Veuillez consulter le fichier suivant : (il s'agit d'un fichier complet)
#include <dfa\Includes\DFC_algorithms.hpp>
#include <DFA\FuzzyClassifier\FuzzyAlgorithmIntialization\InitFuzzyAlgorithm.hpp>
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_fuzzy_algorithms algorithms_switchyard_class;
#include <DFA\Includes\commercial_algorithms.hpp>
//An incomplete class to hide implementation
class algorithms_switchyard_class;
class AlgorithmLibraryWrapper {
algorithms_switchyard_class * algorithmPtr_;
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_paramObj paramObj_type;
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_errorObj errorObj_type;
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_statusObj statusObj_type;
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_dataObj dataObj_type;
typedef teesalgorithm::tees_outputObj outputObj_type;
AlgorithmLibraryWrapper(const std::string& sAlgName, paramObj_type& paramObj, errorObj_type& errObj, statusObj_type& statusObj, const char* sFilePath);
static bool dataReader(const std::string& sFileName, dataObj_type& dataObj, errorObj_type& errObj, statusObj_type& statusObj);
bool runalgorithm(const dataObj_type& dataObj, outputObj_type& outObj, errorObj_type& errObj, statusObj_type& statusObj);
# ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER < 1400 // If VC 2003
#ifdef _DEBUG
#error No AlgorithmLibWrapper libraries compiled for this version of VC
#error No AlgorithmLibWrapper libraries compiled for this version of VC
#elif defined(UNDER_CE) // Win CE
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment( lib, "AlgorithmLibWrapperCEd" )
#pragma comment( lib, "AlgorithmLibWrapperCE" )
#else // If VC 2005
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment( lib, "AlgorithmLibWrapperd" )
#pragma comment( lib, "AlgorithmLibWrapper" )
J'obtiens les erreurs suivantes ; je ne sais pas pourquoi. J'ai également compté manuellement les directives du préprocesseur.
AlgorithmLibraryWrapper.hpp:10:1 : unterminated #ifdef
AlgorithmLibraryWrapper.hpp:7:1 : unterminated #ifndef
J'utilise le mauvais compilateur gcc de vxWorks. Merci de me faire savoir si la faute est la mienne ou celle du compilateur.