Le Multi-threading est possible en php
Oui, vous pouvez le faire multi-threading in PHP
avec pthreads
pthreads est une API Orientée Objet qui permet à l'utilisateur de terres multi-threading en PHP. Il inclut tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour créer des applications multi-tâches ciblées sur le Web ou de la Console. Les applications PHP peuvent créer, lire, écrire, exécuter et de les synchroniser avec les Threads, les Travailleurs et Empilables.
Test Simple
class AsyncOperation extends Thread {
public function __construct($arg) {
$this->arg = $arg;
public function run() {
if ($this->arg) {
$sleep = mt_rand(1, 10);
printf('%s: %s -start -sleeps %d' . "\n", date("g:i:sa"), $this->arg, $sleep);
printf('%s: %s -finish' . "\n", date("g:i:sa"), $this->arg);
// Create a array
$stack = array();
//Iniciate Miltiple Thread
foreach ( range("A", "D") as $i ) {
$stack[] = new AsyncOperation($i);
// Start The Threads
foreach ( $stack as $t ) {
La Première Exécution
12:00:06pm: A -start -sleeps 5
12:00:06pm: B -start -sleeps 3
12:00:06pm: C -start -sleeps 10
12:00:06pm: D -start -sleeps 2
12:00:08pm: D -finish
12:00:09pm: B -finish
12:00:11pm: A -finish
12:00:16pm: C -finish
Deuxième Manche
12:01:36pm: A -start -sleeps 6
12:01:36pm: B -start -sleeps 1
12:01:36pm: C -start -sleeps 2
12:01:36pm: D -start -sleeps 1
12:01:37pm: B -finish
12:01:37pm: D -finish
12:01:38pm: C -finish
12:01:42pm: A -finish
L'Exemple Du Monde Réel
class AsyncWebRequest extends Thread {
public $url;
public $data;
public function __construct($url) {
$this->url = $url;
public function run() {
if (($url = $this->url)) {
* If a large amount of data is being requested, you might want to
* fsockopen and read using usleep in between reads
$this->data = file_get_contents($url);
} else
printf("Thread #%lu was not provided a URL\n", $this->getThreadId());
$t = microtime(true);
$g = new AsyncWebRequest(sprintf("http://www.google.com/?q=%s", rand() * 10));
/* starting synchronized */
if ($g->start()) {
printf("Request took %f seconds to start ", microtime(true) - $t);
while ( $g->isRunning() ) {
echo ".";
if ($g->join()) {
printf(" and %f seconds to finish receiving %d bytes\n", microtime(true) - $t, strlen($g->data));
} else
printf(" and %f seconds to finish, request failed\n", microtime(true) - $t);