J'ai récemment eu des problèmes avec cela, aussi. Donc, j'ai développé un module python 3 qui a 2 fonctions trueround() et trueround_precision() adresse et à donner le même arrondissement de comportement ont été utilisés à partir de l'école primaire (pas l'arrondi). Voici le module. Il suffit d'enregistrer le code et le copier ou de les importer. Remarque: le trueround_precision module peut changer l'arrondissement de comportement selon les besoins selon les ROUND_CEILING, ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_FLOOR, ROUND_HALF_DOWN, ROUND_HALF_EVEN, ROUND_HALF_UP, ROUND_UP, et ROUND_05UP drapeaux en décimal (module de voir que les modules de documentation pour plus d'info). Pour les fonctions ci-dessous, voir les docstrings ou de l'utilisation de l'aide(trueround) et de l'aide(trueround_precision) si copiés dans les services d'un interprète pour plus de documentation.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def trueround(number, places=0):
trueround(number, places)
>>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to
rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4,
trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has
the same problem with floating point math. The return object will
be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
number is the floating point number needed rounding
places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
Note: Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
floats is needed
GPL 2.0
copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <signupnarnie@gmail.com>
place = 10**(places)
rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
if rounded == int(rounded):
rounded = int(rounded)
return rounded
def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
All rounding options are available from the decimal module including
>>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
>>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on
on which to be acted.
places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
Note: if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
GPL 2.0
copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <signupnarnie@gmail.com>
from decimal import Decimal as dec
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
from decimal import ROUND_UP
from decimal import ROUND_05UP
if type(number) == type(float()):
number = str(number)
if rounding == None:
rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
place = '1.'
for i in range(places):
place = ''.join([place, '0'])
return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
Espérons que cela aide,