Si vous utilisez eclipse, il y a un plugin
J'ai écrit un simple script python basé sur l'Argent du Dragon répondre.
J'avais besoin d'une solution plus flexible, donc je suis venu avec cette.
Il vous permet d'ajouter un headerfile à tous les fichiers dans un répertoire, de manière récursive.
Vous pouvez éventuellement ajouter une regex le nom du fichier doit correspondre, et une regex qui les noms de répertoire doit correspondre et une regex à la première ligne du fichier ne correspond pas.
Vous pouvez utiliser ce dernier argument pour vérifier si la tête est déjà inclus.
Ce script va automatiquement ignorer la première ligne d'un fichier si cela commence avec un shebang (#!). Ceci pour ne pas casser d'autres scripts qui s'appuient sur cette.
Si vous ne souhaitez pas ce comportement, vous devrez commentaire de 3 lignes dans writeheader.
ici, il est:
This script attempts to add a header to each file in the given directory
The header will be put the line after a Shebang (#!) if present.
If a line starting with a regular expression 'skip' is present as first line or after the shebang it will ignore that file.
If filename is given only files matchign the filename regex will be considered for adding the license to,
by default this is '*'
usage: python addheader.py headerfile directory [filenameregex [dirregex [skip regex]]]
easy example: add header to all files in this directory:
python addheader.py licenseheader.txt .
harder example adding someone as copyrightholder to all python files in a source directory,exept directories named 'includes' where he isn't added yet:
python addheader.py licenseheader.txt src/ ".*\.py" "^((?!includes).)*$" "#Copyright .* Jens Timmerman*"
where licenseheader.txt contains '#Copyright 2012 Jens Timmerman'
import os
import re
import sys
def writeheader(filename,header,skip=None):
write a header to filename,
skip files where first line after optional shebang matches the skip regex
filename should be the name of the file to write to
header should be a list of strings
skip should be a regex
f = open(filename,"r")
inpt =f.readlines()
output = []
#comment out the next 3 lines if you don't wish to preserve shebangs
if len(inpt) > 0 and inpt[0].startswith("#!"):
inpt = inpt[1:]
if skip and skip.match(inpt[0]): #skip matches, so skip this file
output.extend(header) #add the header
for line in inpt:
f = open(filename,'w')
print "added header to %s" %filename
except IOError,err:
print "something went wrong trying to add header to %s: %s" % (filename,err)
def addheader(directory,header,skipreg,filenamereg,dirregex):
recursively adds a header to all files in a dir
arguments: see module docstring
listing = os.listdir(directory)
print "listing: %s " %listing
#for each file/dir in this dir
for i in listing:
#get the full name, this way subsubdirs with the same name don't get ignored
fullfn = os.path.join(directory,i)
if os.path.isdir(fullfn): #if dir, recursively go in
if (dirregex.match(fullfn)):
print "going into %s" % fullfn
addheader(fullfn, header,skipreg,filenamereg,dirregex)
if (filenamereg.match(fullfn)): #if file matches file regex, write the header
writeheader(fullfn, header,skipreg)
def main(arguments=sys.argv):
main function: parses arguments and calls addheader
##argument parsing
if len(arguments) > 6 or len(arguments) < 3:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s headerfile directory [filenameregex [dirregex [skip regex]]]\n" \
"Hint: '.*' is a catch all regex\nHint:'^((?!regexp).)*$' negates a regex\n"%sys.argv[0])
skipreg = None
fileregex = ".*"
dirregex = ".*"
if len(arguments) > 5:
skipreg = re.compile(arguments[5])
if len(arguments) > 3:
fileregex = arguments[3]
if len(arguments) > 4:
dirregex = arguments[4]
#compile regex
fileregex = re.compile(fileregex)
dirregex = re.compile(dirregex)
#read in the headerfile just once
headerfile = open(arguments[1])
header = headerfile.readlines()
#call the main method