38 votes

Meilleur moyen d'invoquer un code à fils croisés?

Je sais que cette question a été posée, mais je suis à la recherche d'un moyen de:

  1. simplifier la création de la croix-threaded code.
  2. réutiliser ce code dans n'importe quelle situation (pas de Windows Forms références).

Voici ce que j'ai à ce jour, mais je veux supprimer les Windows Forms références. Des idées?

public delegate void SafeInvokeDelegate(System.Action action);
public class SafeInvoke
    private readonly System.Windows.Forms.Control _threadControl;

    public SafeInvoke()
    	_threadControl = new System.Windows.Forms.Control();

    public void Invoke(System.Action action)
    	if (_threadControl.InvokeRequired)
    		_threadControl.Invoke(new SafeInvokeDelegate(Invoke), new object[] {action});
    	else if (action != null) action();

La classe ci-dessus peut être utilisé de cette façon:

SafeInvoke _safeInvoker = new SafeInvoke();
void SafeClearItems()

Comment puis-je supprimer le Système.De Windows.Les formulaires.De contrôle dans le SafeInvoke classe, mais de garder la même fonctionnalité?


Samuel Points 21085

Vous pouvez également utiliser une méthode d’extension et des lambdas pour rendre votre code plus propre.

 using System.ComponentModel;
public static class ISynchronizeInvokeExtensions
  public static void InvokeEx<T>(this T @this, Action<T> action) where T : ISynchronizeInvoke
    if (@this.InvokeRequired)
      @this.Invoke(action, new object[] { @this });

Alors maintenant, vous pouvez utiliser InvokeEx sur n’importe quel ISynchronizeInvoke et pouvoir accéder aux propriétés et aux champs de la classe d’implémentation.

 this.InvokeEx(f => f.listView1.Items.Clear());


Jon Skeet Points 692016

Utilisez ISynchronizeInvoke au lieu de Control . C'est l'interface que Control implémente avec Invoke/BeginInvoke/EndInvoke/InvokeRequired .

Une alternative consiste à utiliser SynchronizationContext.Current - ce qui est ce que BackgroundWorker utilise, je crois.


Eyal Points 2552

La voici dans VB.net, très similaire à la réponse de Samuel. J'ai quatre surcharges selon que vous souhaitiez un sous-programme ou une fonction et s'il existe ou non un paramètre. Il serait facile d'ajouter plus de surcharges pour plus de paramètres. VB.Net est capable de déduire les types.

 Module ISynchronizeInvokeExtensions
    Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal input As InputType) As OutputType
    Private Delegate Function InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
    Public Function InvokeEx(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
        If c.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(AddressOf InvokeEx)
            Return DirectCast(c.Invoke(d, New Object() {f, input, c}), OutputType)
            Return f(input)
        End If
    End Function

    Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType)(ByVal input As InputType)
    Public Sub InvokeEx(Of InputType)(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
        InvokeEx(Of InputType, Object)(Function(i As InputType) As Object
                                           Return Nothing
                                       End Function, input, c)
    End Sub

    Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSub()
    Public Sub InvokeEx(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSub, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
        InvokeEx(Of Object, Object)(Function(i As Object) As Object
                                        Return Nothing
                                    End Function, Nothing, c)
    End Sub

    Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType)() As OutputType
    Public Function InvokeEx(Of OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType), ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
        Return InvokeEx(Of Object, OutputType)(Function(i As Object) f(), Nothing, c)
    End Function
End Module

Utilisation (exécutez ceci dans un backgroundworker):

     InvokeEx(Sub(x As String) Me.Text = x, "foo", Me) 'set form title to foo
    InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
    InvokeEx(Sub() Me.Text &= "!", "foo", Me) 'append "!" to form title
    InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
    Dim s As String = InvokeEx(Function() Me.Text, Me) & "bar" 'get form title to backgorundworker thread
    InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, s, Me) 'display the string from backgroundworker thread


Shawn Kovac Points 424

voici le VB code équivalent à Samuel réponse que j'utilise. avis en fait, j'ai 2 extensions de fonctions, mais je dois avouer que je ne sais pas pourquoi ils sont là. j'ai copié ma version C# il y a des années (peut-être à partir de ce site) et il a les deux fonctions d'extension, mais pour quelle raison, je ne comprends pas tout. j'ai juste copié et comment l'utiliser, et j'ai la moitié de comprendre tout ce qui se passe "sous le capot" avec ces fonctions complexes.

#Const System_ComponentModel = True
#Const System_Drawing = False

Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices ' for Extension() attribute
Imports System.Text
#If System_ComponentModel Then
Imports System.ComponentModel
#End If
#If System_Drawing Then
Imports System.Drawing
#End If

Public Module MyExtensions

    ' other #Region blocks are removed. i use many in my Extensions
    ' module/class. the below code is only the 2 relevant extension
    ' for this 'SafeInvoke' functionality. but i use other regions
    ' such as "String extensions" and "Numeric extensions". i use
    ' the above System_ComponentModel and System_Drawing compiler
    ' directives to include or exclude blocks of code that i want
    ' to either include or exclude in a project, which allows me to
    ' easily compare my code in one project with the same file in
    ' other projects to syncronise new changes across projects.
    ' you can scrap pretty much all the code above,
    ' but i'm giving it here so you see it in the full context.

    #Region "ISynchronizeInvoke extensions"

    #If System_ComponentModel Then

        Public Function SafeInvoke(Of T As ISynchronizeInvoke, TResult)(isi As T, callFunction As Func(Of T, TResult)) As TResult
            If (isi.InvokeRequired) Then
                Dim result As IAsyncResult = isi.BeginInvoke(callFunction, New Object() {isi})
                Dim endresult As Object = isi.EndInvoke(result)
                Return DirectCast(endresult, TResult)
                Return callFunction(isi)
            End If
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' This can be used in VB with:
        ''' txtMyTextBox.SafeInvoke(Sub(d) d.Text = "This is my new Text value.")
        ''' or:
        ''' txtMyTextBox.SafeInvoke(Sub(d) d.Text = myTextStringVariable)
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        ''' <param name="isi"></param>
        ''' <param name="callFunction"></param>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public Sub SafeInvoke(Of T As ISynchronizeInvoke)(isi As T, callFunction As Action(Of T))
            If isi.InvokeRequired Then
                isi.BeginInvoke(callFunction, New Object() {isi})
            End If
        End Sub

    #End If

    #End Region

    ' other #Region blocks are removed from here too.

End Module

Et la version C# est:

#define System_ComponentModel
#undef  System_Drawing

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

#if System_ComponentModel
using System.ComponentModel;
#if System_Drawing
using System.Drawing;

namespace MyCompany.Extensions
    static partial class MyExtensions

        // other #Region blocks are removed. i use many in my Extensions
        // module/class. the below code is only the 2 relevant extension
        // for this 'SafeInvoke' functionality. but i use other regions
        // such as "String extensions" and "Numeric extensions". i use
        // the above System_ComponentModel and System_Drawing compiler
        // directives to include or exclude blocks of code that i want
        // to either include or exclude in a project, which allows me to
        // easily compare my code in one project with the same file in
        // other projects to syncronise new changes across projects.
        // you can scrap pretty much all the code above,
        // but i'm giving it here so you see it in the full context.

        #region ISynchronizeInvoke extensions
#if System_ComponentModel

        public static TResult SafeInvoke<T, TResult>(this T isi, Func<T, TResult> callFunction) where T : ISynchronizeInvoke
            if (isi.InvokeRequired)
                IAsyncResult result = isi.BeginInvoke(callFunction, new object[] { isi });
                object endResult = isi.EndInvoke(result); return (TResult)endResult;
                return callFunction(isi);

        /// <summary>
        /// This can be used in C# with:
        /// txtMyTextBox.SafeInvoke(d => d.Text = "This is my new Text value.");
        /// or:
        /// txtMyTextBox.SafeInvoke(d => d.Text = myTextStringVariable);
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="isi"></param>
        /// <param name="callFunction"></param>
        public static void SafeInvoke<T>(this T isi, Action<T> callFunction) where T : ISynchronizeInvoke
            if (isi.InvokeRequired) isi.BeginInvoke(callFunction, new object[] { isi });


        // other #Region blocks are removed from here too.

    } // static class MyExtensions

} // namespace

Amusez-vous bien!


Igor Brejc Points 9752


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