J'ai configuré WebSphere MQ v6.0.1.1
à laquelle un client Java peut accéder en utilisant JNDI
via SSL
. J'ai essayé le client et le serveur sur des machines différentes, et sur la même machine. Je n'ai pas eu la même exception du côté client mais c'est lié à un problème de connexion. Du côté du serveur, je n'ai rien dans le journal.
Erreur côté client sur une machine différente : Thread pool thread #0, Exception sending alert: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
*** ServerHelloDone
*** Certificate chain
*** ClientKeyExchange, RSA PreMasterSecret, TLSv1
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 141
PreMaster Secret:
0000: 03 01 DB 7F 1B 78 46 24 D1 B3 7F 8F E4 2B 2D 35 .....xF$.....+-5
0010: 1B EB FF C9 01 C9 EC 12 07 0F F9 88 A9 12 45 77 ..............Ew
0020: 22 AE 79 17 C2 9D 4C 97 04 3E BA 91 1F 14 68 44 ".y...L..>....hD
Client Nonce:
0000: 50 76 7B FB 0D 45 F0 8D EF 54 E0 AB 2C 3A D4 7D Pv...E...T..,:..
0010: 24 52 FB FB 4F F4 1D E4 CC 2C 4E BA 8B CA 3E 54 $R..O....,N...>T
Server Nonce:
0000: 00 00 00 00 8F 53 C4 4D 2F 2F 41 AA EB 0A 80 2D .....S.M//A....-
0010: D0 E4 51 2A CC BC EE 94 92 BD CD E0 9B C9 EB 3D ..Q*...........=
Master Secret:
0000: 9D 93 ED F3 8A 97 39 7F 71 5F 34 52 30 A6 8E 38 ......9.q_4R0..8
0010: BC 17 59 28 78 63 AA 66 63 D0 EE 1C C6 54 CA D1 ..Y(xc.fc....T..
0020: F2 F0 ED 7E D7 81 33 C6 E3 1B 7C 46 C0 FB C8 5C ......3....F...\
Client MAC write Secret:
0000: 57 56 3D 05 B1 27 BE 56 A8 FD 07 64 0A 96 62 F2 WV=..'.V...d..b.
0010: AE AF B5 98 ....
Server MAC write Secret:
0000: F5 C7 B2 D2 79 11 90 6C C8 FD 86 8B E5 AE 59 71 ....y..l......Yq
0010: B2 A7 AB D3 ....
Client write key:
0000: 54 FD FD 8B C2 B4 8B 3F 38 23 25 5A 8A 41 26 9B T......?8#%Z.A&.
Server write key:
0000: 6D 9C C0 97 ED 21 3F 0E 0A FB E2 2B EE C0 5F 01 m....!?....+.._.
... no IV used for this cipher
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
*** Finished
verify_data: { 182, 85, 56, 238, 250, 233, 155, 119, 224, 254, 23, 196 }
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 36
Thread pool thread #0, READ: TLSv1 Change Cipher Spec, length = 1
Thread pool thread #0, READ: TLSv1 Handshake, length = 36
*** Finished
verify_data: { 215, 140, 30, 150, 82, 161, 85, 160, 127, 189, 226, 74 }
%% Cached client session: [Session-1, SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA]
Thread pool thread #0, setSoTimeout(120000) called
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Application Data, length = 150
Thread pool thread #0, READ: TLSv1 Application Data, length = 56
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Application Data, length = 48
Thread pool thread #0, called close()
Thread pool thread #0, called closeInternal(true)
Thread pool thread #0, SEND TLSv1 ALERT: warning, description = close_notify
Thread pool thread #0, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 22
Thread pool thread #0, Exception sending alert: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
Erreur côté client de la même machine : Thread pool thread #0, Exception sending alert: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
Il semble que le client écrive alors que le serveur a déjà fermé la connexion.
10/10/12 2:26:23 PM - Process(10995.12) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
AMQ9631: The CipherSpec negotiated during the SSL handshake does not match the
required CipherSpec for channel 'SSL.CHANNEL'.
There is a mismatch between the CipherSpecs on the local and remote ends of
channel 'SSL.CHANNEL'. The channel will not run until this mismatch is
resolved. The CipherSpec required in the local channel definition is
'RC4_SHA_US'. The name of the CipherSpec negotiated during the SSL handshake is
'RC4_SHA_US'. A code is displayed if the name of the negotiated CipherSpec
cannot be determined.
Change the channel definitions for 'SSL.CHANNEL' so the two ends have matching
CipherSpecs and restart the channel. If the certificate in use by one end of
the channel is a Global Server Certificate, then the negotiated CipherSpec may
not match that specified on either end of the channel. This is because the SSL
protocol allows a Global Server Certificate to automatically negotiate a higher
level of encryption. In these cases specify a CipherSpec which meets the
requirements of the Global Server Certificate.
----- amqccisa.c : 851 --------------------------------------------------------
10/10/12 2:26:23 PM - Process(10995.12) User(mqm) Program(amqrmppa)
AMQ9999: Channel program ended abnormally.
Channel program 'SSL.CHANNEL' ended abnormally.
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'SSL.CHANNEL' in the error
files to determine the cause of the failure.
----- amqrmrsa.c : 468 --------------------------------------------------------
Edit 2 :
AMQ8414: Display Channel details.
Le Cipher utilisé côté client en utilisant JMSAdmin
Sur la base de CipherSpecs et CipherSuites SSL RC4_SHA_US
semble correspondre SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA