J'ai un problème avec un test d'échafaudage pour rspec où any_instance.should_receive génère une erreur : Failure/Error : Impossible de trouver la ligne correspondante dans le backtrace. Une seule instance aurait dû recevoir le(s) message(s) suivant(s) mais ne l'a pas fait : update_attributes.
Code Rspec, utilisant FactoryGirl et strong_parameters :
describe "PUT update" do
describe "with valid params" do
it "updates the requested acquisition" do
puts "starting updates the requested acquisition"
acquisition = create(:acquisition)
# Assuming there are no other acquisitions in the database, this
# specifies that the Acquisition created on the previous line
# receives the :update_attributes message with whatever params are
# submitted in the request.
Acquisition.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(:acquisition => {:person_id => '10'})
puts "before the put "
put :update, :id => acquisition.id, :acquisition => { :person_id => '10'}
puts "ending the updates the requested acquisition"
Code du contrôleur :
def update
@acquisition = Acquisition.find(params[:id])
puts "acquisition is #{@acquisition.inspect}"
respond_to do |format|
if @acquisition.update_attributes!(acquisition_params)
puts "updated the thing! #{@acquisition.inspect}"
format.html { redirect_to(@acquisition, :notice => 'Acquisition was successfully updated.') }
format.xml { head :ok }
puts "failed to update the thing!"
format.html { render :action => "edit" }
format.xml { render :xml => @acquisition.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
Sorties de test :
starting updates the requested acquisition
before the put
acquisition is #<Acquisition id: 502, sample_id: 7, person_id: 7, method: nil>
params is acqusition_params is {"person_id"=>"10"}
updated the thing! #<Acquisition id: 502, sample_id: 7, person_id: 10, method: nil>
ending the updates the requested acquisition
1) AcquisitionsController PUT update with valid params updates the requested acquisition
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
Exactly one instance should have received the following message(s) but didn't: update_attributes
Étant donné que j'imprime l'objet mis à jour dans mon contrôleur et qu'il est correct, pourquoi le test échoue-t-il ?