4 votes

Comment ajouter un champ résumé dans un rapport RDLC ?

J'utilise le rapport RDLC dans Win-form. Je veux ajouter la page ci-dessous comme résumé. C'est-à-dire que je veux ajouter cette page comme page séparée dans le rapport.

Mes amis travaillant à Fox pro. Il dit que c'est possible dans le champ Résumé, c'est comme un pied de page. Mais je n'arrive pas à le trouver. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

              The Committee has considered the following aspects before finalizing the attendance%      
    for the B.Sc H&HA I year I semester Students,   

           1.    Students involved in attending ODC, Exhibitions and other functions        
        deputed by the college.

          2.    Students who had shortage of attendance were instructed to attend the classes in        
         the weekend / Holidays. Classes were conducted by the staff who 
        were stationed at the Institute.

                 As directed by the principal, in the interest of the students and due to the semester pattern,                                     
    It has been decided to consider overall attendance % for the eligibility to write                               
    the NCHM semester examination 2011. 

(Mr.Elangovan)   (Mr.Mathew)    (Mr. Senthil Kumar)      (Ms. Sharmila)     ( Ms. Parimala)    (Mr. Thirulogchander)                                                



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