Voici à quoi ressemble le code dans Xcode.
Et cela dans ma liste créée avec texlive.
Et oui, j'ai utilisé basicstyle = \ ttfamily. Après avoir consulté le manuel des listes, je n'ai rien trouvé sur les polices fixes ou monospaces.
Exemple à reproduire
% Packages below
\usepackage{verbatim} % used to display code
\usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % german umlauts
\usepackage{amsthm} % Uuhhh yet another package
\VerbatimFootnotes % Required, otherwise verbatim does not work in footnotes!
language=C, % Code langugage
basicstyle=\ttfamily, % Code font, Examples: \footnotesize, \ttfamily
keywordstyle=\color{OliveGreen}, % Keywords font ('*' = uppercase)
commentstyle=\color{gray}, % Comments font
numbers=left, % Line nums position
numberstyle=\tiny, % Line-numbers fonts
stepnumber=1, % Step between two line-numbers
numbersep=5pt, % How far are line-numbers from code
backgroundcolor=\color{lightlightgray}, % Choose background color
frame=none, % A frame around the code
tabsize=2, % Default tab size
captionpos=b, % Caption-position = bottom
breaklines=true, % Automatic line breaking?
breakatwhitespace=false, % Automatic breaks only at whitespace?
showspaces=false, % Dont make spaces visible
showtabs=false, % Dont make tabls visible
columns=flexible, % Column format
morekeywords={__global__, __device__}, % CUDA specific keywords
As[threadRow][threadCol] = A[
threadCol + threadRow * Awidth // Adress of the thread in the current block
+ i * BLOCK_SIZE // Pick a block further left for i+1
+ blockRow * BLOCK_SIZE * Awidth // for blockRow +1 go one blockRow down