Pour le parchemin : "html" ou "body" pour le paramètre "setter". (dépend du navigateur)... 'window' pour le getter ...
Un jsFiddle pour tester est ici : http://jsfiddle.net/molokoloco/uCrLa/
var $window = $(window), // Set in cache, intensive use !
$document = $(document),
$body = $('body'),
scrollElement = 'html, body',
$scrollElement = $();
var isAnimated = false;
// Find scrollElement
// Inspired by http://www.zachstronaut.com/posts/2009/01/18/jquery-smooth-scroll-bugs.html
$(scrollElement).each(function(i) {
// 'html, body' for setter... window for getter...
var initScrollTop = parseInt($(this).scrollTop(), 10);
$(this).scrollTop(initScrollTop + 1);
if ($window.scrollTop() == initScrollTop + 1) {
scrollElement = this.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // html OR body
return false; // Break
$scrollElement = $(scrollElement);
var getHash = function() {
return window.location.hash || '';
setHash = function(hash) {
if (hash && getHash() != hash) window.location.hash = hash;
getWinWidth = function() {
return $window.width();
// iphone ? ((window.innerWidth && window.innerWidth > 0) ? window.innerWidth : $window.width());
getWinHeight = function() {
return $window.height();
// iphone ? ((window.innerHeight && window.innerHeight > 0) ? window.innerHeight : $window.height());
getPageWidth = function() {
return $document.width();
getPageHeight = function() {
return $document.height();
getScrollTop = function() {
return parseInt($scrollElement.scrollTop() || $window.scrollTop(), 10);
setScrollTop = function(y) {
$scrollElement.stop(true, false).scrollTop(y);
myScrollTo = function(y, newAnchror) { // Call page scrolling to a value (like native window.scrollBy(x, y)) // Can be flooded
isAnimated = true; // kill waypoint AUTO hash
var duration = 360 + (Math.abs(y - getScrollTop()) * 0.42); // Duration depend on distance...
if (duration > 2222) duration = 0; // Instant go !! ^^
$scrollElement.stop(true, false).animate({
scrollTop: y
}, {
duration: duration,
complete: function() { // Listenner of scroll finish...
if (newAnchror) setHash(newAnchror); // If new anchor
isAnimated = false;
goToScreen = function(dir) { // Scroll viewport page by paginette // 1, -1 or factor
var winH = parseInt((getWinHeight() * 0.75) * dir); // 75% de la hauteur visible comme unite
myScrollTo(getScrollTop() + winH);
myScrollTo((getPageHeight() / 2), 'iamAMiddleAnchor');