Pour ceux qui cherchent l'équivalent Python de mclapply() de R, voici mon implémentation. Il s'agit d'une amélioration des deux exemples suivants :
Il peut être appliqué aux fonctions de mappage avec des arguments uniques ou multiples.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
import functools, multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def parallelize_dataframe(df, func, U=None, V=None):
#blockSize = 5000
num_partitions = 5 # int( np.ceil(df.shape[0]*(1.0/blockSize)) )
blocks = np.array_split(df, num_partitions)
pool = Pool(num_cores)
if V is not None and U is not None:
# apply func with multiple arguments to dataframe (i.e. involves multiple columns)
df = pd.concat(pool.map(functools.partial(func, U=U, V=V), blocks))
# apply func with one argument to dataframe (i.e. involves single column)
df = pd.concat(pool.map(func, blocks))
return df
def square(x):
return x**2
def test_func(data):
print("Process working on: ", data.shape)
data["squareV"] = data["testV"].apply(square)
return data
def vecProd(row, U, V):
return np.sum( np.multiply(U[int(row["obsI"]),:], V[int(row["obsJ"]),:]) )
def mProd_func(data, U, V):
data["predV"] = data.apply( lambda row: vecProd(row, U, V), axis=1 )
return data
def generate_simulated_data():
N, D, nnz, K = [302, 184, 5000, 5]
I = np.random.choice(N, size=nnz, replace=True)
J = np.random.choice(D, size=nnz, replace=True)
vals = np.random.sample(nnz)
sparseY = sparse.csc_matrix((vals, (I, J)), shape=[N, D])
# Generate parameters U and V which could be used to reconstruct the matrix Y
U = np.random.sample(N*K).reshape([N,K])
V = np.random.sample(D*K).reshape([D,K])
return sparseY, U, V
def main():
Y, U, V = generate_simulated_data()
# find row, column indices and obvseved values for sparse matrix Y
(testI, testJ, testV) = sparse.find(Y)
colNames = ["obsI", "obsJ", "testV", "predV", "squareV"]
dtypes = {"obsI":int, "obsJ":int, "testV":float, "predV":float, "squareV": float}
obsValDF = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(testV), len(colNames))), columns=colNames)
obsValDF["obsI"] = testI
obsValDF["obsJ"] = testJ
obsValDF["testV"] = testV
obsValDF = obsValDF.astype(dtype=dtypes)
print("Y.shape: {!s}, #obsVals: {}, obsValDF.shape: {!s}".format(Y.shape, len(testV), obsValDF.shape))
# calculate the square of testVals
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, test_func)
# reconstruct prediction of testVals using parameters U and V
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, mProd_func, U, V)
print("obsValDF.shape after reconstruction: {!s}".format(obsValDF.shape))
print("First 5 elements of obsValDF:\n", obsValDF.iloc[:5,:])
if __name__ == '__main__':