124 votes

La requête spécifiait la recherche de jointure, mais le propriétaire de l'association recherchée n'était pas présent dans la liste de sélection.

Je sélectionne deux colonnes d'identification mais j'obtiens l'erreur spécifiée :

org.hibernate.QueryException: **query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list** 

[FromElement{explicit,not a collection join,fetch join,fetch non-lazy properties,classAlias=r,role=null,tableName=REVISIONS,tableAlias=revision1_,origin=ENTITY_CHANGED_IN_REVISION entitychan0_,columns={entitychan0_.REV_ID ,className=ru.csbi.registry.domain.envers.Revision}}] [ select ec.id as entityChangeId, r.id as revisionId from ru.csbi.registry.domain.envers.EntityChange as ec  inner join fetch ec.revision as r  where ec.groupEntityId = :groupEntityId and ec.groupName = :groupName  and r.timestamp < :entityDateFrom  and r.timestamp > :entityDateTo  and (        ec.revisionType in (0, 5, 1, 4, 2 )       and not ( ec.otherGroupEntityModified = false and ec.thisGroupEntityModified = true and ec.rowDataModified = false and ec.collectionOfNotGroupEntityModified = false   )      )  group by ec.id, r.id  having count(*) > :start order by r.id desc]

Un certain code :

String hql = " select ec.id as entityChangeId, r.id as revisionId from EntityChange as ec " +
            " inner join fetch ec.revision as r " +
            " where ec.groupEntityId = :groupEntityId" +
            " and ec.groupName = :groupName " +
            " and r.timestamp < :entityDateFrom " +
            " and r.timestamp > :entityDateTo " +
            " and ( " +
            "       ec.revisionType in (" + 
                        RevisionType.ADD.getRepresentation() + ", " + 
                        RevisionType.ONLY_DATA_PROPERTY_MOD.getRepresentation() + ", " +
                        RevisionType.BOTH_COLLECTION_AND_PROPERTY_MOD.getRepresentation() + ", " +
                        RevisionType.ONLY_COLLECTION_PROPERTY_MOD.getRepresentation() + ", " +
                        RevisionType.DEL.getRepresentation() +
                    " ) " +
            "     and not ( "+
                    "ec.otherGroupEntityModified = false and " +
                    "ec.thisGroupEntityModified = true and " +
                    "ec.rowDataModified = false and " +
                    "ec.collectionOfNotGroupEntityModified = false " +
                "  ) " +
            "     ) " +
            " group by ec.id, r.id " +
            " having count(*) > :start" +
            " order by r.id desc";

Comment réparer l'erreur et qu'est-ce que je fais de mal ?


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