J'ai créé un dictionnaire imbriqué avec plusieurs valeurs sous forme de liste pour le sous-dictionnaire. En résumé, cela ressemble à ceci :
{'Parameter 1': ['Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3'],
'Parameter 2': ['Value 11', 'Value 22', 'Value 33'],
'Parameter 3': ['Num1', 'Num2', 'Num3']},
{'Parameter 1': ['Data 1', 'Data 2', 'Data 3'],
'Parameter 2': ['Data 11', 'Data 22', 'Data 33'],
'Parameter 3': ['Numb1', 'Numb2', 'Numb3'],
'Parameter 4': ['Numb11', 'Numb22', 'Numb33']}
J'ai besoin de l'exporter vers la feuille Excel. Ce que je veux obtenir :
| 1 | 2 |
Parameter 1 | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 | Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 |
Parameter 2 | Value 11| Value 22| Value 33| Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 |
Parameter 3 | Num1 | Num2 | Num3 | Numb1 | Numb2 | Numb3 |
Parameter 4 | | | | Numb11 | Numb22 | Numb33 |
Mais lorsque j'utilise la méthode to_excel, j'obtiens le résultat suivant :
| 1 | 2 |
Parameter 1 |['Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3'] | ['Data 1', 'Data 2', 'Data 3'] |
Parameter 2 |['Value 11', 'Value 22', 'Value 33']| ['Data 11', 'Data 22', 'Data 33'] |
Parameter 3 | ['Num1', 'Num2', 'Num3'] | ['Numb1', 'Numb2', 'Numb3'] |
Parameter 4 | | ['Numb11', 'Numb22', 'Numb33'] |
Ce qui est assez évident.
Il est inutile d'exporter un tel dictionnaire au format .csv, car les colonnes de la ligne contenant le paramètre 4 seront décalées vers la gauche. Je cherche donc soit à faire en sorte que les valeurs remplissent les cellules séparément, soit à diviser le texte en colonnes en cas de colonnes multiples dans la feuille. Dois-je réorganiser le dictionnaire source d'une manière ou d'une autre ?
Je suppose également qu'il n'est pas possible dans mon cas de remplir les lignes "manquantes" dans le dictionnaire, car les clés sont mises à jour chaque fois que nous obtenons un nouveau sous-dictionnaire.
Voici un exemple concret :
{1: {'Field Cluster': ['This', 'This', 'This'], 'Exploration Block': ['Is', 'Is', 'Is'], 'Producing since': [1923.0, 1923.0, 1923.0], 'Fluids': ['A ', 'A ', 'A '], 'Reservoirs': ['Test', 'Test', 'Test'], 'Area (km2)': ['File', 'File', 'File'], 'Depth (m)': ['A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth'], 'Concession License No.': ['UNIX license', 'UNIX license', 'UNIX license'], 'License Expiry Date / Extension': ['Everlasting', 'Everlasting', 'Everlasting'], 'Working Interest': ['There is one\n', 'There is one\n', 'There is one\n'], 'Gouvernment approval:': ['It is!', 'It is!', 'It is!'], 'Last study:': ['Million years ago', 'Million years ago', 'Million years ago'], 'Parameters': ['Horizon1', 'Horizon2', 'Horizon3'], 'Reservoir rock': ['First', 'Second', 'Third'], 'Net pay thickness (m)': [1.0, 21.0, 41.0], 'Avr. porosity (%)': [2.0, 22.0, 42.0], 'Average absolute permeability (mD)': [3.0, 23.0, 43.0], 'Swi (%)': [4.0, 24.0, 44.0], 'Initial pressure (at)': [5.0, 25.0, 45.0], 'Bubble Pressure (at.)': [6.0, 26.0, 46.0], 'Dew Point Pressure (at)': [7.0, 27.0, 47.0], 'Initial Solution Ratio (Stm3/m3)': [8.0, 28.0, 48.0], 'Initial Condensate Gas Ratio (g/Stm3)': [9.0, 29.0, 49.0], 'Oil density (kg/cm)': [10.0, 30.0, 50.0], 'Oil viscosity (Pb) (cP)': [11.0, 31.0, 51.0], 'Contaminants (H2S, CO2)': [12.0, 32.0, 52.0], 'Initial Oil in Place (e3 to)': [13.0, 33.0, 53.0], 'Initial NGL in Place (e3 to)': [14.0, 34.0, 54.0], 'Initial Gas (assoc.) in Place (e6 m3) sol.gas/gas cap': [15.0, 35.0, 55.0], 'Initial Gas (non assoc.) in Place (e6 m3)': [16.0, 36.0, 56.0], 'Primary recovery / drive mechanism\nNone': ['Wow\nA', 'Recovery\nNone', 'Mechanism\nNone', ''], 'Secondary recovery': ['Another one', '', '', ''], 'Total Wells': ['1000', '-', '-', ''], 'Productive wells (oil/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Injection wells (water/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Rate of best producer in the field (tons / e3 Sm3/day)': ['30', '-', '-', ''], 'Water injection (e3 m3/day)': ['49', '-', '-', ''], 'Actual Pressure (at)': ['500', '434-3443', '48930', ''], 'Oil cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['37', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['4535', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['', '-', '-', ''], 'Water Cut (%)': ['378', '-', '-', ''], 'Recovery Factor': ['I love hydrocarbons', '', '', ''], 'Current (%)': ['30 20 46 3', '', '', ''], 'Expected 2P (%)': ['Not really expected', '', '', ''], 'Oil production (tons/day)': ['44', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL production (tons/day)': ['-', '-', '-', '']},
2: {'Field Cluster': ['This', 'This', 'This'], 'Exploration Block': ['Is', 'Is', 'Is'], 'Producing since': [1923.0, 1923.0, 1923.0], 'Fluids': ['A ', 'A ', 'A '], 'Reservoirs': ['Test', 'Test', 'Test'], 'Area (km2)': ['File', 'File', 'File'], 'Depth (m)': ['A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth'], 'Concession License No.': ['UNIX license', 'UNIX license', 'UNIX license'], 'License Expiry Date / Extension': ['Everlasting', 'Everlasting', 'Everlasting'], 'Working Interest': ['There is one\n', 'There is one\n', 'There is one\n'], 'Gouvernment approval:': ['It is!', 'It is!', 'It is!'], 'Last study:': ['Million years ago', 'Million years ago', 'Million years ago'], 'Parameters': ['Horizon1', 'Horizon2', 'Horizon3'], 'Reservoir rock': ['First', 'Second', 'Third'], 'Net pay thickness (m)': [1.0, 21.0, 41.0], 'Avr. porosity (%)': [2.0, 22.0, 42.0], 'Average absolute permeability (mD)': [3.0, 23.0, 43.0], 'Swi (%)': [4.0, 24.0, 44.0], 'Initial pressure (at)': [5.0, 25.0, 45.0], 'Bubble Pressure (at.)': [6.0, 26.0, 46.0], 'Dew Point Pressure (at)': [7.0, 27.0, 47.0], 'Initial Solution Ratio (Stm3/m3)': [8.0, 28.0, 48.0], 'Initial Condensate Gas Ratio (g/Stm3)': [9.0, 29.0, 49.0], 'Oil density (kg/cm)': [10.0, 30.0, 50.0], 'Oil viscosity (Pb) (cP)': [11.0, 31.0, 51.0], 'Contaminants (H2S, CO2)': [12.0, 32.0, 52.0], 'Initial Oil in Place (e3 to)': [13.0, 33.0, 53.0], 'Initial NGL in Place (e3 to)': [14.0, 34.0, 54.0], 'Initial Gas (assoc.) in Place (e6 m3) sol.gas/gas cap': [15.0, 35.0, 55.0], 'Initial Gas (non assoc.) in Place (e6 m3)': [16.0, 36.0, 56.0], 'Primary recovery / drive mechanism\nNone': ['Wow\nA', 'Recovery\nNone', 'Mechanism\nNone', ''], 'Secondary recovery': ['Another one', '', '', ''], 'Total Wells': ['1000', '-', '-', ''], 'Productive wells (oil/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Injection wells (water/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Rate of best producer in the field (tons / e3 Sm3/day)': ['30', '-', '-', ''], 'Water injection (e3 m3/day)': ['49', '-', '-', ''], 'Actual Pressure (at)': ['500', '434-3443', '48930', ''], 'Oil cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['37', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['4535', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['', '-', '-', ''], 'Water Cut (%)': ['378', '-', '-', ''], 'Recovery Factor': ['I love hydrocarbons', '', '', ''], 'Current (%)': ['30 20 46 3', '', '', ''], 'Expected 2P (%)': ['Not really expected', '', '', ''], 'Oil production (tons/day)': ['44', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL production (tons/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'WOW Production (Something)': ['1', 2.0, '3', '']}}
Exemple, qui devrait vraiment fonctionner
{1: {'Field Cluster': ['This', 'This', 'This'], 'Exploration Block': ['Is', 'Is', 'Is'], 'Producing since': [1923.0, 1923.0, 1923.0], 'Fluids': ['A ', 'A ', 'A '], 'Reservoirs': ['Test', 'Test', 'Test'], 'Area (km2)': ['File', 'File', 'File'], 'Depth (m)': ['A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth', 'A\nHuge\nDepth'], 'Concession License No.': ['UNIX license', 'UNIX license', 'UNIX license'], 'License Expiry Date / Extension': ['Everlasting', 'Everlasting', 'Everlasting'], 'Working Interest': ['There is one\n', 'There is one\n', 'There is one\n'], 'Gouvernment approval:': ['It is!', 'It is!', 'It is!'], 'Last study:': ['Million years ago', 'Million years ago', 'Million years ago'], 'Parameters': ['Horizon1', 'Horizon2', 'Horizon3'], 'Reservoir rock': ['First', 'Second', 'Third'], 'Net pay thickness (m)': [1.0, 21.0, 41.0], 'Avr. porosity (%)': [2.0, 22.0, 42.0], 'Average absolute permeability (mD)': [3.0, 23.0, 43.0], 'Swi (%)': [4.0, 24.0, 44.0], 'Initial pressure (at)': [5.0, 25.0, 45.0], 'Bubble Pressure (at.)': [6.0, 26.0, 46.0], 'Dew Point Pressure (at)': [7.0, 27.0, 47.0], 'Initial Solution Ratio (Stm3/m3)': [8.0, 28.0, 48.0], 'Initial Condensate Gas Ratio (g/Stm3)': [9.0, 29.0, 49.0], 'Oil density (kg/cm)': [10.0, 30.0, 50.0], 'Oil viscosity (Pb) (cP)': [11.0, 31.0, 51.0], 'Contaminants (H2S, CO2)': [12.0, 32.0, 52.0], 'Initial Oil in Place (e3 to)': [13.0, 33.0, 53.0], 'Initial NGL in Place (e3 to)': [14.0, 34.0, 54.0], 'Initial Gas (assoc.) in Place (e6 m3) sol.gas/gas cap': [15.0, 35.0, 55.0], 'Initial Gas (non assoc.) in Place (e6 m3)': [16.0, 36.0, 56.0], 'Primary recovery / drive mechanism\nNone': ['Wow\nA', 'Recovery\nNone', 'Mechanism\nNone', ''], 'Secondary recovery': ['Another one', '', '', ''], 'Total Wells': ['1000', '-', '-', ''], 'Productive wells (oil/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Injection wells (water/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', ''], 'Rate of best producer in the field (tons / e3 Sm3/day)': ['30', '-', '-', ''], 'Water injection (e3 m3/day)': ['49', '-', '-', ''], 'Actual Pressure (at)': ['500', '434-3443', '48930', ''], 'Oil cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['37', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['4535', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['', '-', '-', ''], 'Water Cut (%)': ['378', '-', '-', ''], 'Recovery Factor': ['I love hydrocarbons', '', '', ''], 'Current (%)': ['30 20 46 3', '', '', ''], 'Expected 2P (%)': ['Not really expected', '', '', ''], 'Oil production (tons/day)': ['44', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL production (tons/day)': ['-', '-', '-', '']}, 2: {'Field Cluster': ['This fff', 'This fff', 'This fff', 'This fff'], 'Exploration Block': ['fff', 'fff', 'fff', 'fff'], 'Producing since': ['1923fff', '1923fff', '1923fff', '1923fff'], 'Fluids': ['A fff', 'A fff', 'A fff', 'A fff'], 'Reservoirs': ['Test', 'Test', 'Test', 'Test'], 'Area (km2)': ['File', 'File', 'File', 'File'], 'Depth (m)': ['A\nHuge\nDepthfff', 'A\nHuge\nDepthfff', 'A\nHuge\nDepthfff', 'A\nHuge\nDepthfff'], 'Concession License No.': ['UNIX license', 'UNIX license', 'UNIX license', 'UNIX license'], 'License Expiry Date / Extension': ['Everlastingfff', 'Everlastingfff', 'Everlastingfff', 'Everlastingfff'], 'Working Interest': ['There is one\n', 'There is one\n', 'There is one\n', 'There is one\n'], 'Gouvernment approval:': ['ffff', 'ffff', 'ffff', 'ffff'], 'Last study:': ['Million years fffff', 'Million years fffff', 'Million years fffff', 'Million years fffff'], 'Parameters': ['Horizon1', 'Horizon2', 'Horizon3', 'Horizon4'], 'Reservoir rock': ['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth'], 'Net pay thickness (m)': [1.0, 21.0, 41.0, 61.0], 'Avr. porosity (%)': [2.0, 22.0, 42.0, 62.0], 'Average absolute permeability (mD)': [3.0, 23.0, 43.0, 63.0], 'Swi (%)': [4.0, 24.0, 44.0, 64.0], 'Initial pressure (at)': [5.0, 25.0, 45.0, 65.0], 'Bubble Pressure (at.)': [6.0, 26.0, 46.0, 66.0], 'Dew Point Pressure (at)': [7.0, 27.0, 47.0, 67.0], 'Initial Solution Ratio (Stm3/m3)': [8.0, 28.0, 48.0, 68.0], 'Initial Condensate Gas Ratio (g/Stm3)': [9.0, 29.0, 49.0, 69.0], 'Oil density (kg/cm)': [10.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0], 'Oil viscosity (Pb) (cP)': [11.0, 31.0, 51.0, 71.0], 'Contaminants (H2S, CO2)': [12.0, 32.0, 52.0, 72.0], 'Initial Oil in Place (e3 to)': [13.0, 33.0, 53.0, 73.0], 'Initial NGL in Place (e3 to)': [14.0, 34.0, 54.0, 74.0], 'Initial Gas (assoc.) in Place (e6 m3) sol.gas/gas cap': [15.0, 35.0, 55.0, 75.0], 'Initial Gas (non assoc.) in Place (e6 m3)': [16.0, 36.0, 56.0, 76.0], 'Primary recovery / drive mechanism\nNone': ['Wow\nA', 'Recovery\nNone', 'Mechanism\nNone', 'Nice\nNone', ''], 'Secondary recovery': ['Another one', '', '', '', ''], 'Total Wells': ['1000', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Productive wells (oil/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Injection wells (water/gas)': ['500', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Rate of best producer in the field (tons / e3 Sm3/day)': ['30', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Water injection (e3 m3/day)': ['49', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Actual Pressure (at)': ['500', '434-3443', '48930', '4433', ''], 'Oil cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['37', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['4535', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas cum. production (e6 sm3)': ['-', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL cumulative production (e3 tons)': ['', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Water Cut (%)': ['378', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Recovery Factor': ['I love hydrocarbons', '', '', '', ''], 'Current (%)': ['30 20 46 3', '', '', '', ''], 'Expected 2P (%)': ['Not really expected', '', '', '', ''], 'Oil production (tons/day)': ['44', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'Non-associated gas production (e3 sm3/day)': ['-', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'NGL production (tons/day)': ['-', '-', '-', '-', ''], 'WOW Production (Something)': ['1', 2.0, '3', '4', '']}}