69 votes

incompatible codages de caractères: ASCII 8 bits et UTF-8

J'utilise Ruby 1.9.2 et les Rails 3.0.5

J'ai l'erreur suivante:

incompatible codages de caractères: ASCII 8 bits et UTF-8

Il n'a rien à voir avec la base de données je pense.

L'erreur est happinging sur cette ligne de vue (juste un div haml appel):


de la pile:

    ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8):
        21:                     -flash.each do |name, msg|
        22:                         =content_tag :div, msg, :id => "flash_#{name}"
        23:                         %div.clear                      
        24:                     #content                                        
        25:                         = yield
        26:             = render :partial => "layouts/grid_right" if render_grid_right?
        27:             = render :partial => "layouts/footer"
      app/views/layouts/application.html.haml:24:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_haml___4380000789490545718_2180251300_2717546578298801795'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/template.rb:135:in `block in render'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:54:in `instrument'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/template.rb:127:in `render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/render/layouts.rb:80:in `_render_layout'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/render/rendering.rb:62:in `block in _render_template'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:52:in `block in instrument'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:21:in `instrument'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:52:in `instrument'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/render/rendering.rb:56:in `_render_template'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_view/render/rendering.rb:26:in `render'
      haml (3.0.25) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:13:in `render_with_haml'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:115:in `_render_template'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:109:in `render_to_body'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/renderers.rb:47:in `render_to_body'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/compatibility.rb:55:in `render_to_body'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:102:in `render_to_string'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:93:in `render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rendering.rb:17:in `render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:40:in `block (2 levels) in render'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/core_ext/benchmark.rb:5:in `block in ms'
      /Users/michaelkoper/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/1.9.1/benchmark.rb:309:in `realtime'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/core_ext/benchmark.rb:5:in `ms'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:40:in `block in render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:78:in `cleanup_view_runtime'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/railties/controller_runtime.rb:15:in `cleanup_view_runtime'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:39:in `render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/implicit_render.rb:10:in `default_render'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/mime_responds.rb:261:in `block in retrieve_response_from_mimes'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/mime_responds.rb:192:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/mime_responds.rb:192:in `respond_to'
      app/controllers/home_controller.rb:9:in `index'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/implicit_render.rb:4:in `send_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:150:in `process_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rendering.rb:11:in `process_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:18:in `block in process_action'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:445:in `_run__3968431659371141392__process_action__3163094469870857953__callbacks'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:409:in `_run_process_action_callbacks'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:93:in `run_callbacks'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:17:in `process_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:30:in `block in process_action'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:52:in `block in instrument'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:21:in `instrument'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:52:in `instrument'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:29:in `process_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rescue.rb:17:in `process_action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:119:in `process'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:41:in `process'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:138:in `dispatch'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal/rack_delegation.rb:14:in `dispatch'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:178:in `block in action'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:62:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:62:in `dispatch'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:27:in `call'
      rack-mount (0.6.13) lib/rack/mount/route_set.rb:148:in `block in call'
      rack-mount (0.6.13) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:93:in `block in recognize'
      rack-mount (0.6.13) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:68:in `optimized_each'
      rack-mount (0.6.13) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:92:in `recognize'
      rack-mount (0.6.13) lib/rack/mount/route_set.rb:139:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:492:in `call'
      haml (3.0.25) lib/sass/plugin/rack.rb:41:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/best_standards_support.rb:17:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/head.rb:14:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:24:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/params_parser.rb:21:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/flash.rb:182:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:149:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:302:in `call'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:32:in `block in call'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/query_cache.rb:28:in `cache'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:12:in `cache'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:31:in `call'
      activerecord (3.0.5) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:354:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:46:in `block in call'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:415:in `_run_call_callbacks'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:44:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/sendfile.rb:107:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb:48:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb:47:in `call'
      railties (3.0.5) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:13:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/runtime.rb:17:in `call'
      activesupport (3.0.5) lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache.rb:72:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `block in call'
      <internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
      actionpack (3.0.5) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:30:in `call'
      railties (3.0.5) lib/rails/application.rb:168:in `call'
      railties (3.0.5) lib/rails/application.rb:77:in `method_missing'
      railties (3.0.5) lib/rails/rack/log_tailer.rb:14:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/content_length.rb:13:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/chunked.rb:15:in `call'
      rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/handler/mongrel.rb:67:in `process'
      mongrel (1.2.0.pre2) lib/mongrel.rb:165:in `block in process_client'
      mongrel (1.2.0.pre2) lib/mongrel.rb:164:in `each'
      mongrel (1.2.0.pre2) lib/mongrel.rb:164:in `process_client'
      mongrel (1.2.0.pre2) lib/mongrel.rb:291:in `block (2 levels) in run'

Mes gemmes:

        Using rake (0.8.7) 
        Using RedCloth (4.2.2) 
        Using abstract (1.0.0) 
        Using activesupport (3.0.5) 
        Using builder (2.1.2) 
        Using i18n (0.5.0) 
        Using activemodel (3.0.5) 
        Using erubis (2.6.6) 
        Using rack (1.2.1) 
        Using rack-mount (0.6.13) 
        Using rack-test (0.5.7) 
        Using tzinfo (0.3.24) 
        Using actionpack (3.0.5) 
        Using mime-types (1.16) 
        Using polyglot (0.3.1) 
        Using treetop (1.4.9) 
        Using mail (2.2.15) 
        Using actionmailer (3.0.5) 
        Using arel (2.0.9) 
        Using activerecord (3.0.5) 
        Using activeresource (3.0.5) 
        Using authlogic (2.1.6) 
        Using xml-simple (1.0.14) 
        Using aws-s3 (0.6.2) 
        Using block_helpers (0.3.3) 
        Using bundler (1.0.10) 
        Using diff-lcs (1.1.2) 
        Using json (1.4.6) 
        Using gherkin (2.3.4) 
        Using term-ansicolor (1.0.5) 
        Using cucumber (0.10.0) 
        Using cucumber-rails (0.3.2) 
        Using daemons (1.0.10) 
        Using database_cleaner (0.6.5) 
        Using factory_girl (1.3.3) 
        Using faker (0.9.5) 
        Using formtastic (1.2.3) 
        Using gem_plugin (0.2.3) 
        Using haml (3.0.25) 
        Using thor (0.14.6) 
        Using railties (3.0.5) 
        Using rails (3.0.5) 
        Using kaminari (0.10.4) 
        Using mongrel (1.2.0.pre2) 
        Using mysql2 (0.2.6) 
        Using nokogiri (1.4.4) 
        Using paperclip (2.3.8) 
        Using rspec-core (2.5.1) 
        Using rspec-expectations (2.5.0) 
        Using rspec-mocks (2.5.0) 
        Using rspec (2.5.0) 
        Using yard (0.6.4) 
        Using pickle (0.4.4) 
        Using populator (1.0.0) 
        Using rspec-rails (2.5.0) 
        Using webrat (0.7.3) 


Ritesh Kumar Points 1188

Je l'ai résolu en suivant ces étapes:

  • Assurez - config.encoding = "utf-8" est dans l'application.rb fichier.
  • Assurez-vous que vous utilisez à la mysql2 " gem.
  • Mettre # encoding: utf-8 au-dessus de fichier contenant des caractères UTF-8.
  • Au-dessus de l' <App Name>::Application.initialize! ligne dans l'environnement.rb fichier, ajouter les deux lignes suivantes:

    Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
    Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8



mfq Points 616

Essayez de trouver la ligne exacte qui, à l'origine de ce problème et ensuite appliquer le codage UTF8, cette solution a fonctionné pour moi.



Vladimir Gurovich Points 5408

Je soupçonne que vous pouvez soit le copier/coller une partie de votre Haml modèle dans le fichier, ou si vous travaillez avec un non-Unicode/non-UTF-8 respectueux de l'éditeur.

Voyez si vous pouvez recréer ce fichier à partir du zéro en UTF-8 respectueux de l'éditeur. Il ya beaucoup de la plate-forme et voir si cela résout votre problème. Commencez par effacer la ligne avec #content et de le retaper manuellement.


the Tin Man Points 69148

ASCII 8 BITS est Ruby description pour les caractères au-dessus de la normale 0-0x7f de caractères ASCII, et qui sont des caractères à un octet. En règle générale, cela serait quelque chose comme ISO-8859-1, ou l'un de ses frères et sœurs.

Si vous pouvez identifier le caractère qui est à l'origine du problème, alors vous pouvez dire Ruby 1.9.2 pour convertir entre le jeu de caractère de caractère UTF-8.

James Grey a écrit une série de blogs de parler de ces sortes de problèmes et la façon de traiter avec eux. Je vous conseille d'aller à travers eux.

incompatible codages de caractères: ASCII 8 bits et UTF-8

Que se produit généralement parce que vous tentez de concaténer deux chaînes de caractères, et l'un contient des caractères qui ne correspondent pas au jeu de caractères de l'autre de la chaîne. Il y a des caractères en ISO-8859-1 qui n'ont pas d'équivalents en UTF-8, et vice-versa et comment gérer la chaîne se joignant à ceux des incompatibilités le programmeur.


umitka Points 41

Pour Haml mettre l'encodage d'un conseil:

-# coding: UTF-8

en haut à gauche de la Haml page.


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