Je suis en train d'installer le sens plugin elasticsearch/kibana.
J'ai installé avec succès Kibana mais quand en suivant les instructions sur
J'type :
./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense
, sur le répertoire bin à l'intérieur de kibana dossier, et j'obtiens :
ERROR unknown command plugin
Usage: bin/kibana [command=serve] [options]
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.
serve [options] Run the kibana server
help <command> Get the help for a specific command
"serve" Options:
-h, --help output usage information
-e, --elasticsearch <uri> Elasticsearch instance
-c, --config <path> Path to the config file, can be changed with the CONFIG_PATH environment variable as well. Use mulitple --config args to include multiple config files.
-p, --port <port> The port to bind to
-q, --quiet Prevent all logging except errors
-Q, --silent Prevent all logging
--verbose Turns on verbose logging
-H, --host <host> The host to bind to
-l, --log-file <path> The file to log to
--plugin-dir <path> A path to scan for plugins, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple directories
--plugin-path <path> A path to a plugin which should be included by the server, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple paths
--plugins <path> an alias for --plugin-dir
Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi j'ai cette erreur, comment puis-je installer le sens plugin alors ?