DECLARE @guid varchar(36); select @guid= convert(varchar(36), NEWID() );
The one caveat to this technique is that ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp should ALWAYS have the exact same columns.
So make up your global temp table name in the sproc you're using it in and only there!
In this example I wanted to pass in the name of a global temporary table dynamically. I have 1 procedure dropping
off temporary data in whatever @TableSrc is and another procedure picking it up but we are dynamically passing
in the name of our pickup table as a parameter for OPENQUERY.
IF ( OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp' , 'U') IS NULL )
EXEC ('SELECT * INTO ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp FROM OPENQUERY(loopback, ''Select *,''''' + @guid +''''' as tempid FROM ' + @TableSrc + ''')')
EXEC ('INSERT ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(loopback, ''Select *,''''' + @guid +''''' as tempid FROM ' + @TableSrc + ''')')
--If this proc is run frequently we could run into race conditions, that's why we are adding a guid and only deleting
--the data we added to ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp
SELECT * INTO #TableSrc FROM ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp WHERE tempid = @guid
IF ( OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp' , 'U') IS NOT NULL )
-- Here we wipe out our left overs if there if everyones done eating the data
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp) = 0
DROP TABLE ##ContextSpecificGlobal__Temp
-- YEAH! Now I can use the data from my openquery without wrapping the whole !$#@$@ thing in a string.