Certains peuvent-ils décrire et m'aider à comprendre tous les symboles svn, comme A
, M
, G
, ?
et >
Trop de publicités? Tous ces codes sont expliqués par la commande svn help status
, qui jette:
The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide:
First column: Says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed
' ' no modifications
'A' Added
'C' Conflicted
'D' Deleted
'I' Ignored
'M' Modified
'R' Replaced
'X' an unversioned directory created by an externals definition
'?' item is not under version control
'!' item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete
'~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind
Second column: Modifications of a file's or directory's properties
' ' no modifications
'C' Conflicted
'M' Modified
Third column: Whether the working copy directory is locked
' ' not locked
'L' locked
Fourth column: Scheduled commit will contain addition-with-history
' ' no history scheduled with commit
'+' history scheduled with commit
Fifth column: Whether the item is switched or a file external
' ' normal
'S' the item has a Switched URL relative to the parent
'X' a versioned file created by an eXternals definition
Sixth column: Repository lock token
(without -u)
' ' no lock token
'K' lock token present
(with -u)
' ' not locked in repository, no lock token
'K' locked in repository, lock toKen present
'O' locked in repository, lock token in some Other working copy
'T' locked in repository, lock token present but sTolen
'B' not locked in repository, lock token present but Broken
Seventh column: Whether the item is the victim of a tree conflict
' ' normal
'C' tree-Conflicted
Une feuille de triche très utilisateur pour gérer toutes les commandes svn.
svn help status
vous donnera une pleine légende avec toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin. Depuis entraide n'est pas une option et en suggérant de telles choses, c'est mal vu, ci-dessous est la légende que j'ai eue lorsque j'ai couru svn help status
utilisation de Subversion 1.7.5:
The first seven columns in the output are each one character wide:
First column: Says if item was added, deleted, or otherwise changed
' ' no modifications
'A' Added
'C' Conflicted
'D' Deleted
'I' Ignored
'M' Modified
'R' Replaced
'X' an unversioned directory created by an externals definition
'?' item is not under version control
'!' item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete
'~' versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind
Second column: Modifications of a file's or directory's properties
' ' no modifications
'C' Conflicted
'M' Modified
Third column: Whether the working copy directory is locked
' ' not locked
'L' locked
Fourth column: Scheduled commit will contain addition-with-history
' ' no history scheduled with commit
'+' history scheduled with commit
Fifth column: Whether the item is switched or a file external
' ' normal
'S' the item has a Switched URL relative to the parent
'X' a versioned file created by an eXternals definition
Sixth column: Repository lock token
(without -u)
' ' no lock token
'K' lock token present
(with -u)
' ' not locked in repository, no lock token
'K' locked in repository, lock toKen present
'O' locked in repository, lock token in some Other working copy
'T' locked in repository, lock token present but sTolen
'B' not locked in repository, lock token present but Broken
Seventh column: Whether the item is the victim of a tree conflict
' ' normal
'C' tree-Conflicted
If the item is a tree conflict victim, an additional line is printed
after the item's status line, explaining the nature of the conflict.
J'espère que vous vous rendez compte qu' svn help status
est de version Subversion spécifique qui signifie cette réponse et celle crédité en tant que la bonne réponse pourrait ou ne pourrait pas être juste en fonction de votre version Subversion où que l'exécution d' svn help status
seront toujours exactes.