function redrawplot() {
var points = plot.getData();
var graphx = $('#placeholder').offset().left;
graphx = graphx + 30; // replace with offset of canvas on graph
var graphy = $('#placeholder').offset().top;
graphy = graphy + 10; // how low you want the label to hang underneath the point
for(var k = 0; k < points.length; k++){
for(var m = 1; m < points[k].data.length-1; m++){
if(points[k].data[m][0] != null && points[k].data[m][1] != null){
if ((points[k].data[m-1][1] < points[k].data[m][1] && points[k].data[m][1] > points[k].data[m+1][1]) && (points[k].data[m-1][1] - points[k].data[m][1] < -50 || points[k].data[m][1] - points[k].data[m+1][1] > 50)) {
showTooltip1(graphx + points[k].xaxis.p2c(points[k].data[m][0]) - 15, graphy + points[k].yaxis.p2c(points[k].data[m][1]) - 35,points[k].data[m][1], points[k].color);
if ((points[k].data[m-1][1] > points[k].data[m][1] && points[k].data[m][1] < points[k].data[m+1][1]) && (points[k].data[m-1][1] - points[k].data[m][1] > 50 || points[k].data[m][1] - points[k].data[m+1][1] < -50)) {
showTooltip1(graphx + points[k].xaxis.p2c(points[k].data[m][0]) - 15, graphy + points[k].yaxis.p2c(points[k].data[m][1]) + 2,points[k].data[m][1], points[k].color);
function showTooltip1(x,y,contents, colour){
$('<div class=tt1 id="value">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
top: y,
left: x,
'border-style': 'solid',
'border-width': '2px',
'border-color': colour,
'border-radius': '5px',
'background-color': '#ffffff',
color: '#262626',
padding: '0px',
opacity: '1'