::getGaussianKernel(3, -1, CV_64F);
cv::Mat Lx;
cv::sepFilter2D(src, Lx, CV_64F, M, G);
cv::Mat Ly;
cv::sepFilter2D(src, Ly, CV_64F, G, M);
cv::Mat FM = cv::abs(Lx) + cv::abs(Ly);
double focusMeasure = cv::mean(FM).val[0];
return focusMeasure;
// OpenCV port of 'LAPV' algorithm (Pech2000)
double varianceOfLaplacian(const cv::Mat& src)
cv::Mat lap;
cv::Laplacian(src, lap, CV_64F);
cv::Scalar mu, sigma;
cv::meanStdDev(lap, mu, sigma);
double focusMeasure = sigma.val[0]*sigma.val[0];
return focusMeasure;
// OpenCV port of 'TENG' algorithm (Krotkov86)
double tenengrad(const cv::Mat& src, int ksize)
cv::Mat Gx, Gy;
cv::Sobel(src, Gx, CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize);
cv::Sobel(src, Gy, CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize);
cv::Mat FM = Gx.mul(Gx) + Gy.mul(Gy);
double focusMeasure = cv::mean(FM).val[0];
return focusMeasure;
// OpenCV port of 'GLVN' algorithm (Santos97)
double normalizedGraylevelVariance(const cv::Mat& src)
cv::Scalar mu, sigma;
cv::meanStdDev(src, mu, sigma);
double focusMeasure = (sigma.val[0]*sigma.val[0]) / mu.val[0];
return focusMeasure;
Nous ne pouvons pas garantir que ces mesures constituent le meilleur choix pour votre problème, mais si vous recherchez les documents associés à ces mesures, ils peuvent vous éclairer davantage. J'espère que vous trouverez ce code utile ! En tout cas, moi, je l'ai trouvé utile.
7 votes
Question connexe qui a une bonne réponse, mais aussi une formulation de question plus impliquée. stackoverflow.com/questions/5180327/