Habituellement, on le voit dans le fichier .gemspec. eg. i18n.gemspec .
$: << File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
Habituellement, on le voit dans le fichier .gemspec. eg. i18n.gemspec .
$: << File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
Pre-defined variables
$! The exception information message set by 'raise'.
$@ Array of backtrace of the last exception thrown.
$& The string matched by the last successful match.
$` The string to the left of the last successful match.
$' The string to the right of the last successful match.
$+ The highest group matched by the last successful match.
$1 The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$~ The information about the last match in the current scope.
$= The flag for case insensitive, nil by default.
$/ The input record separator, newline by default.
$\ The output record separator for the print and IO#write. Default is nil.
$, The output field separator for the print and Array#join.
$; The default separator for String#split.
$. The current input line number of the last file that was read.
$< The virtual concatenation file of the files given on command line (or from $stdin if no files were given).
$> The default output for print, printf. $stdout by default.
$_ The last input line of string by gets or readline.
$0 Contains the name of the script being executed. May be assignable.
$* Command line arguments given for the script sans args.
$$ The process number of the Ruby running this script.
$? The status of the last executed child process.
$: Load path for scripts and binary modules by load or require.
$" The array contains the module names loaded by require.
$DEBUG The status of the -d switch.
$FILENAME Current input file from $<. Same as $<.filename.
$LOAD_PATH The alias to the $:.
$stderr The current standard error output.
$stdin The current standard input.
$stdout The current standard output.
$VERBOSE The verbose flag, which is set by the -v switch.
$-0 The alias to $/.
$-a True if option -a is set. Read-only variable.
$-d The alias to $DEBUG.
$-F The alias to $;.
$-i In in-place-edit mode, this variable holds the extension, otherwise nil.
$-I The alias to $:.
$-l True if option -l is set. Read-only variable.
$-p True if option -p is set. Read-only variable.
$-v The alias to $VERBOSE.
$ -w True if option -w is set.
les raccourcis ci-dessus sont un anachronisme malheureux de Perl ! Il existe des "noms anglais" pour certains d'entre eux, qui sont explicites, et qui devraient être utilisés s'ils sont disponibles.
voir aussi : https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/2.4.0/globals_rdoc.html
est équivalent à $LOAD_PATH
c'est-à-dire la liste des répertoires que vous pouvez require
sans donner un chemin plus spécifique. Vous trouverez le Ruby QuickRef utile pour d'autres variables prédéfinies que vous pouvez rencontrer.
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