Vous pourriez utiliser des objets Q pour n ° 1:
# Blogs who have either hockey or django tags.
from django.db.models import Q
Q(tags__name__iexact='hockey') | Q(tags__name__iexact='django')
Les Unions et intersections, je crois, sont un peu en dehors de la portée de l'ORM de Django, mais il est possible de de ces. Les exemples suivants sont issus d'une application Django appelé appelé django-marquage qui fournit la fonctionnalité. Ligne 346 de models.py:
Pour la deuxième partie, vous êtes à la recherche pour une union de deux requêtes, essentiellement
def get_union_by_model(self, queryset_or_model, tags):
Create a ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the specified
model associated with *any* of the given list of tags.
tags = get_tag_list(tags)
tag_count = len(tags)
queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model)
if not tag_count:
return model._default_manager.none()
model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table)
# This query selects the ids of all objects which have any of
# the given tags.
query = """
SELECT %(model_pk)s
FROM %(model)s, %(tagged_item)s
WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s
AND %(tagged_item)s.tag_id IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s)
AND %(model_pk)s = %(tagged_item)s.object_id
GROUP BY %(model_pk)s""" % {
'model_pk': '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)),
'model': model_table,
'tagged_item': qn(self.model._meta.db_table),
'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk,
'tag_id_placeholders': ','.join(['%s'] * tag_count),
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, [tag.pk for tag in tags])
object_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
if len(object_ids) > 0:
return queryset.filter(pk__in=object_ids)
return model._default_manager.none()
Pour la partie #3 je crois que vous êtes à la recherche d'une intersection. Voir la ligne 307 de models.py
def get_intersection_by_model(self, queryset_or_model, tags):
Create a ``QuerySet`` containing instances of the specified
model associated with *all* of the given list of tags.
tags = get_tag_list(tags)
tag_count = len(tags)
queryset, model = get_queryset_and_model(queryset_or_model)
if not tag_count:
return model._default_manager.none()
model_table = qn(model._meta.db_table)
# This query selects the ids of all objects which have all the
# given tags.
query = """
SELECT %(model_pk)s
FROM %(model)s, %(tagged_item)s
WHERE %(tagged_item)s.content_type_id = %(content_type_id)s
AND %(tagged_item)s.tag_id IN (%(tag_id_placeholders)s)
AND %(model_pk)s = %(tagged_item)s.object_id
GROUP BY %(model_pk)s
HAVING COUNT(%(model_pk)s) = %(tag_count)s""" % {
'model_pk': '%s.%s' % (model_table, qn(model._meta.pk.column)),
'model': model_table,
'tagged_item': qn(self.model._meta.db_table),
'content_type_id': ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).pk,
'tag_id_placeholders': ','.join(['%s'] * tag_count),
'tag_count': tag_count,
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(query, [tag.pk for tag in tags])
object_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
if len(object_ids) > 0:
return queryset.filter(pk__in=object_ids)
return model._default_manager.none()