Ce code est optimisé pour TAILLE .
Vous verrez donc beaucoup de "mauvais hacks".
Notez que nous avons utilisé 'struct', mais il peut être facilement changé en classe si vous ajoutez public:
. Paste manque également le type 'Point2D' mais vous pouvez deviner à quoi cela ressemble. Includes et Include guards ont également été supprimés.
/* ------------------------------ kdtree.h ------------------------------ */
typedef struct kdNode2D
kdNode2D(pPoint2D pointList, int pointLength, int depth = 0);
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
delete sons[i];
/* Leave depth alone for outside code! */
unsigned nearest(const Point2D &point, int depth = 0);
union {
struct {
kdNode2D* left;
kdNode2D* right;
kdNode2D* sons[2];
Point2D p;
} kdNode2D;
/* ----------------------------- kdtree.cpp ----------------------------- */
static int cmpX(const void* a, const void* b)
return (*(pPoint2D)a).x - (*(pPoint2D)b).x;
static int cmpY(const void* a, const void* b)
return (*(pPoint2D)a).y - (*(pPoint2D)b).y;
kdNode2D::kdNode2D(pPoint2D pointList, int pointLength, int depth)
if(pointLength == 1) {
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
p = *pointList;
// Odd depth = Y, even depth = X
if(depth & 1)
qsort(pointList, pointLength, sizeof(Point2D), cmpY);
qsort(pointList, pointLength, sizeof(Point2D), cmpX);
const int halfLength = pointLength >> 1;
p = pointList[halfLength];
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
sons[i] = new kdNode2D(pointList + (i*halfLength), halfLength, depth + 1);
unsigned kdNode2D::nearest(const Point2D &point, int depth)
/* End of tree. */
if(!left || !right) // We assume if left != NULL, then right != NULL (see ctor)
Point2D r = p;
for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
r[i] -= point[i];
return r.dot(r);
const int tmp = p[depth] - point[depth];
const int side = tmp < 0; /* Prefer the left. */
/* Switch depth. */
depth ^= 1;
/* Search the near side of the tree. */
int leftDist = sons[side]->nearest(point, depth);
/* Radius intersects a kd tree boundary? */
if(leftDist < (tmp * tmp))
/* No; this is the nearest point on this side. */
return leftDist;
/* Yes; look at the points on the other side. */
return min(leftDist, sons[side ^ 1]->nearest(point, depth));