Les autres réponses vous donneront les informations dont vous avez besoin, mais vous demanderont toujours de tout saisir lorsque vous définissez la variable de table.
Le TSQL suivant vous permettra de générer rapidement la définition de la variable de table pour n'importe quelle table donnée.
Cela peut vous faire gagner beaucoup de temps au lieu de saisir manuellement des définitions de table comme :
table(Field1Name nvarchar(4), Field2Name nvarchar(20), Field3Name int
, Field4Name numeric(28,12))
select top 10 *
into #temp
from db.dbo.myTable
declare @tableName nvarchar(max)
set @tableName = '#temp'
use tempdb
declare @tmp table(val nvarchar(max))
insert into @tmp
select case data_type
when 'binary' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'char' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'datetime2' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + CAST(DATETIME_PRECISION as nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'datetimeoffset' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + CAST(DATETIME_PRECISION as nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'decimal' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(NUMERIC_PRECISION as nvarchar(max)) + ',' + cast(NUMERIC_SCALE as nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'nchar' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'numeric' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(NUMERIC_PRECISION as nvarchar(max)) + ',' + cast(NUMERIC_SCALE as nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'nvarchar' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'time' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + CAST(DATETIME_PRECISION as nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'varbinary' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
when 'varchar' then COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + '(' + cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS nvarchar(max)) + ')'
-- Most standard data types follow the pattern in the other section.
-- Non-standard datatypes include: binary, char, datetime2, datetimeoffset, decimal, nvchar, numeric, nvarchar, time, varbinary, and varchar
end + case when IS_NULLABLE <> 'YES' then ' NOT NULL' else '' end 'dataType'
where TABLE_NAME like @tableName + '%'
declare @result nvarchar(max)
set @result = ''
select @result = @result + [val] + N','
from @tmp
where val is not null
set @result = substring(@result, 1, (LEN(@result)-1))
-- The following will replce '-1' with 'max' in order to properly handle nvarchar(max) columns
set @result = REPLACE(@result, '-1', 'max')
select @result
Field1Name nvarchar(4), Field2Name nvarchar(20), Field3Name int
, Field4Name numeric(28,12)