16 votes

Comment calculer les jours fériés aux États-Unis

J'ai besoin de savoir comment calculer les jours fériés aux Etats-Unis. J'ai besoin d'une solution qui fonctionne pour n'importe quelle année. Je ne voulais pas simplement stocker les dates dans une base de données qui aurait besoin d'être maintenue.

Pour les jours fériés du week-end, il faut suivre la politique du gouvernement américain pour s'adapter à un jour de semaine. Si le jour férié tombe un samedi, il est ajusté au vendredi. S'il tombe un dimanche, il doit être ajusté au lundi. Je crois savoir que de nombreuses banques (la plupart ?) aux États-Unis procèdent de la même manière.

Comment calculer la liste des jours fériés aux États-Unis ?

Public Function getHolidayList(ByVal vYear As Integer) As List(Of Date)

    Dim HolidayList As New List(Of Date)

    '...fill the list with holidays 
    ' New Year's Day            Jan 1
    ' Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
    ' Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
    ' Memorial Day          last Mon in May
    ' Independence Day      July 4
    ' Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
    ' Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
    ' Veterans Day          Nov 11
    ' Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
    ' Christmas Day         Dec 25

    'adjust for weekends

End Function





Joe Points 6615

Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse D_Bester. J'ai essayé de faire cela en VBA pour Excel.

J'ai traduit votre code VB en VBA pour Excel. J'ai pensé poster mon code ici, pour tous ceux qui essaieraient ce langage.

Sub displayHolidays()
    Dim myHolidayList As New Collection
    Set myHolidayList = GetHolidayList(2005)

    For x = 1 To (myHolidayList.Count)
        Debug.Print myHolidayList(x)
End Sub

Function GetHolidayList(ByVal vYear As Integer) As Collection
    Const FirstWeek As Integer = 1
    Const SecondWeek As Integer = 2
    Const ThirdWeek As Integer = 3
    Const FourthWeek As Integer = 4
    Const LastWeek As Integer = 5
    Const DayofWeek_Monday As Integer = 2
    Const DayofWeek_Thursday As Integer = 5
    Const DayofWeek_Saturday As Integer = 7
    Const DayofWeek_Sunday As Integer = 1

    Dim holidayList As New Collection
    Dim finalHolidayList As New Collection

    '   http://www.usa.gov/citizens/holidays.shtml
    '   http://archive.opm.gov/operating_status_schedules/fedhol/2013.asp

    ' New Year's Day            Jan 1
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1))

    ' Martin Luther King, Jr. third Mon in Jan
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 1, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Washington's Birthday third Mon in Feb
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 2, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, ThirdWeek))

    ' Memorial Day          last Mon in May
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 5, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, LastWeek))

    ' Independence Day      July 4
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 7, 4))

    ' Labor Day             first Mon in Sept
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 9, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, FirstWeek))

    ' Columbus Day          second Mon in Oct
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 10, 1), DayofWeek_Monday, SecondWeek))

    ' Veterans Day          Nov 11
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 11, 11))

    ' Thanksgiving Day      fourth Thur in Nov
    holidayList.Add (GetNthDayOfNthWeek(DateSerial(vYear, 11, 1), DayofWeek_Thursday, FourthWeek))

    ' Christmas Day         Dec 25
    holidayList.Add (DateSerial(vYear, 12, 25))

    'saturday holidays are moved to Fri; Sun to Mon
    For Each dt In holidayList
        If Weekday(dt) = DayofWeek_Saturday Then
            dt = DateAdd("d", -1, dt)
        End If
        If Weekday(dt) = DayofWeek_Sunday Then
            dt = DateAdd("d", 1, dt)
        End If
        finalHolidayList.Add dt
    Next dt

    Set GetHolidayList = finalHolidayList
End Function

Function GetNthDayOfNthWeek(ByVal dt As Date, ByVal DayofWeek As Integer, ByVal WhichWeek As Integer) As Date
    'specify which day of which week of a month and this function will get the date
    'this function uses the month and year of the date provided
    Dim dtFirst As Date
    Dim innerDate As Date
    Dim monthAdd As Date

    'get first day of the given date
    dtFirst = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt), 1)

    'get first DayOfWeek of the month
    innerDate = DateAdd("d", -DayofWeek, dtFirst)
    GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", (7 - Weekday(innerDate)), dtFirst)

    'get which week
    GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", ((WhichWeek - 1) * 7), GetNthDayOfNthWeek)

    'if day is past end of month then adjust backwards a week
    monthAdd = DateAdd("m", 1, dtFirst)
    If GetNthDayOfNthWeek >= monthAdd Then
        GetNthDayOfNthWeek = DateAdd("d", (-7), GetNthDayOfNthWeek)
    End If
End Function


live2 Points 1557

Nager.Date prend en charge les jours fériés aux États-Unis. Le code source complet est disponible sur le site suivant github beaucoup d'autres pays sont soutenus.


PM> install-package Nager.Date

Exemple :

Obtenir tous les jours fériés d'une année

var publicHolidays = DateSystem.GetPublicHoliday("US", 2017);

Vérifier si une date est un jour férié

if (DateSystem.IsPublicHoliday(date, "US"))


TxRegex Points 391

Voici une solution C# utilisant Lync. Je n'ai pas vu d'autres réponses utilisant cette approche. Je mets tous les jours du mois dans une liste de type DateTime et j'utilise ensuite Lync pour sélectionner exactement ce que je veux. Oui, cela prend plus de temps et de mémoire, mais si ce n'est pas la priorité la plus importante, regardez comme c'est facile à lire...

/// <summary>
/// Find the Nth day of the month that matches the given dayOfWeek
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <param name="dayOfWeek">The day of the week</param>
/// <param name="occurance">Take the Nth day found</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime GetNthDayOfMonth(int year, int month, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int occurance)
    return GetDaysInMonth(year, month).Where(d => d.DayOfWeek == dayOfWeek).Skip(occurance - 1).FirstOrDefault();

/// <summary>
/// Find the Nth last day of the month that matches the given dayOfWeek
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <param name="dayOfWeek">The day of the week</param>
/// <param name="occurance">Take the Nth day found</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime GetNthLastDayOfMonth(int year, int month, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, int occurance)
    return GetDaysInMonth(year, month).Where(d => d.DayOfWeek == dayOfWeek).Reverse().Skip(occurance - 1).FirstOrDefault();

/// <summary>
/// Put all dates of the month into a list that lync can work with
/// </summary>
/// <param name="year">The year</param>
/// <param name="month">The month number 1 - 12</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<DateTime> GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month)
    List<DateTime> days = new List<DateTime>();
    var d = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
    while(d.Month == month)
        d = d.AddDays(1);
    return days;


Il existe des cas limites pour les règles de week-end sam>>vendredi et dim>>mai : Le jour de l'an 2022 est un samedi, mais mon employeur ne veut pas l'observer jusqu'au 31 décembre, car l'année du jour férié changera (il crée à la place un jour férié flottant pour 2022).
J'étais responsable d'une application qui permettait d'effectuer des virements permanents certains jours du mois, y compris le dernier jour. La règle du week-end consistait à repousser le virement au lundi, et la règle du jour férié au jour suivant - le 31 août étant un samedi, les deux règles s'appliquaient, et certains utilisateurs se sont opposés à ce que le virement soit repoussé au mardi 3 septembre. Une nouvelle règle a donc été mise en place pour avancer au vendredi le dernier jour du mois tombant sur un week-end de trois jours. En ce qui concerne Pâques, la bourse de New York ferme ses portes le vendredi saint, de sorte qu'un calcul pour Pâques constitue un argument commercial valable.
Parfois, une simple saisie annuelle des jours fériés constitue une meilleure solution pour l'utilisateur.


CZahrobsky Points 81

J'ai adapté l'excellente liste de formules de vacances de https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/2602-excel-if-date-is-public-holiday.html

Article de vacances



Jour de semaine le plus proche

Année en cours



Jour de l'An




Journée Martin Luther King Jr.



Journée des présidents



Vendredi saint



Dimanche de Pâques


\=DATE(C2,3,1)+((MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) - INT(MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - INT(MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * INT(29 / (MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) + 1))) * INT((21 - MOD(C2, 19))) / 11))) - (MOD(C2 + INT(C2 / 4) + (MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) - INT(MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - INT(MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * INT(29 / (MOD(INT(C2 / 100) - INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(C2 / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * MOD(C2, 19) + 15, 30) + 1))) * INT((21 - MOD(C2, 19))) / 11))) + 2 - INT(C2 / 100) + INT(INT(C2 / 100) / 4), 7)) + 27)

Le jour du souvenir



Le quinzième anniversaire




Jour de l'indépendance




Fête du travail



Jour de Colomb



Journée des vétérans







Le jour de Noël




Une fois que vous avez collé le tableau ci-dessus dans Excel, vous pouvez remplacer les adresses des cellules de la colonne B par la formule ="C"&ROW()

En C# ou VB, vous pouvez remplacer le DATE(...)+ initial par DATE(...).AddDays(...) et implémenter les fonctions Excel comme suit :

    // C# Version
    DateTime DATE(int year, int month, int day) { return new DateTime(year, month, day); }
    int WEEKDAY(DateTime date) { return 1 + (int)date.DayOfWeek; }
    int CHOOSE(params int[] list) { return list[0] < list.Length ? list[list[0]] : 0; }
    int MOD(int value, int modulus) { return value % modulus; }
    int INT(float value) { return (int)value; }
    public int EasterOffset(int year)
        var offset = ((MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) - INT(MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - INT(MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * INT(29 / (MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) + 1)) * INT((21 - MOD(year, 19)) / 11))) - (MOD(year + INT(year / 4) +
            (MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) - INT(MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - INT(MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * INT(29 / (MOD(INT(year / 100) - INT(INT(year / 100) / 4) - INT((8 * INT(year / 100) + 13) / 25)
            + 19 * MOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) + 1)) * INT((21 - MOD(year, 19)) / 11))) + 2 - INT(year / 100) + INT(INT(year / 100) / 4), 7)) + 27);
        return offset;

    public Dictionary<string, DateTime> CalculateHolidays(int year = 0)
        var calc = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
        year = year > 0 ? year : DateTime.Today.Year;
        calc.Add("New Years Day", DATE(year, 1, 1));
        calc.Add("Martin Luther King Jr. Day", DATE(year, 1, 1).AddDays(14 + CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 1, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2)));
        calc.Add("President Day", DATE(year, 2, 1).AddDays(14 + CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 2, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2)));
        calc.Add("Good Friday", DATE(year, 3, 1).AddDays(EasterOffset(year) - 2));
        calc.Add("Easter Sunday", DATE(year, 3, 1).AddDays(EasterOffset(year)));
        calc.Add("Memorial Day", DATE(year, 6, 1).AddDays(-WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 6, 6))));
        calc.Add("Juneteenth", DATE(year, 6, 19));
        calc.Add("Independence Day", DATE(year, 1, 1));
        calc.Add("Labor Day", DATE(year, 7, 4));
        calc.Add("Columbus Day", DATE(year, 10, 1).AddDays(7 + CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 10, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2)));
        calc.Add("Veterans Day", DATE(year, 11, 11));
        calc.Add("Thanksgiving Day", DATE(year, 11, 1).AddDays(21 + CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 11, 1)), 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5)));
        calc.Add("Thanksgiving Friday", DATE(year, 11, 1).AddDays(22 + CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(DATE(year, 11, 1)), 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5)));
        calc.Add("Christmas Eve", DATE(year, 12, 24));
        calc.Add("Christmas Day", DATE(year, 12, 25));
        calc.Add("New Years Eve", DATE(year, 12, 31));
        return calc;

    public DateTime NearestWeekday(DateTime date)
        return date.AddDays(date.DayOfWeek == 0 ? 1 : (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday ? -1 : 0));

    '' VB Version
    Public Function vbDATE(year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer) As DateTime
        vbDATE = (New Date(year, month, day))
    End Function

    Public Function WEEKDAY(forDate As DateTime) As Integer
        WEEKDAY = Int(forDate.DayOfWeek) + 1
    End Function

    Public Function CHOOSE(list As Integer()) As Integer
        CHOOSE = IIf(list(0) < list.Length, list(list(0)), 0)
    End Function

    Public Function vbMOD(value As Double, modulus As Integer) As Integer
        vbMOD = value Mod modulus
    End Function

    Public Function vbINT(value As Double) As Integer
        vbINT = Int(value)
    End Function

    Public Function EasterOffset(year As Integer) As Integer
        EasterOffset = ((vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) - vbINT(vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - vbINT(vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * vbINT(29 / (vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) + 1)) * vbINT((21 - vbMOD(year, 19)) / 11))) - (vbMOD(year + vbINT(year / 4) + (vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) - vbINT(vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * (1 - vbINT(vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) / 28) * vbINT(29 / (vbMOD(vbINT(year / 100) - vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4) - vbINT((8 * vbINT(year / 100) + 13) / 25) + 19 * vbMOD(year, 19) + 15, 30) + 1)) * vbINT((21 - vbMOD(year, 19)) / 11))) + 2 - vbINT(year / 100) + vbINT(vbINT(year / 100) / 4), 7)) + 27)
    End Function

    Public Function CalcualteHolidays(year As Integer) As Collection
        Dim holidays As New Collection
        holidays.Add("New Years Day", vbDATE(year, 1, 1))
        holidays.Add("Martin Luther King Jr. Day", vbDATE(year, 1, 1).AddDays(14 + CHOOSE({WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 1, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2})))
        holidays.Add("Presidents Day", vbDATE(year, 2, 1).AddDays(14 + CHOOSE({WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 2, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2})))
        holidays.Add("Good Friday", vbDATE(year, 3, 1).AddDays(EasterOffset(year) - 2))
        holidays.Add("Easter Sunday", vbDATE(year, 3, 1).AddDays(EasterOffset(year)))
        holidays.Add("Memorial Day", vbDATE(year, 6, 1).AddDays(-WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 6, 6))))
        holidays.Add("Juneteenth", vbDATE(year, 6, 19))
        holidays.Add("Independence Day", vbDATE(year, 7, 4))
        holidays.Add("Labor Day", vbDATE(year, 9, 1).AddDays(CHOOSE({WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 9, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2})))
        holidays.Add("Columbus Day", vbDATE(year, 10, 1).AddDays(7 + CHOOSE({WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 10, 1)), 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2})))
        holidays.Add("Veterans Day", vbDATE(year, 11, 11))
        holidays.Add("Thanksgiving", vbDATE(year, 11, 1).AddDays(21 + CHOOSE({WEEKDAY(vbDATE(year, 11, 1)), 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5})))
        holidays.Add("Christmas Day", vbDATE(year, 12, 25))
        holidays.Add("New Years Eve", vbDATE(year, 12, 31))
        CalcualteHolidays = holidays
    End Function

    Public Function NearestWeekDay(holiday As DateTime) As DateTime
        NearestWeekDay = holiday.AddDays(IIf(holiday.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday, -1, IIf(holiday.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday, 1, 0)))                             
    End Function

Dans la logique ci-dessus, j'ai fait de l'année en cours C2 un argument d'une fonction qui renvoie une liste d'objets Vacances. Voici la version JavaScript :

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
    <h2>JavaScript Holidays</h2>
    <input id="Year" value="2022" onkeyup="GetHolidays()" />
    <p id="holidays"></p>
    function DATE(y, m, d) { return new Date(y, m - 1, d, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
    function WEEKDAY(date) { return 1 + date.getDay(); }
    function CHOOSE(list) { return list[0]<list.length ? list[list[0]] : 0; }
    function MOD(value, modulus) { return value % modulus; }
    function INT(value) { return ~~value; }
    function AddDays(date, days) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + days); }
    class Holiday {constructor(name, date) { this.Name = name; 
                   this.Day = '   SunMonTueWedThuFriSat'.substr(WEEKDAY(date)*3,3);
                   this.Date = date; 
                   this.NearestWeekday = AddDays(date, CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(date),1,0,0,0,0,0,-1]));}}
    function GetHolidays(year) {               
      var y = year ? year : document.getElementById("Year").value;
      var holidays = [];
      holidays.push(new Holiday("New Years Day", DATE(y,1,1)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Martin Luther King Jr. Day", 
            AddDays(DATE(y,1,1), 14 + CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(DATE(y,1,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2]))));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Presidents Day", 
            AddDays(DATE(y,2,1), 14 + CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(DATE(y,2,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2]))));
      var easterOffset =((MOD(INT(y/100)-INT(INT(y/100)/4)-INT((8*INT(y/100)+13)/25)+
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Good Friday", AddDays(DATE(y,3,1), easterOffset - 2)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Easter Sunday", AddDays(DATE(y,3,1), easterOffset)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Memorial Day", AddDays(DATE(y,6,1), -WEEKDAY(DATE(y,6,6)))));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Juneteenth", DATE(y,6,19)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Independence Day", DATE(y,7,4)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Labor Day", 
            AddDays(DATE(y,9,1), CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(DATE(y,9,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2]))));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Columbus Day", 
            AddDays(DATE(y,10,1), 7+CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(DATE(y,10,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2]))));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Veterans Day", DATE(y,11,11)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Thanksgiving Day", 
            AddDays(DATE(y,11,1), 21+CHOOSE([WEEKDAY(DATE(y,11,1)),4,3,2,1,0,6,5]))));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("Christmas", DATE(y,12,25)));
      holidays.push(new Holiday("New Years Eve", DATE(y,12,31)));
      var html = (JSON.stringify(holidays)).split('},').join('}<br/>\r\n')
      document.getElementById("holidays").innerHTML = html;

Enfin, pour les projets de base de données, vous pouvez définir une plage d'années et renvoyer les vacances pour chaque année par une série de jointures en SQL :

    WITH Years as (SELECT yr = year(getdate()) - 21 + delta
            FROM ((SELECT CAST(REPLACE(SPACE(200), ' ', '<r/>') AS xml).query('.')) AS T1(x1)
           CROSS APPLY T1.x1.nodes('r') AS T2(x2))) y), 
    Easter as (SELECT yr, offset = (((((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) 
    - CONVERT(int, (((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) / 28) 
    * (1 - CONVERT(int, (((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) / 28) 
    * CONVERT(int, 29 / ((((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) + 1))) 
    * CONVERT(int, (29 - (yr % 19)) / 11)) - ((yr + CONVERT(int, yr / 4) 
    + ((((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) 
    - CONVERT(int, (((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) / 28) 
    * (1 - CONVERT(int, (((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) / 28) 
    * CONVERT(int, 29 / ((((CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) - CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4) - CONVERT(int, (8 * (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + 13) / 25) + (19 * (yr % 19)) + 15) % 30) + 1))) 
    * CONVERT(int, (29 - (yr % 19)) / 11)) + 2 - (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) + CONVERT(int, (CONVERT(int, yr / 100)) / 4)) % 7) + 27) FROM Years), 
    Dates as (SELECT HolidayName = 'New Years Day', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,1,1) FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Martin Luther King Jr. Day',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, 14 + CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,1,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,1,1))
           FROM Years WHERE yr >= 1983
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Presidents Day',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, 14 + CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,2,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,2,1))
           FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Good Friday', HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, offset - 2, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,3,1)) FROM Easter
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Easter', HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, offset, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,3,1)) FROM Easter
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Memorial Day',  
           HolidayDate = CASE WHEN yr >= 1971 THEN DATEADD(d, -datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,6,6)), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,6,1))
                              ELSE DATEFROMPARTS(yr,5,30) END
           FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Juneteenth', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,6,19) FROM Years WHERE yr >= 2021
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Independence Day', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,7,4) FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Labor Day',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,9,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,9,1))
           FROM Years WHERE yr >= 1894
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Columbus Day',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, 7 + CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,10,1)),1,0,6,5,4,3,2), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,10,1))
           FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Veterans Day', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,11,11) FROM Years WHERE yr >= 1919
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Thanksgiving Day',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, 21 + CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,11,1)),4,3,2,1,0,6,5), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,11,1))
           FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Thanksgiving Friday',  
           HolidayDate = DATEADD(d, 22 + CHOOSE(datepart(dw, DATEFROMPARTS(yr,11,1)),4,3,2,1,0,6,5), DATEFROMPARTS(yr,11,1))
           FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Christmas Eve', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,12,24) FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'Christmas Day', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,12,25) FROM Years
    SELECT HolidayName = 'New Years Eve', HolidayDate = DATEFROMPARTS(yr,12,31) FROM Years)

    SELECT [Sort] = RANK() OVER(ORDER BY HolidayDate),
           HolidayName, [Day] = SUBSTRING('  SunMonTueWedThuFriSat', datepart(dw, HolidayDate)*3, 3),
           HolidayDate, NearestWeekday = DATEADD(d, CHOOSE(datepart(dw, HolidayDate),1,0,0,0,0,0,-1), HolidayDate)
    FROM Dates


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