PhpBB utilise quelques fonctions pour analyser ses fichiers. Elles sont plutôt bien commentées (quelle exception !) donc vous pouvez facilement savoir ce qu'elles font (j'ai obtenu cette solution de ). Voici la solution et je l'ai beaucoup utilisée :
ini_set('memory_limit', '5120M');
set_time_limit ( 0 );
* sql_parse.php
* -------------------
* begin : Thu May 31, 2001
* copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
* email :
* $Id: sql_parse.php,v 1.8 2002/03/18 23:53:12 psotfx Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* These functions are mainly for use in the db_utilities under the admin
* however in order to make these functions available elsewhere, specifically
* in the installation phase of phpBB I have seperated out a couple of
* functions into this file. JLH
// remove_comments will strip the sql comment lines out of an uploaded sql file
// specifically for mssql and postgres type files in the install....
function remove_comments(&$output)
$lines = explode("\n", $output);
$output = "";
// try to keep mem. use down
$linecount = count($lines);
$in_comment = false;
for($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i++)
if( preg_match("/^\/\*/", preg_quote($lines[$i])) )
$in_comment = true;
if( !$in_comment )
$output .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
if( preg_match("/\*\/$/", preg_quote($lines[$i])) )
$in_comment = false;
return $output;
// remove_remarks will strip the sql comment lines out of an uploaded sql file
function remove_remarks($sql)
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
// try to keep mem. use down
$sql = "";
$linecount = count($lines);
$output = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i++)
if (($i != ($linecount - 1)) || (strlen($lines[$i]) > 0))
if (isset($lines[$i][0]) && $lines[$i][0] != "#")
$output .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
$output .= "\n";
// Trading a bit of speed for lower mem. use here.
$lines[$i] = "";
return $output;
// split_sql_file will split an uploaded sql file into single sql statements.
// Note: expects trim() to have already been run on $sql.
function split_sql_file($sql, $delimiter)
// Split up our string into "possible" SQL statements.
$tokens = explode($delimiter, $sql);
// try to save mem.
$sql = "";
$output = array();
// we don't actually care about the matches preg gives us.
$matches = array();
// this is faster than calling count($oktens) every time thru the loop.
$token_count = count($tokens);
for ($i = 0; $i < $token_count; $i++)
// Don't wanna add an empty string as the last thing in the array.
if (($i != ($token_count - 1)) || (strlen($tokens[$i] > 0)))
// This is the total number of single quotes in the token.
$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
// Counts single quotes that are preceded by an odd number of backslashes,
// which means they're escaped quotes.
$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;
// If the number of unescaped quotes is even, then the delimiter did NOT occur inside a string literal.
if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 0)
// It's a complete sql statement.
$output[] = $tokens[$i];
// save memory.
$tokens[$i] = "";
// incomplete sql statement. keep adding tokens until we have a complete one.
// $temp will hold what we have so far.
$temp = $tokens[$i] . $delimiter;
// save memory..
$tokens[$i] = "";
// Do we have a complete statement yet?
$complete_stmt = false;
for ($j = $i + 1; (!$complete_stmt && ($j < $token_count)); $j++)
// This is the total number of single quotes in the token.
$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
// Counts single quotes that are preceded by an odd number of backslashes,
// which means they're escaped quotes.
$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;
if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 1)
// odd number of unescaped quotes. In combination with the previous incomplete
// statement(s), we now have a complete statement. (2 odds always make an even)
$output[] = $temp . $tokens[$j];
// save memory.
$tokens[$j] = "";
$temp = "";
// exit the loop.
$complete_stmt = true;
// make sure the outer loop continues at the right point.
$i = $j;
// even number of unescaped quotes. We still don't have a complete statement.
// (1 odd and 1 even always make an odd)
$temp .= $tokens[$j] . $delimiter;
// save memory.
$tokens[$j] = "";
} // for..
} // else
return $output;
$dbms_schema = 'yourfile.sql';
$sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_schema, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_schema)) or die('problem ');
$sql_query = remove_remarks($sql_query);
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, ';');
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'user';
$pass = 'pass';
$db = 'database_name';
//In case mysql is deprecated use mysqli functions.
mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die('error connection');
mysqli_select_db($db) or die('error database selection');
foreach($sql_query as $sql){
echo $i++;
echo "<br />";
mysql_query($sql) or die('error in query');
0 votes
Notamment le code source de phpMyAdmin lui-même :)
0 votes
@Anonymous : Je cherchais la "meilleure" méthode. Cet endroit est censé être un guichet unique pour les réponses (pour l'avenir également) et je pense donc que poser des questions auxquelles on a répondu ailleurs est tout à fait normal. Cependant, j'ai d'abord cherché ailleurs et je n'ai pas trouvé de bonne réponse.
0 votes
RE : phpMyAdmin - sa source est quelque peu utile mais très dépendante de ses autres fonctionnalités et ne convient pas à mes exigences très strictes en termes de délai et de complexité.
1 votes
A tous ceux qui argumentent en faveur de réponses autres que celle acceptée : La question était de savoir comment charger script à partir de PHP. La solution LOAD DATA résout le problème du côté de MySQL. De plus, MySQL pourrait être exécuté sur une autre machine et n'avoir aucun accès au système de fichiers où le script de PHP est exécuté, ce qui devrait être pris en compte.
0 votes
Exécuter les fichiers mysql .sql dump via php mysqli