Code d'analyse XML
Option Explicit
Dim Path As String ' input path name
Dim FileName As String ' input file name
Dim intColumnCount As Integer ' column counter
Dim intLoop As Integer ' Looping integer
Dim objDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary ' dictionary object to store column identification for id, method, query string etc
Dim intPrevRequest_id As Integer 'stores previous request id
Dim intCurrRequest_id As Integer 'stores current request id
Dim strWholeReq As String ' Full request that is ready to be written to file
Dim strStartQuotes As String ' Placeholder which holds starting double quotes
Dim strEndQuotes As String ' Placeholder which holds ending double quotes
Dim strStepName As String ' First line of the Parsed_XML_Function. e.g. Parsed_XML_Function("Step5",
'Here 5 comes from intStepNum variable
Dim strUrl As String ' contains URL and Query string
Dim strQueryStr As String ' Query string
Dim strMethod As String ' Method part of request
Dim strBody As String 'Body attributes
Dim strMisc As String ' Misc items such as Resource, Snapshot number etc
Dim strContentType As String ' Content type of request
Dim intStepNum As Integer ' iterative count to identify step
Dim objFileSys As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' file system object
Dim objFile As Scripting.File 'file object
Dim objTextStr As Scripting.TextStream 'text stream object
Dim ActionFileName As String ' destination action name
'this funciton is the main function which calls other functions
Sub Main()
Path = Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 2).Value
FileName = Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 2).Value
ActionFileName = Worksheets(1).Cells(3, 2).Value
'open xml file
Workbooks.Open FileName:=Path & "\" & FileName
'activate the workbook
'delete first row
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
ActiveSheet.Name = "PARSINGVS_XML"
'get total columns and analyze the columns
intColumnCount = Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").UsedRange.Columns.Count
Set objDictionary = New Dictionary
intLoop = 1
For intLoop = 1 To intColumnCount
If InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "Request/#id", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_id", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "Request/@Method", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_method", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "Request/@Url", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_url", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "FormPostHttpBody/@ContentType", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_contenttype", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "FormPostParameter/@Name", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_itemdata_name", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "FormPostParameter/@Value", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_itemdata_value", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "QueryStringParameter/@Name", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_querystring_name", intLoop
ElseIf InStr(1, Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(1, intLoop), "QueryStringParameter/@Value", 1) > 0 Then
objDictionary.Add "Req_querystring_value", intLoop
End If
'Loop through all requests and capture querysting, itemdata, url, method, action and content type
'Initialize variables ot default value at start
intPrevRequest_id = 1
intCurrRequest_id = 1
strStartQuotes = """"
strEndQuotes = """," & vbCrLf
intStepNum = 1
strQueryStr = ""
strBody = ""
Set objFileSys = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
objFileSys.CreateTextFile (Path & "\" & ActionFileName)
Set objFile = objFileSys.GetFile(Path & "\" & ActionFileName)
Set objTextStr = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, TristateUseDefault)
intLoop = 2 'first line is the header
For intLoop = 2 To Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_id") Then
intCurrRequest_id = Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_id")).Value)
MsgBox "XML do nto contain Request id column"
Exit Sub
End If
'if current and previous request id are not same OR we are at end of steps the write to file
If (intPrevRequest_id <> intCurrRequest_id) Or (intLoop = Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").UsedRange.Rows.Count) Then
Call WriteToFile
'iterate to next step
intStepNum = intStepNum + 1
strQueryStr = ""
strBody = ""
intPrevRequest_id = intCurrRequest_id
End If
Call Write_Remaining_DESTINATIONVS_Req ' build the DESTINATIONVS request apart from Body & Query string
Call WriteQuery_Body 'build hte body and querystring
MsgBox "Completed"
Set objDictionary = Nothing
Set objTextStr = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFileSys = Nothing
Windows(FileName).Close (False)
End Sub
'funciton to write contents to file
Sub WriteToFile()
strWholeReq = strWholeReq & vbCrLf & strStepName & strUrl
If strQueryStr <> "" Then
strWholeReq = strWholeReq & "?" & strQueryStr
End If
strWholeReq = strWholeReq & strEndQuotes & strMethod & strContentType & strMisc
If strBody <> "" Then
strWholeReq = strWholeReq & strStartQuotes & "Body=" & strBody & strEndQuotes
End If
strWholeReq = strWholeReq & " LAST);" & vbCrLf
objTextStr.WriteLine strWholeReq
strWholeReq = ""
End Sub
'function to build the querystring and body part which are iterative
Sub WriteQuery_Body()
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_querystring_name") Then
If Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_querystring_name")).Value) <> "" Then
If strQueryStr <> "" Then
strQueryStr = strQueryStr & "&"
End If
strQueryStr = strQueryStr & Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_querystring_name")).Value) & "=" & _
Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_querystring_value")).Value)
End If
End If
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_itemdata_name") Then
If Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_itemdata_name")).Value) <> "" Then
If strBody <> "" Then
strBody = strBody & "&"
End If
strBody = strBody & Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_itemdata_name")).Value) & "=" & _
Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_itemdata_value")).Value)
End If
End If
End Sub
'function which creates remaining part of web_custom request other than querystring and body
Sub Write_Remaining_DESTINATIONVS_Req()
'Name of Parsed_XML_Function("Step2",
strStepName = "Parsed_XML_Function(" & strStartQuotes & "Step" & intStepNum & strEndQuotes
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_url") Then
'"URL = "
strUrl = strStartQuotes & _
"URL=" & Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_url")).Value)
End If
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_method") Then
'Method =
strMethod = strStartQuotes & _
"Method=" & Trim(Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_method")).Value)) & strEndQuotes
End If
If objDictionary.Exists("Req_contenttype") Then
'ContentType =
If Trim(Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_contenttype")).Value)) <> "" Then
strContentType = strStartQuotes & _
"RecContentType=" & Trim(Trim(Worksheets("PARSINGVS_XML").Cells(intLoop, objDictionary("Req_contenttype")).Value)) & strEndQuotes
strContentType = strStartQuotes & "RecContentType=text/html" & strEndQuotes
End If
strContentType = strStartQuotes & "RecContentType=text/html" & strEndQuotes
End If
'remaining all
strMisc = strStartQuotes & "TargetFrame=" & strEndQuotes & _
strStartQuotes & "Resource=0" & strEndQuotes & _
strStartQuotes & "Referer=" & strEndQuotes & _
strStartQuotes & "Mode=HTML" & strEndQuotes & _
strStartQuotes & "Snapshot=t" & intStepNum & ".inf" & strEndQuotes
End Sub
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