126 votes

Vérifiez si le chemin complet est indiqué

Existe-t-il une méthode pour vérifier si le chemin donné est le chemin complet ? En ce moment je fais ceci :

if (template.Contains(":\\")) //full path already given
else //calculate the path from local assembly

Mais il doit y avoir un moyen plus élégant de vérifier cela ?


Smirkin Gherkin Points 4098

Essayez d'utiliser System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted ? Il renvoie aussi true pour les chemins absolus.

System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(@"c:\foo"); // true
System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(@"\foo"); // true
System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted("foo"); // false

System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(@"c:1\foo"); // surprisingly also true
System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(@"c:1\foo");// returns "[current working directory]\1\foo"


E M Points 353

S'appuyant sur la réponse de weir : cela ne lance pas pour les chemins non valides, mais renvoie aussi false pour les chemins comme "C :", "C :dirname" et "\path".

public static bool IsFullPath(string path)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) || path.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) != -1 || !Path.IsPathRooted(path))
        return false;

    string pathRoot = Path.GetPathRoot(path);
    if (pathRoot.Length <= 2 && pathRoot != "/") // Accepts X:\ and \\UNC\PATH, rejects empty string, \ and X:, but accepts / to support Linux
        return false;

    if (pathRoot[0] != '\\' || pathRoot[1] != '\\')
        return true; // Rooted and not a UNC path

    return pathRoot.Trim('\\').IndexOf('\\') != -1; // A UNC server name without a share name (e.g "\\NAME" or "\\NAME\") is invalid

Notez que cela renvoie des résultats différents sous Windows et Linux, par exemple "/path" est absolu sous Linux, mais pas sous Windows.

Test unitaire :

public void IsFullPath()
    bool isWindows = Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString().StartsWith("Win"); // .NET Framework
    // bool isWindows = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows); // .NET Core

    // These are full paths on Windows, but not on Linux
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:\dir\file.ext", isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:\dir\", isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:\dir", isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:\", isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\\unc\share\dir\file.ext", isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\\unc\share", isWindows);

    // These are full paths on Linux, but not on Windows
    TryIsFullPath(@"/some/file", !isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"/dir", !isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"/", !isWindows);

    // Not full paths on either Windows or Linux
    TryIsFullPath(@"file.ext", false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"dir\file.ext", false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\dir\file.ext", false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:", false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:dir\file.ext", false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\dir", false); // An "absolute", but not "full" path

    // Invalid on both Windows and Linux
    TryIsFullPath(null, false, false);
    TryIsFullPath("", false, false);
    TryIsFullPath("   ", false, false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"C:\inval|d", false, false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\\is_this_a_dir_or_a_hostname", false, false);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\\is_this_a_dir_or_a_hostname\", false, !isWindows);
    TryIsFullPath(@"\\is_this_a_dir_or_a_hostname\\", false, !isWindows);

private static void TryIsFullPath(string path, bool expectedIsFull, bool expectedIsValid = true)
    Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsFull, PathUtils.IsFullPath(path), "IsFullPath('" + path + "')");

    if (expectedIsFull)
        Assert.AreEqual(path, Path.GetFullPath(path));
    else if (expectedIsValid)
        Assert.AreNotEqual(path, Path.GetFullPath(path));
        Assert.That(() => Path.GetFullPath(path), Throws.Exception);


Joe Points 60749



Fonctionne aussi bien pour les chemins UNC que pour les chemins locaux.

Par exemple :

Path.IsPathRooted(@"\\MyServer\MyShare\MyDirectory")  // returns true
Path.IsPathRooted(@"C:\\MyDirectory")  // returns true


GreggD Points 131

Ancienne question, mais encore une réponse applicable. Si vous devez vous assurer que le volume est inclus dans un chemin local, vous pouvez utiliser System.IO.Path.GetFullPath() comme ceci :

if (template == System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(template))
    ; //template is full path including volume or full UNC path
    if (useCurrentPathAndVolume)
        template = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(template);
        template = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location


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