Une boucle n'est pas une TERRIBLE façon d'attendre quelque chose, si votre programme n'a rien d'autre à faire pendant qu'il attend (par exemple lors de la connexion à une base de données). Cependant, je vois des problèmes avec le vôtre.
//It's not apparent why you wait exactly 10 times for this thing to happen
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
//A method, to me, indicates significant code behind the scenes.
//Could this be a property instead, or maybe a shared reference?
if (Thing.WaitingFor())
//Sleeping wastes time; the operation could finish halfway through your sleep.
//Unless you need the program to pause for exactly a certain time, consider
//Also, adjusting the timeout requires considering how many times you'll loop.
throw new ItDidntHappenException();
En bref, le code ci-dessus ressemble davantage à une "boucle de nouvelle tentative", qui a été bâti pour fonctionner davantage comme un délai d'attente. Voici comment je structurerais une boucle de délai d'attente:
var complete = false;
var startTime = DateTime.Now;
var timeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,30); //a thirty-second timeout.
//We'll loop as many times as we have to; how we exit this loop is dependent only
//on whether it finished within 30 seconds or not.
while(!complete && DateTime.Now < startTime.Add(timeout))
//A property indicating status; properties should be simpler in function than methods.
//this one could even be a field.
complete = true;
//Signals the OS to suspend this thread and run any others that require CPU time.
//the OS controls when we return, which will likely be far sooner than your Sleep().
//Reduce dependence on Thing using our local.
if(!complete) throw new TimeoutException();