Existe-t-il des méthodes intégrées permettant de convertir une chaîne de caractères au format Title Case ?
Trop de publicités?Ce convertisseur transforme toute chaîne de caractères contenant des majuscules, des espaces, des chiffres et d'autres caractères en casse-titre aseptisée.
* Convert a string to title case in java (with tests).
* @author Sudipto Chandra
public abstract class TitleCase {
* Returns the character type. <br>
* <br>
* Digit = 2 <br>
* Lower case alphabet = 0 <br>
* Uppercase case alphabet = 1 <br>
* All else = -1.
* @param ch
* @return
private static int getCharType(char ch) {
if (Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {
return 0;
} else if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
return 1;
} else if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
return 2;
return -1;
* Converts any given string in camel or snake case to title case.
* <br>
* It uses the method getCharType and ignore any character that falls in
* negative character type category. It separates two alphabets of not-equal
* cases with a space. It accepts numbers and append it to the currently
* running group, and puts a space at the end.
* <br>
* If the result is empty after the operations, original string is returned.
* @param text the text to be converted.
* @return a title cased string
public static String titleCase(String text) {
if (text == null || text.length() == 0) {
return text;
char[] str = text.toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean capRepeated = false;
for (int i = 0, prev = -1, next; i < str.length; ++i, prev = next) {
next = getCharType(str[i]);
// trace consecutive capital cases
if (prev == 1 && next == 1) {
capRepeated = true;
} else if (next != 0) {
capRepeated = false;
// next is ignorable
if (next == -1) {
// System.out.printf("case 0, %d %d %s\n", prev, next, sb.toString());
continue; // does not append anything
// prev and next are of same type
if (prev == next) {
// System.out.printf("case 1, %d %d %s\n", prev, next, sb.toString());
// next is not an alphabet
if (next == 2) {
// System.out.printf("case 2, %d %d %s\n", prev, next, sb.toString());
// next is an alphabet, prev was not +
// next is uppercase and prev was lowercase
if (prev == -1 || prev == 2 || prev == 0) {
if (sb.length() != 0) {
sb.append(' ');
// System.out.printf("case 3, %d %d %s\n", prev, next, sb.toString());
// next is lowercase and prev was uppercase
if (prev == 1) {
if (capRepeated) {
sb.insert(sb.length() - 1, ' ');
capRepeated = false;
// System.out.printf("case 4, %d %d %s\n", prev, next, sb.toString());
String output = sb.toString().trim();
output = (output.length() == 0) ? text : output;
//return output;
// Capitalize all words (Optional)
String[] result = output.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
result[i] = result[i].charAt(0) + result[i].substring(1).toLowerCase();
output = String.join(" ", result);
return output;
* Test method for the titleCase() function.
public static void testTitleCase() {
System.out.println("--------------- Title Case Tests --------------------");
String[][] samples = {
{null, null},
{"", ""},
{"a", "A"},
{"aa", "Aa"},
{"aaa", "Aaa"},
{"aC", "A C"},
{"AC", "Ac"},
{"aCa", "A Ca"},
{"ACa", "A Ca"},
{"aCamel", "A Camel"},
{"anCamel", "An Camel"},
{"CamelCase", "Camel Case"},
{"camelCase", "Camel Case"},
{"snake_case", "Snake Case"},
{"toCamelCaseString", "To Camel Case String"},
{"toCAMELCase", "To Camel Case"},
{"_under_the_scoreCamelWith_", "Under The Score Camel With"},
{"ABDTest", "Abd Test"},
{"title123Case", "Title123 Case"},
{"expect11", "Expect11"},
{"all0verMe3", "All0 Ver Me3"},
{"___", "___"},
{"__a__", "A"},
{"_A_b_c____aa", "A B C Aa"},
{"_get$It132done", "Get It132 Done"},
{"_122_", "122"},
{"_no112", "No112"},
{"Case-13title", "Case13 Title"},
{"-no-allow-", "No Allow"},
{"_paren-_-allow--not!", "Paren Allow Not"},
{"Other.Allow.--False?", "Other Allow False"},
{"$39$ldl%LK3$lk_389$klnsl-32489 3 42034 ", "39 Ldl Lk3 Lk389 Klnsl32489342034"},
{"tHis will BE MY EXAMple", "T His Will Be My Exa Mple"},
{"stripEvery.damn-paren- -_now", "Strip Every Damn Paren Now"},
{"getMe", "Get Me"},
{"whatSthePoint", "What Sthe Point"},
{"n0pe_aLoud", "N0 Pe A Loud"},
{"canHave SpacesThere", "Can Have Spaces There"},
{" why_underScore exists ", "Why Under Score Exists"},
{"small-to-be-seen", "Small To Be Seen"},
{"toCAMELCase", "To Camel Case"},
{"_under_the_scoreCamelWith_", "Under The Score Camel With"},
{"last one onTheList", "Last One On The List"}
int pass = 0;
for (String[] inp : samples) {
String out = titleCase(inp[0]);
//String out = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(inp[0]);
System.out.printf("TEST '%s'\nWANTS '%s'\nFOUND '%s'\n", inp[0], inp[1], out);
boolean passed = (out == null ? inp[1] == null : out.equals(inp[1]));
pass += passed ? 1 : 0;
System.out.println(passed ? "-- PASS --" : "!! FAIL !!");
System.out.printf("\n%d Passed, %d Failed.\n", pass, samples.length - pass);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// run tests
Voici quelques entrées :
why_underScore exists
last one onTheList
Et mes sorties :
A Camel
Title Case
Snake Case
From Camel Case String
Abc Test
Paren Allow Not
Why Under Score Exists
Last One On The List
La façon la plus simple de convertir une chaîne de caractères en une casse de titre est d'utiliser le paquetage org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils de Google.
System.out.println(WordUtils.capitalizeFully("tHis will BE MY EXAMple"));
Le résultat sera le suivant
Ce sera mon exemple
Je ne suis pas sûr de la raison pour laquelle il est nommé "capitalizeFully", alors qu'en fait la fonction ne fait pas une majuscule complète, mais de toute façon, c'est l'outil dont nous avons besoin.
Désolé, je suis un débutant donc mon habitude de codage est nulle !
public class TitleCase {
String title(String sent)
sent =sent.trim();
sent = sent.toLowerCase();
String[] str1=new String[sent.length()];
for(int k=0;k<=str1.length-1;k++){
for(int i=0;i<=sent.length()-1;i++){
String s= sent.charAt(i)+"";
if(str1[i].equals(" ")){
String s= sent.charAt(i+1)+"";
return "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
TitleCase a = new TitleCase();
System.out.println(a.title(" enter your Statement!"));
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