Lors de l'exécution pip install -r requirements.txt
Je reçois l'erreur suivante pendant la phase d'installation. matplotlib
numpy: yes [not found. pip may install it below.]
dateutil: yes [dateutil was not found. It is required for date
axis support. pip/easy_install may attempt to
install it after matplotlib.]
tornado: yes [tornado was not found. It is required for the
WebAgg backend. pip/easy_install may attempt to
install it after matplotlib.]
pyparsing: yes [pyparsing was not found. It is required for
mathtext support. pip/easy_install may attempt to
install it after matplotlib.]
pycxx: yes [Couldn't import. Using local copy.]
libagg: yes [pkg-config information for 'libagg' could not
be found. Using local copy.]
freetype: no [pkg-config information for 'freetype2' could
not be found.]
The following required packages can not be built:
* freetype
Il ne faut pas pip install -r requirements.txt
installer aussi freetype ? Comment installer freetype dans Ubuntu 12.04 afin qu'il fonctionne avec matploglib